Mike Harris vs. Paul Martin - the next election??


New member
Jul 14, 2002

Hundreds of water inspectors were fired. Cutbacks in the private sector has also led to serious problems(e.g. no middle management in corporations to catch people skimming from payroll).


Senior Member
Aug 18, 2001
East of Reality
Re: Trudeau

Gumby said:
Trudeau was a great leader who could have taken on any of these political intellectual midgets with his hands tied behind his back
Trudeau had the charisma & salesmanship to swindle a nation into following his ideals. The debt grew substantially under his leadership and he blew millions of dollars on bi-lingualism.


Senior Member
Aug 18, 2001
East of Reality
Re: Inspectors???????

Gumby said:
Hundreds of water inspectors were fired. Cutbacks in the private sector has also led to serious problems(e.g. no middle management in corporations to catch people skimming from payroll).
How does that make someone falsify water reports?


New member
Jul 14, 2002

Trudeau was a winner when it came to the ladies;that should count for something. In the old days politicians could count on having alot of women. Historians say that Mitch Hepburn also had a harem of underage girls. Wouldn't go over very well these days


AKA Exorcist
Dec 21, 2001
Re: Harris Lied

Gumby said:
Harris lied big time. Do you remember his lines "We won't close hospitals", "We won't remove money from the classroom", "We won't fire nurses" etc.. etc..
Harris didn't fire the nurses, the hospitals did. Even to this day there is a shortage of qualified nurses in Ontario. I will agree that he used a shotgun approach, but at least he had the balls to get the job done.


The old gods live!
Nov 6, 2001
State of Anarchy
"How does that make someone falsify water reports?" - Toad

Precisely! Neither cutbacks nor deregulation are a licence to commit fraud!


Do you really want "Big Brother" watching everything you and your neighbours do? And do you want to pay the taxes to support the resultant bureaucracy?

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The old gods live!
Nov 6, 2001
State of Anarchy

"...ask chretien if he thinks that seperate funding for catholic schools should be eliminated. his answer would be a NO, because he is a catholic himself...."

I'm a Libertarian too but my political sense is a lot sharper than yours! Ask Chretien that question and all he would say is that education funding is a provincial responsibility. That's all any federal politician would say.


"...and added the damn GST, because of him I'd have trouble voting for the PC's on gereral principle"

Oh Gramage, think! Have you forgotten that the GST replaced something called the "Manufacturers' Sales Tax"? Having a GST is a far better tax for two reasons:

1. The GST is a tax on consumption, while taxes like the Manufacturers' Tax and the Income Tax are taxes on production. What makes more sense, taxing the fellow taking goods and services from the pile (consumption) or taxing the fellow adding goods and services to the pile (production)? Which is wiser economically speaking?

2. The Manufacturers' Sales Tax was a hidden tax while the GST hits you in the face every time you buy something! In the latter case you get a better feel for the cost of government! (And thank the gods we don't get all the government for which we pay!) Do you really prefer to be hoodwinked with respect to the cost of the government establishment?

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New member
Jul 14, 2002

An earlier post says that we might not know about our politician's extracurricular activities(e.g. Chretien might be seeing Raquel).In some cases that is probably true, but I think generally politicians today are alot more discreet and alot less active than in the past. The media and public has a different attitude these days. In recent times we have all seen political careers destroyed or damaged when private activities have been exposed. In a recent TVO documentary some politicans were interviewed, and they stated that John Robarts would never gotten away with his partying if he were Premier today.


New member
Jul 25, 2002
Agree with Sheik

I have to say I'm 100% in agreement with Sheik. Although Mr. Harris has enjoyed bullying the little guy, and went too far on killing health care, he did keep his word, which is FAR more than Chretien could ever dream of. Chretien has become a real cocky SOB in recent years thanks to the dismal lack of competition from Preston and his racist party to the Bloc and their downright stupid ideas.
Do we really need to spend 15 billion dollars on a freakin highway???? That's the liberal idea of fixing the nation.
We need new leadership before Chretien Enron's the country.



New member
Feb 3, 2002
actually I had no idea about the manufacturers sales tax (I was young in the Mulroony era), that makes it much easier to swallow.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Mulroney was a lying theiving cheating usless bastard who took the money, i don't care what they say. Under the Mulroney gov't the deficit ballooned from around 20 billion a year under the liberals to over 45 billion a year. And Mulroney was elected on the platform of debt reduction!!!!

Where did all the money go??????

As previously stated, you could have had god running the PC's after Mulroney and you would have ended up with 2 seats. Blame Mulroney on that one.

Trudeau was an intellectual genius, a thinker, a builder, but he sucked at economics. He completely reformed this country as a society. He thought beyond the nuts and bolts of running a country. But, he started the whole deficit spending nightmare, i have to admit.

Walkerton would have happened whether you had a 1000 water inspectors i agree. It was a criminal act, it was negligence at its worst. You basically had a bunch of drunks running the place. And guess what kiddies, there are scores of walkertons out there waiting to happen. You have a bunch of uneducated, good ole boys running the PUC's everywhere.

Paul Martin is the first fiscally responsible politician from ANY party that i can remember. It is interesting to note that since his departure, Manly has had his role as Finance Minister cut waaayyyy back (probably because he can't handle it). Money is once again being spent like water - case in point, the trans Canada. Yes, it's always a good thing to spend money on infrastructure, but does the TC really need to be twinned?? Are the traffic volumes there?? Why not spend less money on improving railways and get the damn trucks off the road??
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