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  1. G

    Mike Harris vs. Paul Martin - the next election??

    Politicians An earlier post says that we might not know about our politician's extracurricular activities(e.g. Chretien might be seeing Raquel).In some cases that is probably true, but I think generally politicians today are alot more discreet and alot less active than in the past. The media...
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    Mike Harris vs. Paul Martin - the next election??

    Trudeau Trudeau was a winner when it came to the ladies;that should count for something. In the old days politicians could count on having alot of women. Historians say that Mitch Hepburn also had a harem of underage girls. Wouldn't go over very well these days
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    Mike Harris vs. Paul Martin - the next election??

    Inspectors??????? Hundreds of water inspectors were fired. Cutbacks in the private sector has also led to serious problems(e.g. no middle management in corporations to catch people skimming from payroll).
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    Mike Harris vs. Paul Martin - the next election??

    Trudeau Trudeau was a great leader who could have taken on any of these political intellectual midgets with his hands tied behind his back(I do admit though he had a problem with interpersonal relationships). At the risk of stirring the pot more I would like to recommend an admittedly very...
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    Mike Harris vs. Paul Martin - the next election??

    Harris Lied Harris lied big time. Do you remember his lines "We won't close hospitals", "We won't remove money from the classroom", "We won't fire nurses" etc.. etc..
  6. G

    Mike Harris vs. Paul Martin - the next election??

    Walkerton Was The Result Of Cutbacks Walkerton was the result of cutbacks. There should have been someone watching these people. Every employee I know has a boss watching over them in order to make sure they are doing their jobs. At any rate, if Harris runs for PM he will win by a landslide...
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    Mike Harris vs. Paul Martin - the next election??

    Harris? To those who support Harris, I have only one word: Walkerton.
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    Morley Callaghan's Excellent Adventure?

    Canadian author Morley Callaghan (I think he is deceased) once wrote a short story about a high priced prostitute who had socialist leanings and would provide free services for the working class. (Margaret Laurence also wrote a weird novel about a love affair between a woman and a bear, but that...
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    Married Escorts

    More Lies I find that many Sps claim to be escorting only on the side and in their day jobs work as nurses,consultants, accountants, entrepreneurs, etc... I really find it hard to believe that all those esorts are professional businesspeople.
  10. G

    Another Reason To Quit This Hobby

    I really should give up this hobby. I read somewhere that in the U.S. a guy's wife had breast enhancement surgery. In this surgery the breasts sometimes harden. Her breasts did indeed harden. They were making love and he got poked in the eye.The damage was serious:he suffered a detached retina...
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    Invisible Condom?

    A new birth control/STD Prevention technology(called the invisible condom) is being developed and may be available in a couple of years. I think it involves putting a special lotion on the penis and a sustance that hardens(and eventually dissolves) in the vagina. Some women don't like it because...
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    Pros And Cons Of Quitting This Hobby?

    Well Said Sheik has just produced a brilliant analysis. I think I'll stick with this hobby.
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    Pros And Cons Of Quitting This Hobby?

    When you consider the pros and cons of quitting this hobby, one may realize the pros outweigh the cons.For example: Cons Our hobby is great fun and a great stress reliever. You don't have to put up with the grief associated with bad relationships. According to some posts on this board about...
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    Career Advice

    Our hobby can get rather expensive.Maybe it is time to switch to a more lucrative career/job. Can anyone recommend a job/business/career that is lucrative, legal and easy to break into?
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