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  1. C

    Car help

    Value for Money I agree with Maximadude. There are often low mileage, low end Japanese cars available for low bucks. These cars will last 10 years without major expense. It used to be that bigger cars were more durable, because their drivetrains were less stressed at highway speeds. These...
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    Can people change?

    Change Funny how this thread seems to be about the other person changing. I can state from my own personal experience that people can change. I have changed significantly. I am far more at ease and confident than I was as a young man, and less worried about the opinions of others. I am in a...
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    We've polluted our planet with Teflon

    A while ago, I was looking for a source of Teflon grease. Imagine my surprise, when many of the articles were from bird-keepers, you know Budgies, Cockatiels etc. Their advice was not to use any Teflon cooking products as they had been proven to be fatal to birds. Remeber how they sent...
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    Almost buying Nortel.............

    Nortel is the crack-cocaine of the investing world. People that have lost a ton of money cant resist sticking their heads back into into it in hopes of "getting even". I'd wait until all the principals involved are wearing prison pinstripes before getting back into this turkey. Nobody has...
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    Well, I finally filled my prescription for the new ED pill - Cialis. $66 bucks for 4 pills! Has anyone had any experience with splitting the pills? I hardly think I'll be having 48 hours of sex anytime soon. The little blue pill was freakin' useless to me, so I am approaching this as an...
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    My Review of Adult Diapers - Number Two

    Too Funny I just re-read Ref's post, and this has to be the funniest post of this and last year. As we all get closer to the day when these items will be part of our daily attire, I must salute you, ref, for going where no man has gone before, at least on terb.
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    NHLers sent home from Europe

    The European team Bryan McCabe was playing for wanted to bench him for his poor play so he quit. He was apparently -12 with one goal in 12 games, and was quoted as saying that without the centre red-line the game was "like soccer". Apparently about 30 other NHLers have failed to stick with the...
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    New Years Resolutions that you will keep

    Resolutions Top 10: 1. Stop being unequivocally "nice". Being nice to shitty people is a demeaning. Favour those who deserve it. 2. Ruthlessly eliminate negative people from my life. 3. Fully and honestly express my expectations of people. When they let me down, say so...
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    Artie Shaw - Dead at 94!

    Artie Shaw, arguably the finest clarinetist of the 20th century died December 29th. Everyone should hear his version of "Stardust" at least once in their lifetime. Truly sublime. Probably the wrong forum for this, buy hey, someone mentioned Sonny Rollins previously.
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    New Car advice needed

    Never thought I'd say it, but heavier is better. My 300M is an ordinary vehicle in most respects, but even with the "cast-iron" Dunlops it's a very competent winter vehicle. Love that traction control and heated seats. SUVs have traction, but the high centre of gravity makes them unstable, and...
  11. C

    cleaning the ice from the roofs of cars!

    So Easy I am sure the reason most people don't is they think you need a "special tool". Just take your snow brush and gently whack the roof. The sheet metal gives enough that the ice just falls off. Is it just me, or were more drivers grinches this Christmas? Making a left turn and people...
  12. C

    US Rich & Poor divide on the Internet

    You missed the point! Obviously families living at the poverty line have neither the funds, the time or the inclination to be online. Regardless of what the computer itself costs, high-speed internet is costly. I doubt any of you guys would want to go back to dialup, so why would anyone...
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    The Greatest Canadian

    Lester B I saw my first episode last night. Paul Gross presenting Lester B. Pearson and making a convincing case. Nobel Prize winner for Suez, introduction of bilingualism to govt. services, Canadian peacekeeping missions, and, of course, the Canadian Flag.! We could use his wisdom today...
  14. C

    Bush no longer funny?

    A lot of the humour about Bush was, I think, based on the idea that he didn't really win the 2000 election. It was cooI to make fun of him because he really didn't represent America. Now that he really is "the peoples choice", I'm wondering if it will put a damper on Jon Stewart and other...
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    George Coming For A Visit

    Bush visiting B4 inauguration. Why??? I wonder what he wants from Paul Martin. Maybe some press at home. I expect we'll here some platitudes about border security and missile defense shield. I wonder if GWB shares Americanson's view of Canada as an irrelevant socialist shithole? Wouldn't...
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    4 More Years!

    Isolationists Well OTB, the people in the US not wanting to get involved in WWII Europe were the "right wingers". My original point was not to debate the morality of war, but to say that the American electorate apparently doesn't take the Iraq war very seriously, according to the exit polls...
  17. C

    Michael Coren Show on Terrorism

    Well of course. Coren is a very "right-wing" sort of a guy. He's sort of Canada's answer to Bill O'Reilly. I don't think having extreme opposite viewpoints duke it out on TV generates anything but excess emotion. People watch this stuff much the same way they watch reality TV, Springer etc.
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    4 More Years!

    Re: Re: American Exceptionalism How about "immoral" instead of illegal? "They" initiated a war of aggression,eh? As if "they" got a vote. The Hiroshima/Nagasaki/Tokyo firebombings were intended to kill non-combatant civilians. They were not targeted on combatants. This is clearly immoral...
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    4 More Years!

    American Exceptionalism American Exceptionalism is the real problem here. Americans are constantly immersed in the idea that the USA is the "beacon of freedom in the world" , the "good guys" and god's chosen people. The culture reinforces this self-image. Most people get their ideas about...
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    Dems: long knives time

    Lunatic Left?? The US has no "Left", let alone a"lunatic" left. Yours is an intensely Conservative nation. I seriously doubt that Kerry, had he been elected would have done anything faintly "left". The reality is that he would have been a lame-duck president unable to overcome Republican...
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