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  1. G

    My considered opinion on the legality of HJ's and PM's...

    OK Perry, I will take a stab at this. And please everyone who reads this I am going to play devil's advocate. I don't really believe any of the things I am about to write, I am trying to help Perry analyze his situation and so I'm going to try and post the opposing view regardless of what my own...
  2. G

    Dancer in the family? HELP ME?

  3. G

    I need to "shelter" about $70k

    CRA has closed almost all the loopholes that used to exist through a series of attribution rules, and rules for offshore accounts. As someone said, they want you to pay tax on your global income. If you want to wire it overseas you will likely need to set up an overseas corporation, so that...
  4. G

    Margaret Hassan

    My understanding is practically ALL of the kidnappings are for money, and virtually all of them come with a monetary demand. The threat is not that the kidnappers will kill the victim; the threat is that the kidnappers will turn the victim over to Al Qaeda. Of course... Al Qaeda will kill the...
  5. G

    SP's with "no review" policies

    I think there is a question here of just exactly what constitutes a "review". If an SP says she doesn't want reviews, I think that should be respected. Don't post a description of what happened in your session with her. On the other hand, I think outing someone who lies about themselves and...
  6. G

    Buying a house with a friend...

    Yes!!!!! In fact, in this new modern age, it doesn't matter whether your live-in partner is male or female. The government no longer discriminates on the basis of gender or sexual orientation, and as a result you can wind up being common law married to another guy, even if you are just friends...
  7. G

    offshore online gambling - legal?

    So if it were legal... one nice thing about Canadian law is that gambling income is tax free... so this would provide you with a way to invest money in the S&P 500... tax free.
  8. G

    offshore online gambling - legal?

    So it's pretty clear to me that under Canadian law it is illegal to set up or operate an offshore online gambling service to people living in Canada. Canadian law may not be able to reach you; but it seems to be illegal. My question is, what about Canadians accessing these sites? Just because...
  9. G

    4 More Years!

    Certainly it's more theocratic than Canada is; but it's nowhere close to being an Iran. Still--there are segments of the US that are just so backwards, like Ohio adding creationism to the curriculum. The current administration has also actively interfered with scientific studies where the...
  10. G

    Dems: long knives time

    No? Then why do they teach creationism in their schools? Ohio certainly has pockets of enlightenment, particularly Columbus, but the rest of the state seems to me to be pretty thoroughly steeped in the Bible. My concern with Bush really boils down to his coupling of religion and politics. I...
  11. G

    Is my friend an alcoholic???

    James, she's an alcoholic. I think you should tell her how you feel about her--all of it. Maybe tell her if she quit the drinking you'd love to be with her, but you can't be there while she's drinking. Offer to support her as far as you can. Probably having said that what you should do is...
  12. G

    4 More Years!

    So, now that Bush has won, America can get back to cracking down on immoral things like drugs and prostitution, teaching creationism in school, and banning condoms.
  13. G

    Dems: long knives time

    peeping tom: your term is not even accurate. Are you against marriage by hetrosexuals who practice sodomy? Can I assume you support lesbian marriage? Or marriage between two gay men who don't engage in sodomy? I think the tide of history is on the side of gay marriage. If the R's persist in...
  14. G

    Will having Kerry in office change much?

    On all the issues anybody talks about I think there's little difference between Kerry and Bush. One says he'll stay the course, the other says he'll be better at doing the same thing. Kerry talks about building alliances and such, but realistically, who is he going to build an alliance with that...
  15. G

    Another news scam exposed

    Something I think you are all missing: Bush had nothing to do with this. The Whitehouse had nothing to do with this. If they HAD, that would be much *worse*. You really want to leave military matters to the military men. To think that the president would have his finger in the tactical, day...
  16. G

    anyone read todays star? article on why pitt bull ban wont work and how it hasnt...

    Forget the ban, just authorize the police and hunters to shoot pit bulls on sight for sport, and make it legal for the rest of us to catch and BBQ them.
  17. G

    New scam from Brampton Guardian ads?

    If you can, tape record any future phone calls. Even go so far as to tell her that you are doing so--she might decide to hang up and leave you alone.
  18. G

    New scam from Brampton Guardian ads?

    It also likely is blackmail. If you are single and you can stand the risk of disclosure I strongly suggest you DO call the peel police and tell them the whole story. Prostitution is NOT a crime in Canada for either the customer or the prostitute. It might be a crime for the agency ("living off...
  19. G

    New scam from Brampton Guardian ads?

    Even if you DID miss an appointment you never signed anything agreeing to pay a missed appointement fee!! So they don't have a leg to stand on. You, on the other hand, have a reasonable chance of being able to sue them for various damages relating to their harassment of you. The courts take a...
  20. G

    Transferring Mortgage in Mid Term

    None of the big banks have decent mortgages. Go to the discount shops like ING, Manulife bank, PC financial, or a credit union. They have posted rates competitive with what a broker gets you. In the case of some of those, like PC financial, it's just a major bank in disguise except offering a...
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