New scam from Brampton Guardian ads?

The Old Fart

New member
Aug 17, 2003
Halton Hills
I received a call from someone calling herself Melissa at first - on a couple of subsequent calls she used a different name which I don't remember...

She claims I failed to keep an appoinment with this 'Melissa' about 3 months ago, and is now claiming a cancellation fee + various costs totalling $380!

She claims this agency has a record of me calling various numbers from BG, which ,may be true, but they have my address because I did see one girl back around that time at my place. This address is not linked to the number I called from, cos it was a cell phone under a business address.

The say they are going to serve papers initiating a law suit claiming $380 costs, to my apartment on Monday.

Anyone hear of anything like this?

Not that I ever did stand anyone up, but do they even have a leg to stand on.... or is this just to scare the $h*t out of me so that I just pay up?

Isn't this just a blackmail attempt?

Anyones thoughts please!


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Just clarifying a few things.

This Melissa is an SP?
And the agency is an SP agency?

The Old Fart

New member
Aug 17, 2003
Halton Hills
Yes and yes. Well she called it an 'agency'.

On the last call, I let it go to voicemail, she left a 416 phone number, but no name. Reverse phone number lookup just shows it as a Telus cell number.


Tell them you are eagerly waiting the papers... tell them that you do not enjoy being blackmailed & harrassed and that if it continues, you will take measures of your own... and call them a few choice names and hang up


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Tell her you will call the cops if she keeps harassing you!!!


Apr 5, 2004
Just a thought.

I`ve been ripped off a couple of times the last few years.
A couple of us (or a whole bunch) should set up a SP at a Motel/Hotel
and when they come jump the girl or driver and take all there Money.

The Old Fart

New member
Aug 17, 2003
Halton Hills
Thanks for all the suggestions, guys..... they are all kinda along the lines of what I planned to do.

This was perhaps more of a heads up to all... if it can happen to me, it's probably happening to others... perhaps business is slow, so they are looking at ways to extort money from former clients - which is kinda stupid when you think about it... biting off the hand that feeds you!

Lets see what happens, if anything, tomorrow. Watch this space!

sexy lady

Nov 28, 2003
toronto, Ontario
i would suggest that u tell her that if these calls do not stop then u will go to the cops and press charges for harraments.

P.S. what about all the john's that get ripped off, do they have the sames rights on trying to collect their money for non services.


Active member
Sep 3, 2004
The Old Fart said:
I received a call from someone calling herself Melissa at first - on a couple of subsequent calls she used a different name which I don't remember...

She claims I failed to keep an appoinment with this 'Melissa' about 3 months ago, and is now claiming a cancellation fee + various costs totalling $380!

She claims this agency has a record of me calling various numbers from BG, which ,may be true, but they have my address because I did see one girl back around that time at my place. This address is not linked to the number I called from, cos it was a cell phone under a business address.

The say they are going to serve papers initiating a law suit claiming $380 costs, to my apartment on Monday.

Anyone hear of anything like this?

Not that I ever did stand anyone up, but do they even have a leg to stand on.... or is this just to scare the $h*t out of me so that I just pay up?

Isn't this just a blackmail attempt?

Anyones thoughts please!
Amateurish shakedown based on avoiding embarrassment of public disclosure.

1. Ignore them
2. Sean Connery, Untouchables: "They send one of yours to the hospital, you send onf of them to the morgue."

Be strong. They want to be exposed less than you do.


New member
Sep 9, 2002
Even if you DID miss an appointment you never signed anything agreeing to pay a missed appointement fee!! So they don't have a leg to stand on. You, on the other hand, have a reasonable chance of being able to sue them for various damages relating to their harassment of you.

The courts take a dim view of people who harass other people with friviolous, no-merit lawsuits, especially ones that are designed to humiliate.

Of course if they DID serve papers on you, those papers would clearly specify THEIR real names and addresses as well. I doubt they really want to take that step.


New member
Sep 9, 2002
It also likely is blackmail. If you are single and you can stand the risk of disclosure I strongly suggest you DO call the peel police and tell them the whole story. Prostitution is NOT a crime in Canada for either the customer or the prostitute. It might be a crime for the agency ("living off the avails") though it's rarely enforced.

What IS a crime, though, is blackmail, and you ought to be able to land her in jail if she persists with this. Of course, to get her behind bars you will have to stand up in a public court and tell your side of the story. She's betting you won't want to do that. If she's wrong, make her pay.


New member
Sep 9, 2002
If you can, tape record any future phone calls. Even go so far as to tell her that you are doing so--she might decide to hang up and leave you alone.
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