The Greatest Canadian

save me

New member
Nov 5, 2004
Terry Fox all the way! I was lucky enough to meet this man during his run, the man was and still is a true hero and inspiration to us all.


New member
Apr 4, 2002
Lester B

I saw my first episode last night. Paul Gross presenting Lester B.
Pearson and making a convincing case. Nobel Prize winner for Suez, introduction of bilingualism to govt. services, Canadian peacekeeping missions, and, of course, the Canadian Flag.!
We could use his wisdom today.

Amazing to realize how bigoted Canadians at the time were, and how forward thinking "Mike" Pearson was. Today's Canada, as Gross says, is unthinkable without him. The more time passes, the more Diefenbaker looks like a goof!

Speaking of which, am I the only one who saw "H2O", Paul Gross' political thriller recently on CBC?

A really fine production, really made you think. Gross could be a superstar in US media, but is a dyed-in-the-wool Canadian.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
lenharper said:
Without Terry Fox there would have been no Steve Fonyo.
are you saying terry fox was steve fonyo's real dad?


Jul 30, 2003
I've Had Enough Of You

bbking said:
Oh would you chill - it's a point of view.

This isn't about my admiration for Terry Fox it's about a Canadian that asked one of the stupidest questions in this thread. Which is what has Terry Fox done for Canada? Has this person been living on the moon since 1978?!? I don't think so. Do some research and you will see what this person has done.

As for your comment about Terry Fox shouldn't even be in the top 10 is beyond baffling and YES, in 100 years from now Terry Fox will still be remembered because he has touched millions and millions of people around the entire world.

bbking, you are one of the worst people I have come across out here about the way you think and treat others (but it's always too easy doing that hidening behind a screen name and computer screen). Your arrogance, your ignorance, your an angry and antagonizing brick wall. I wish you the best in your life’s endeavors but your the first person since I joined TERB over a year ago that I'm putting on my ignore list.
I'm asking that you leave me alone and don’t respond to anything that I say in the Lounge or anywhere else for that matter.


The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Re: I've Had Enough Of You

Wow, hell has officialy frozen over, because I'm about to stand up for Dear Old BeeBee.

Annessa said:
This isn't about my admiration for Terry Fox it's about a Canadian that asked one of the stupidest questions in this thread.
Perhaps, but it doesn't come close to rivaling the stupidest comment in this thread, which would be this one:

Annessa said:

I'm... I'm... I'm... You are seriously inhuman.
Stupid = thinking someone is "inhuman" because they disagree with your choice of the Greatest Canadian.

Which is what has Terry Fox done for Canada? Has this person been living on the moon since 1978?!? I don't think so. Do some research and you will see what this person has done.
Is English not your first language, or are you simply incapable of understanding any of its subtleties?

I disagree with BeeBee, but his point is clear. He believes that the Greatest Canadian should be someone who tried to change Canada and, by his measurement, that would be a political, military, or social activist. Fox has helped cancer victims and inspired people. In my books, that qualifies him as a great Canadian, but BeeBee disagrees. Stop hyperventilating and explain to him why his viewpoint is incorrect or too narrow.

As for your comment about Terry Fox shouldn't even be in the top 10 is beyond baffling and YES, in 100 years from now Terry Fox will still be remembered because he has touched millions and millions of people around the entire world.
I agree with you. BeeBee doesn't. It's unlikely any of us will be around then to find out.

bbking, you are one of the worst people I have come across out here
Yes, BeeBee is worse than Hitler.

about the way you think
The way he thinks?!?

Because he disagrees with your measurement of greatness?

Are you on crack? If not, maybe you should try it because, based on your ongoing contributions to this thread, it ain't gonna hurt.

Honestly, get a grip.

I'm asking that you leave me alone and don’t respond to anything that I say in the Lounge or anywhere else for that matter.
What are you, eight?

If you don't want people to respond to you inane ramblings, DON'T POST THEM! Otherwise, grow a thicker skin and learn what everyone else figured out in Kindergarten - people can and do hold different opinions than you.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
I bet The Shake voted for Tommy Douglas because he finds George Stroumboulotoulomouloantifoulopoulos sexy.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
Shake - Mr. King can look after himself - he's no shrinking violet. Why don't you wipe the foam from your mouth and give it a rest.


Lucifer's Assistant
Nov 26, 2003
Hell. Where Else?
It seems to me that the greatest Canadian should be the one that did the most number of things to make Canada a better place.

By that definition you cannot compare the contributions of Douglas, Trudeau, Pearson with Terry Fox. Those 3 did much more to develop the identity of Canadians than Fox did.

As much as I admire and respect the achievements of Terry Fox in a sense he only did one thing, raise money for Cancer. While that should be applauded and remembered in no way did it establish our identity. IMHO, it used our identity as caring Canadians to raise those donations. [And I don't mean that in a bad way].

My vote goes for Douglas. [Terry Fox should be in the 5-10 position]


New member
Nov 25, 2003
Re: Lester B

clipper said:
I saw my first episode last night. Paul Gross presenting Lester B.
Pearson and making a convincing case. Nobel Prize winner for Suez, introduction of bilingualism to govt. services, Canadian peacekeeping missions, and, of course, the Canadian Flag.!
We could use his wisdom today.

Amazing to realize how bigoted Canadians at the time were, and how forward thinking "Mike" Pearson was. Today's Canada, as Gross says, is unthinkable without him.
I voted for LBP already but it was definately a good show of him last night.

He certainly has a leg up on Terry Fox. :)


Sorry folks I just had to do it.

Seriously though, Terry Fox was a solid, driven man that I would have been proud to have known. As it is I am proud that he is Canadian but it's Lester B for me.


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
1. Tommy Douglas - a decent bloke. Pushed for the welfare state which makes him a hero or a villain depending on your point of view. But since he never held high federal office he never had to make the controversial decisions of a prime minister.

2. Terry Fox - who doesn't admire this man's courage, but does this make him great?

3. Dr. Frederick Banting - scientific discoveries is what makes the modern world what it is. He'd get my vote.

4. Pierre Elliott Trudeau - His tenure was a reign of errors; but he's revered by the Ontario intellegensia and the entire English community in Quebec, so it's not surprising he's on the list. He's vilified in the West and in large segments of French Quebec. Few politicians have caused deeper divisions in Canada society than he; yet his victory over the Quebec sovereignists in 1980 was a stroke for unity. He wouldn't be my choice, but I'm a Tory.

5. Don Cherry - a bigoted blowhard who unfortunately "connects" with many English Canadians. He'd be a great right-wing radio talk show host in the USA like Rush Limbaugh. A great Canadian he is not.

6. David Suzuki - He achieved success both at home and abroad. He's also done much to take science out of the ivory towers and bring it down to common folk without PhDs. His politics are controversial.

7. Sir John A. Macdonald - Well, he helped start this whole thing called Canada, so I guess he deserves to be on the list. Plus, his mug is on the $10 note, the one we use to pay for lap dances in Montreal. But aside from being the first PM, I believe he was a rather mediocre one. Certainly Laurier or King were better PMs (and I'm a Tory).

8. Wayne Gretzky - nothing's more Canadian than hockey, so it's fitting that the greatest hockey player is on the list. But does scoring goals really compare to what Dr. Banting did?

9. Lester B. Pearson - One of the least controversial of the modern PM's. The peace prize gave him an aura of international respectability, and he was only PM for 4 or 5 years, and never with a majority in the House, so he couldn't fuck things up too badly. I'm glad to see he's in the top ten.

10. Alexander Graham Bell - Nothing revolutionised the world as much as telecommunications. This man stands head and shoulders above all the others in the list. The only problem is - I'm not sure he's really "Canadian". Not to take anything away from the man's memory, but I think the distinction of "Greatest Canadian" should go to one who is unequivocally Canadian.

In these types of contests I have a natural prejudice against politicians. The inclusion of politicians in the list reflects more the politics of the people than any accomplishment of the politicians. It's instructive to note that only one (1) French Canadian made the list, and he's one of the individuals who later came to be among the most despised in French Canada. Then again, if SRC were to hold a "Le Québécois le plus renommé" contest, René Lévesque would be a shoe-in for one of the top spots, and he'd be fighting it out with Guy Lafleur, Maurice Richard, Henri Bourassa, Wilfred Laurier, Céline Dion, Louis St-Cyr, Alexandre Desjardins and a bunch of guys English Canadians have never heard of.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
The problem is that the question is too open to interpretation.

Who is the greatest Canadian?

Do you mean "most recognizable"? Do you mean "who did the most for Canada as a nation"? Do you mean "who did the most for humankind"? Do you mean "who best illustrates the Canadian vision"? Do you mean "who has the best breasts"?

All of the top ten (and some others) can fit into one "greatest Canadian" category. Arguing is pointless.


Shades of .....
Feb 8, 2002
I am full of admiration for the accomplishment of Terry Fox. As amazing as it was it was still an accomplishment [singular].

Tommy Douglas helped define a cornerstone of the fabric of Canadian Society, our health care system. This was his crowning accomplishment...think how much more he could have done had he really attained national power.

Lester B. Pearson, the soft lisp, chuckle and bow tied Prime Minister had a string of very real accomplishments in his lengthy career and was internationally recognized for so many of them...the Suez, the UN etc. For a lasting legacy that will endure as long as there is a Canada....the flag.

It doesn't get any better than vote definitely goes to Lester B. Pearson. I could see spending along time talking about so many Canadian issues with him...I'm afraid that apart from Trudeau....there aren't too many others that I could say that about.


New member
Nov 25, 2003
Lester B and a possible Trudeau vote...

Shades, have I finally found someone on this board that views Canada and the World as I do? Luv ya!

Good on ya bro.

This CBC exercise of Canadiana, our heros and our opinions is very interesting. Not necessarily the most entertaining thing on TV but definately one of the most facinating and stimulating in a LONG time.



9 Inch Member
Aug 17, 2004
Between Oakville and Oshawa
Terry Fox makes me proud to be Canadian. Apart from his courage, he has raised hundreds of millions of dollars for Cancer treatment. Banting discovered insulin, just think of the thousands if not millions of lives those 2 combined have saved, or at the very least prolonged.


Jul 30, 2003
Re: Re: I've Had Enough Of You

The Shake said:
Wow, hell has officialy frozen over, because I'm about to stand up for Dear Old BeeBee.

Perhaps, but it doesn't come close to rivaling the stupidest comment in this thread, which would be this one:

Stupid = thinking someone is "inhuman" because they disagree with your choice of the Greatest Canadian.

Is English not your first language, or are you simply incapable of understanding any of its subtleties?

I disagree with BeeBee, but his point is clear. He believes that the Greatest Canadian should be someone who tried to change Canada and, by his measurement, that would be a political, military, or social activist. Fox has helped cancer victims and inspired people. In my books, that qualifies him as a great Canadian, but BeeBee disagrees. Stop hyperventilating and explain to him why his viewpoint is incorrect or too narrow.

I agree with you. BeeBee doesn't. It's unlikely any of us will be around then to find out.

Yes, BeeBee is worse than Hitler.

The way he thinks?!?

Because he disagrees with your measurement of greatness?

Are you on crack? If not, maybe you should try it because, based on your ongoing contributions to this thread, it ain't gonna hurt.

Honestly, get a grip.

What are you, eight?

If you don't want people to respond to you inane ramblings, DON'T POST THEM! Otherwise, grow a thicker skin and learn what everyone else figured out in Kindergarten - people can and do hold different opinions than you.

The only thing you are perfect at is insulting and hutting peoples feelings. I'll run out right away and start doing crack. Thank You.



Jul 30, 2003
The Current Standings For The Greatest Canadian For Wednesday November 17/04

Hello all,

I will continue to keep up with The Greatest Canadian broadcasted shows and bring you the results as they come in like I have from the start of this thread. :)

Current Standings As Of Wednesday November 17/04

1. Tommy Douglas
2. Terry Fox
3. Sir Frederick Banting
4. Pierre Elliott Trudeau
5. Don Cherry
6. Lester B. Pearson
7. David Suzuki
8. Sir John A. Macdonald
9. Wayne Gretzky
10. Alexander Graham Bell

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