Mulroney was a lying theiving cheating usless bastard who took the money, i don't care what they say. Under the Mulroney gov't the deficit ballooned from around 20 billion a year under the liberals to over 45 billion a year. And Mulroney was elected on the platform of debt reduction!!!!
Where did all the money go??????
As previously stated, you could have had god running the PC's after Mulroney and you would have ended up with 2 seats. Blame Mulroney on that one.
Trudeau was an intellectual genius, a thinker, a builder, but he sucked at economics. He completely reformed this country as a society. He thought beyond the nuts and bolts of running a country. But, he started the whole deficit spending nightmare, i have to admit.
Walkerton would have happened whether you had a 1000 water inspectors i agree. It was a criminal act, it was negligence at its worst. You basically had a bunch of drunks running the place. And guess what kiddies, there are scores of walkertons out there waiting to happen. You have a bunch of uneducated, good ole boys running the PUC's everywhere.
Paul Martin is the first fiscally responsible politician from ANY party that i can remember. It is interesting to note that since his departure, Manly has had his role as Finance Minister cut waaayyyy back (probably because he can't handle it). Money is once again being spent like water - case in point, the trans Canada. Yes, it's always a good thing to spend money on infrastructure, but does the TC really need to be twinned?? Are the traffic volumes there?? Why not spend less money on improving railways and get the damn trucks off the road??