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  1. 9

    What the hell are the Raptors doing?

    I'm declaring my eligibility for next years draft. I haven't played serious ball in 4-5 years but I think I've got a good chance at being a Raptor. lol I think this was an OK draft. I don't think its as bad as most are making it out to be. I'm looking forward to seeing Graham play. He...
  2. 9


    NBA.com is listing their top dunks and dunkers. TNT had a segment last night. I want to spin this around a bit. Who gets on the highlite reels for getting dunked on? Shawn Bradley is the first person that comes to mind. Craig Eloh also comes to mind, although not necessarily dunked on but a...
  3. 9

    Vince Carter Traded

    What about a conditional buy out? I don't know how these things work but couldn't the Raps buy out Zo but on the condition that if he signs with another team the Raps get this money back?
  4. 9

    Somebody please explain this ...

    Possible reason Most votes are a result of homerism. People vote for the team of their city. In this case Toronto is Canada's team. I'm guessing Carter pull votes accross Canada. This also explains why Yao is the leading vote getter with China supporting him. This is the only reason I...
  5. 9

    Vince Carter: "I don't want to dunk anymore"

    Re: Carter vs. Sam Mitchell OK I missed your point. I'm confused. How are peolple treating Vince like a thug? As for Sam vs Vince, if Carter decides to play half assed ball then this situation wiil explode and the entire team will suffer for it. Can I blame Mitchell for his hard nosed...
  6. 9

    Vince Carter: "I don't want to dunk anymore"

    Re: Carter vs. Sam Mitchell Was that a quote from Carter's mom? Expectations to high??? The expectation to score 20 plus points per game? Carter is more than capable of scoring 20 plus. Was the expectation to take the ball strongly to the hoop to high? The expectation to give it 100%? To...
  7. 9

    NBA All-Star Voting

    This just reemphasizes that the All-star game is a popularity contest and not a display of the best players.
  8. 9

    Vince Carter: "I don't want to dunk anymore"

    A trade has to be done soon. If stupid things continue to come out of his mouth he will be untradeable.
  9. 9

    Black players in particular should heed Stern warning

    Barkley has already stated he is not a role model and doesn't want to be. As for the Artest incident, the fans got what they deserved. I'm not condoning what Artest did. It was stupid and it cost him and the Pacers the season. There was an altercation that occured on the court. I don't...
  10. 9

    Tried something new.....Week 11 Nov 21st

    Early OLGC point spread has Buffalo favored by 2.5. I've been able to capitalize on discreptancies in the past. You gotta wondere who sets these odds for the OLGC?
  11. 9

    Vince Carter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    According to 82games.com 1/105 FG attempts by Carter were dunks. I wasonly ablr to catch the 3rd quarter of the Clipper game but all Carter was doing was chucking the ball from long distance or driving half way to the hoop then throwing up a soft floater. At this rate by seasons end his...
  12. 9

    Latrell Sprewell...

    In todays Star (Nov 5) there is an article about Pat Riley. Riley states that teams should suspend players that go public with trade demands. I'd love to see this happen.
  13. 9

    Nba Pool

    I haven't had the chance to see Francis play live yet but after Orlando's first game I'm definitely going to get tickets for when they come to play the Raps. Hill's health will play a key factor in their success. They are going to be an exciting team to look for.
  14. 9

    Nba Pool

    Title - Spurs East - Pistons West - spurs MVP - Kevin Garnett Any thoughts on Rookie of the Year? I pick Emeka Okafor
  15. 9

    Vince Carter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I didn't see the game but Inoticed in the box score that Carter went 1/2 on free throws. Was he not getting calls or was he not driving to the basket?
  16. 9

    Vince Carter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I still say get him out of here. It's only game one so I wont be to critical. My minimum expetations for Carter is at least a double-double. Pheonix is looking to trade Marion. Maybe something can be done?
  17. 9

    Patriots to go Unbeaten

    Any given Sunday. Gotta love football.
  18. 9

    Roy Jones Knocked Out

    I think RJ was either hit in the temple or the ear. With the size of the gloves it was hard to tell. A well placed shot to the ear can really mess with your equilibrium.
  19. 9

    Hopkins over De La Hoya

    Yeah neither Hopkins nor De La Hoya looked very good. Even though Hopkins finished Oscar with my favorite combo (jab, hook the the body, hook to the head) I wasn't that impressed. I haven't watched too much boxing in the past year so I don't really know the contenders frome the pretenders. I...
  20. 9


    With all the movement it's shaping up to be an exciting season. The West will still be the tighter conference. With Shaq going to the Heat it at least puts 3 strong teams in the East (Detroit, Miami, Indiana). As for the Lakers they could finish as high as fourth. With Divac they've got a...
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