Married Escorts


New member
Jul 23, 2002
Hi all,

Hi, I am a new poster, and am also pretty new to this hobby. I am somewhat uncomfortable by the fact that I could be seeing married women. I am not presently attached and would not be pursuing this hobby if I was. That being said I am not looking for a relationship with an SP and understand the money side of the business. However, I would prefer to see a lady who isn`t married if possible.

I am wondering what percentage of ladies in this industry are married? and what do guys think about seeing married women? Is there anyway to know before an appointment whether a lady is married or not?

Master Muse

New member
Oct 7, 2001
The percentage is quite high. That said, what leads you to think that someone is going to tell you the truth? Most guys lie about whether they're married or not so why shouldn't the ladies?

If you add the number of providers who have steady/live in guys to the marrieds, I would think that most providers are in those categories. what's the difference between a committed relationship and a marriage? A piece of paper?

I think you should reconsider your position or perhaps look for a new hobby.

Cool Dude

Fighting Irishman
Feb 25, 2002
Random sampling

If Lickman thinks it's 25%, I would tend to believe him since his sample base is quite extensive; so I've heard. I'm surprised his number was'nt like 25.628%. :cool:
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Original..Non Original
Jul 19, 2002
In Someones Will Hopefully!
It's like killing someone with a gun, knife, or and DWI motor vehicle manslaughter friend no one way is morally or ethically better. Your on shakey ground no matter who is married including yourself ...ya see ...what your go have some fun and don't worry about it or stay at home cuz there is no Mr. Feelgood angle to this..

(although the nude reverse angle is a good place to start)


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2002
I'm puzzled

What difference does it make whether an SP is married? There are some, oike Eve in Barrie, where the husband runs them. Anyway, what about the 15 guys she screwed during the week before you?


Looking On The Other Side!

If willingcanuck's concern is that he may screwing someones mother, then he needs to look beyond whether or not an SP is married!
Many SP's have been in and out of permanent relationships, married or otherwise, and many are still in relationships!
Many may not be currently permanently attached, but have been left with a memento or momentoes of a previous relationship! That being in the form of a child or children, as the case may be!

If the apprehension here is of a moral nature, each to his own! If it relates to the surprise discovery of stretch marks, that may be a totally different issue!



Just A Thought applejack!

If your perception of the ladies is that the most of them are liars, I would suggest that it is only a defense mechanism! They are, after all, engaged in a threatening business!
The married scenario where the husband knows of the activity and often acts as driver may be typical of an SP who feels threatened at the moment!
As I said, just a thought!



New member
Jul 14, 2002
More Lies

I find that many Sps claim to be escorting only on the side and in their day jobs work as nurses,consultants, accountants, entrepreneurs, etc... I really find it hard to believe that all those esorts are professional businesspeople.


New member
Apr 26, 2002
at home
Ouch!! Not nice Gumby....applejack?!
Believe what ever you want to believe.
What I cannot believe is this wasted space with die caca. Was there a point to your indirect insulting of ladies that you spend your free time with? Should I say most clients are liars too? Too their life partners, families? Who has the time. Even though the times are fun and while you throw stones, your still a stepping stone for most ladies out here one way or another.
Get over it!

Be well people

Kathy P

New member
Mar 27, 2002
I find your comments and thought processes offensive, applejack. To generalize, as though you know it all, have met every escort, know every single aspect of each of their lives is not only disingenuous, it's arrogant and blatantly false. Perhaps, in your case, escorts you've met sense that you are threat hence they're guarded about information about them personally. After all, why do they owe you personal information about themselves any more than you owe them personal information about yourself? If you are paying a lady for her time, the only thing she "owes" you (and I really dislike using the word "owe" because a lady doesn't owe anyone that arrogant anything) is the time you've paid her for.

The ladies I've met in this business are forthright, intelligent, savvy individuals who simply want to earn a good living, have a little fun and go home safely every night. Whether they go home to an empty apartment or a home that has a husband and children is no one's business but their's. Clearly the fact that you've supposedly invested time and energy into "tracking down" particulars about escorts you've been with, particulars you've used on this board to discredit their trustworthiness, shows that they are justified in behaving cautiously.

Clients routinely lie to me every day of the week. Many will claim they're not married and yet can only see me weekdays during the day. Some will call and I can hear children in the background. I never challenge anyone on these blatant lies because I figure that their private lives are no more my business than mine is theirs. I respect their privacy. Other clients like to talk to me about their lives and in some cases I discuss my life with clients who have known me over the years and have expressed an interest in me and my child. What it boils down to is a question of limits. I let the client set them and respect whatever boundaries are put in place. It sounds to me like you need to show some respect for the boundaries that others, you have met, have set without judging. It isn't an issue of being a compulsive liar. It is a question about being security conscious.
This is, after all, a business that attracts stalkers.


New member
Aug 31, 2001
Both clients and SPs have to be guarded about their personal lives until a modicum of trust is built on both sides. So the lies are there to protect. Its easy enough to break down this protective barrier if there is evidence of sincerity and respect between parties.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Scarborough / North York
Applejack, you sound like you want an sp who's other profession is a nun.
I guess the bottomline is if you don't want to be lied to then do not ask personal (not work related) questions.

And if we tell you to mind your own business or start asking you personal questions then please do not be offended.

In general, why do some guys need to ask questions unrelated to our job? It is almost like being interviewed or being surveyed.

Most girls will make up a story and stick to it, either it be the truth, somewhat of the truth or nothing to do with the truth.

I don't know which poster it is, but his signature says something to the effect, respect the ladies and you will receive the same in return. Imo, words to live by while hobbying and outside the hobby as well.

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