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Another news scam exposed

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
Ok, so it was reported that 377 tons were missing but in actual fact it's more like 3 tons may be missing. I'm sure that makes all the military personal there feel SO MUCH safer.


It took half a pound of RDX* to bring down a 747 over Scotland. A rough calculation will show that 1 ton is equal to 2200 lbs (approx). Sounds to me like they misplaced enough explosives to cause some serious damage to me langeweile. I guess the true point of the story is lost on many.

* From

"It has a high degree of stability in storage and is considered the most powerful and brisant of the military high explosives"


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Cardinal Fang said:
Ok, so it was reported that 377 tons were missing but in actual fact it's more like 3 tons may be missing. I'm sure that makes all the military personal there feel SO MUCH safer.


It took half a pound of RDX* to bring down a 747 over Scotland. A rough calculation will show that 1 ton is equal to 2200 lbs (approx). Sounds to me like they misplaced enough explosives to cause some serious damage to me langeweile. I guess the true point of the story is lost on many.

* From

"It has a high degree of stability in storage and is considered the most powerful and brisant of the military high explosives"
If you want to talk about the true meaning of the story, than let's go.
In ANY war there is a time of confusion. Battle lines are blury, positions change everyday, many times you have a hard time to distinguish between friend and foe, criminal elements are taking advantage of the situation for they own gain etc...
To imply that these conditions are somehow unique and apply only to IRAQ, has more to do with politics that reality.

Kerry needed an issue to run on. He picked Iraq, well knowing that ANY armed conflict is never clean and never black and white. He took advantage of the nastiness of war and used it to his advantage. It was a well planned strategy. It was the only issue he could successfully run on.
The "lost explosive issue" is part of the strategy, the amount is irrelevant. The fact that it happened is irelevant. Unless you want to believe that this has never happened in a war ever. I believe that this is not the only instance of stolen explosives in Iraq, or somewhere else.
It is a ploy, to make his case for a failed war. That is the heart of the story IMHO.
You can take any conflict in the history of the world and make any of the participants look good or bad, pending on the spin you want to put on.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Cardinal Fang said:
I'm sure that makes all the military personal there feel SO MUCH safer.
It should. And I'll bet if you ask any soldier, they'll tell you they would rather know the enemy has 3 tons than 377 tons. In fact, that type of attitude that 377 tons is no different than 3 tons is exactly the type that pisses off soldiers.

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
Keebler Elf said:
In fact, that type of attitude that 377 tons is no different than 3 tons is exactly the type that pisses off soldiers.
I'll be sure to relay that to the Pentagon Keebler Elf. We could make sure to tell the soldiers on the ground that if one of their friends die as a result of these "missing" explosives that they should be happy they only have 3 tons of it.

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
langeweile said:
The "lost explosive issue" is part of the strategy, the amount is irrelevant.
That was the point I was trying to make.

langeweile said:
The fact that it happened is irelevant.
Ah….. but I disagree here. This type of explosive is the favorite of many terrorist groups around the world langeweile. This is the type of explosive that can be easily be manipulated and used with basic skills. This is the type of weapon the Bush Administration was afraid was being sold to terrorists to use against Americans.

Given the spectre this war is being fought under any missing ordnance would and should be of more concern especially when your own country is so divided on the war.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
So here is what we know:

We don't know who took it

We don't know how much they took

We don't know when they took it

But we do know whom to blame - Bush of course.




Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Re: Re: Another news scam exposed

bbking said:
Sorry Lange - the fact remains that this site was identified as not only a weapons depot, but it had been visited by the UN Inspectors over and over again because of concerns over weapons of mass destruction. This should have been one of the top sites secured and a complete inventory done. It wasn't and to this day the US Military, and the Bush Administration have no clue if the material noted by the IAEA was there on the day they drove up to it. That alone is a huge mistake that once again GWB can't admit to.

It should be noted that Bush and Channey's major complaint about this issue is that Kerry is complaining about the handling of this prior to the results of an official report on the missing explosives, something the Military and the Bush Administration have known about since May2003 and not to share this info with the public - I wonder why?

Maybe there wasn't weapons there, but the Military and the Bush Administration acknowledge that they just don't know to this day if had been emptied prior to the war. It is very sad that the Bush Admin. had so little regard for the safety of their soldiers that securing the Oil Ministry was a higher priority than this weapon depot.

You might be right or you might be wrong. I still believe that his is just an election ploy.
Explosives and weapons constantly dissappear in a war, hell they dissappear in peace time. I propose to you, that the very same story would have beeen a foot note two years ago. I go so far to say, that two years ago, they had been reports of stolen weapons and explosives, and nobody gave a crap.
Kerry wants to make this in to a unique case, so he has something to talk about.
All i am saying is, it has happened before and it will happen again, even with Kerry in office.

*Okay..DON....say it....he is making excuses for GWB*
You call it excuses... I call it reality. Unless you can convince me that no explosives or weapons got ever stolen in WW2 or Vietnam.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
I'm absolutely dumbfounded. Iraqi weapons were the whole reason we got into this silly war, and now that some of said weapons disappear while supposedly being monitored by the US, they don't matter.

lange, I find this especially surprising from you given that a few threads ago you were saying that a few hundred more tons of explosives in the hands of terrorists/insurgents didn't matter. Since, according to you, no amount of missing explosives is a cause for concern, what does it matter if the amount is three tons or three hundred?

Three tons or three hundred - I still gotta know, how does that much weight walk out of a supervised building?


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Re: Re: Re: Re: Another news scam exposed

bbking said:
No ploy - just a really great example on how poorly planned this war was - I don't mean the troops. it just goes to show that when you don't have the manpower, things slip thru the cracks.

You are not understanding me.
In no war ever, even the most successfull(if there is such a thing) ,has there been not any incidents like this one.
The only reason why this is getting play, because there is an election.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Drunken Master said:
I'm absolutely dumbfounded. Iraqi weapons were the whole reason we got into this silly war, and now that some of said weapons disappear while supposedly being monitored by the US, they don't matter.

lange, I find this especially surprising from you given that a few threads ago you were saying that a few hundred more tons of explosives in the hands of terrorists/insurgents didn't matter. Since, according to you, no amount of missing explosives is a cause for concern, what does it matter if the amount is three tons or three hundred?

Three tons or three hundred - I still gotta know, how does that much weight walk out of a supervised building?
before I make a judgement I have to wait for ALL the facts


New member
Sep 9, 2002
Something I think you are all missing:

Bush had nothing to do with this. The Whitehouse had nothing to do with this. If they HAD, that would be much *worse*. You really want to leave military matters to the military men.

To think that the president would have his finger in the tactical, day by day decisions made by mid-level military commanders on the field of battle... absurd.

The president sets the broad political objectives and then ought to leave it to the military to figure out how to meet them. The commander on the ground on that day had reasons for his decisions and I bet one of his reasons wasn't "I didn't get a call from Bush telling me what to do today, so I sat on my ass and did nothing."


Jan 18, 2004
The Blame Game

How about the UN's role in this whole thing. I understand the united states wanted these explosives destroyed in the 1990's but Hanns Blix saw no need for this

If the UN had Done what it should have We Wouldn't be having this debate now

I think if we want to play the blame game lets go back to he prinicple authority incharge of this fiasco. It's basicly just another UN fuck up in a long and shameful list of UN fuck ups

auto doctor

New member
Aug 25, 2004
In a Korn field
My two cents

From the begining this story smelled with bull.

First rule when reading the media is that it is full of bull. And as far as being acurate there is no penalty for printing bull.

The main drive for the media is to make money. By hipe or bull.
The media also has a perfered political party. They will never admit it but they do.

Thirdly, everyone points the finger and argues about the so called report in the paper. Resulting in misguided anger and the sorts.

We should direct our anger at the F***ing media that prints this shit.

Most of the time they know they are printing plausable misinformation. Fully knowing the full story ahead of time.

For example : Today we print 377 million pounds of this missing. Then we print right after enough heat gererated, more half truth. It was only 3 grams of this shit missing. So now everone wants the goverment and every availble bodied person to waste valuable resourses chasing bullshit story from the media.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
langeweile said:
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts.
Senator David Moynihan
That's Daniel Moynihan. Geez, get your facts straight.
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