Vince Carter: "I don't want to dunk anymore"


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
jimmy coldplay said:
he made some dunks against the Wizards tonight but the Raps lost anyways
When he scores 4 points and rides the bench they win. When he scores 25 they lose. I guess they should sit him once he reaches 4 points.


Apr 5, 2004
Whats the big deal about someone jumping high thaen dunking

on a open net.

Its like a hockey player skating as fast as he can down the rink

and taking a huge slapper inside the crease on a open net.



Mar 14, 2004
rayfinkel said:
...Its like a hockey player skating as fast as he can down the rink

and taking a huge slapper inside the crease on a open net.

That would be entertaining if he did a 360 and first put the puck between his legs before shooting.

What's the big deal? Simple. Fans like it because it looks impressive. Fans pay money. Why do you think Wince was top vote getter for the past couple years?

He played well the last two games, being a good player on a team, NOT the franchise. (look out for the "red rocket")


New member
Mar 17, 2003
I wonder why DonQuixote, who espouses the view that this style of play - with all the emphasis on showboating and dunking - is killing the NBA, hasn't posted in here, essentially to the effect that Vince's statement is probably a step in the right direction, skill-wise.
A showboating player has decided to stop showboating and use his other skills more.
Frankly, I don't agree with the position, but I thought I'd throw the general premise out there. Is it possible that Vince saying he's not going to dunk anymore might be a positive for his play and for the team?
(Noting that Vince threw a showboat windmill dunk in last night. ;) )


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Carter vs. Sam Mitchell

Would everyone please stop the personal attacks on Vince Carter

waiting for the punchline...

there isn't one.

You can trash Vince all you want for his play on the floor, and some of the statements that he has made. You can go as far as saying he has NO HEART.. I have taken to calling him TIN MAN OR RUSTY..

What gets me is that most of you are the same guys that are complaining about Ron Artest, Ray Lewis, Jamaal Lewis and others like them who act like complete morons and are borderline criminals.

Then you rag on VC like he is worse than Ron Artest et al..

It's very rare that you get both qualities out of a guy.... Super aggressive leader and decent person..... From what I see, Vince Carter is a pretty decent fellow... no drug deals, no gun fights, no ganster friends, etc... Vince may never be the super aggressive Ray Lewis...but then again, he may not want to be that type of person...

My take on VC is that he is like many gifted people that I have known. They have been blessed with some form of talent, and have been able to cruise through life without really applying themselves. They have had no hurdles that have stopped them, so they have not real obstacles that have required them to become mentally tough.

Carter at UNC was part of a larger team that was stockpiled with talent and VC never had to carry his team.

Take VC out of UNC, throw him into the NBA and give him a couple of million bucks, put him on a team that was less talented than his UNC team, and then expect him to win 40 games. Then win the Dunk Contest give him a nickname, and he starts to think that he is in the same category as Jordan

PLAIN AND SIMPLE...Vince has cracked under the pressure. The expectations have been too high, and he is not capable of carrying a team.... Vince wants to be Scottie Pippen not MJ.
Charles Oakley was right about Vince.

So cut the guy some slack. We need to trade him or get Kenyon
Martin here to kick his ass.

Lebron there is a leader....


New member
Nov 18, 2003
Re: Carter vs. Sam Mitchell

Was that a quote from Carter's mom?

Expectations to high??? The expectation to score 20 plus points per game? Carter is more than capable of scoring 20 plus. Was the expectation to take the ball strongly to the hoop to high? The expectation to give it 100%? To play with heart?

The expectation to be the team leader was obviously beyond his ability. Unless you challenge a player how else is he going to improve? Give him a break? Cut him some slack? NO. If he plays well I'll applaud him. If he consistenly plays poorly then I'll "boo" him. Every player is entitled to missing a shot or having a bad game. If Carter has a bad game because he chooses not to play the best he can then I'll say he played like crap.

Back off the Carter bashing? I don't think so.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Re: Re: Carter vs. Sam Mitchell

98Talon said:

Back off the Carter bashing? I don't think so.
Did not mean to imply that we should stop bashing him for his play on the court....

Did say that the personal attacks are uncalled for and unfair.
It seems that you completely missed the point that I was trying to make.. and that is the guy is not a thug, yet people are treating him like one..

The title of my post was Carter Vs Sam Mitchell...and I completely left that out..

Does it seem that Mitchell is also very tired of Carter's soft play? When Carter issued the NO DUNKS statement, I thought that was great because it seemed like a challenge to Mitchell. I was hoping that this would explode and lead to a trade for VC..


New member
Nov 18, 2003
Re: Carter vs. Sam Mitchell

slowandeasy said:
Did say that the personal attacks are uncalled for and unfair.
It seems that you completely missed the point that I was trying to make.. and that is the guy is not a thug, yet people are treating him like one..

The title of my post was Carter Vs Sam Mitchell...and I completely left that out..
OK I missed your point. I'm confused. How are peolple treating Vince like a thug?

As for Sam vs Vince, if Carter decides to play half assed ball then this situation wiil explode and the entire team will suffer for it.

Can I blame Mitchell for his hard nosed methods? I kind of like it but the potential the Vince and the rest of the team to eventually tune out Sam is there.
Aug 1, 2002
Since he made that stupid statement (joke) he has played 3 games and made 4 dunks. Sure he's still dunking, but not as much as some other players out there. Then again it depends on when he gets the ball and if hes able to do a showboating dunk.

I think he could do a lot more with his game even with his past injuries but regardless, he is not one of the top 10 players in the game.




Active member
May 18, 2003
Vince has played pretty well the last few games. Unfortunately Alston and especially Bosh (who looks lost out there) have not.
Aug 1, 2002
Now it looks like Vince is injured yet again...what a surprise.

This guy is so fragile he must be made out of glass and if he keeps on breaking down he'll never get his wish to be traded out of town.




Apr 22, 2004
its up to Bonner...

hand the franchise over to Bonner!!

This kid is getting ZERO PRESS. His stats in the first dozen games this year eclipse that of Chris Bosh last year. The guys shoots at a 60% success rate. He hits from outside and has shown several moves to the basket for easy layups. Bonner may not be a franchise player(but he may be) but he will be an intregal part of Toronto's future success. He even plays pretty decent defensive. The kid doesn't have a problem keeping one hand up in the air on D no matter how gay it looks(and it works). I don't know how many shots Loren Woods would have blocked or altered if he wasn't so lazy(or probably just full of himself) to keep a hand up in the air while defending.

Trade Carter for Abdur Rahim. We need another 15 boards a game along with his 15 points. Rahim, Bosh, Bonner, Marshal, Rafer and Palacio can be an awesome core group. Mix in Peterson, Murray, as subs. Patience with Arrujo and Pape Sow.

Rose can stay.....or trade for more inside presence.


People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
Onions Onions Onions!!!!

Bonner not getting any press? OMG he's getting a ton and rightfully so. The "Red Rocket" is really the only think going right for the Raps so far this year. I just worry this innocent looking hick from New Hampshire ( i think) is gonna learn nothing but bad things from this group of idiots we have here. I like Bonner, love his work ethic and hustle (well he tries)


Mar 14, 2004
bonners only press is from chuck for now. I don't think any US stations are showing him on the highlite reels.
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