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  1. P

    Please ban Rogerstaubach

    Bad move, but at least this board makes no pretense of having a double standard.
  2. P

    Danish paper refused christ caricature

    In the United States Liberals took our tax dollars and funded a picture of Christ submerged in urine...the famous "Piss Christ". I wonder what would happen if we did that with that pedophile muhammed?
  3. P

    What Would You Do?.....

    The question is wrong The question is not, "What would liberals do", it is "What have liberals done": - Propogandize the Patriot Act - Propograndize prison abuse - Attempt to broaden their voter base and their coffers by unionizing airport screeners (the result of which would have made it...
  4. P

    Why Korea's, Iran's nuclear weapons don't matter.

    I am not worried about Korea because Jimmy Carter won a peace prize for negotiating them stopping their nuclear program.
  5. P

    Katrina: A Broadcaster's Opinion

    I refuse to believe that any intelligent person that listens to that barely disguised partisan rant could say that was a balanced source.
  6. P

    Katrina was not an accident!!!

    It seems our only choice is to overthrow the capitalist pigs and sieze the means of production for ourselves.
  7. P

    Killing children

    Yet you sure spend a lot of time trying to justify yourself. You don't really believe that, do you? You think because you don't like LBJ that makes you an independent? And you call me symplistic! Who hated LBJ more than the left-wing peaceniks? Link me one post where you've advocated a...
  8. P

    Killing children

    I find it fascinating that seemingly every leftwinger served in the US Military yet the military votes Republican by a wide margin every election. Since I'm sure no one lies on the internet, it must be just a statistical anomaly on this board.
  9. P

    Meditations from the Centre

    You don't really believe you're a centrist, do you?
  10. P

    Canada Land of the Pussies

    Interesting that all the known leftists on this board are posting here. I think he must have hit a nerve.
  11. P

    Karl Rove is a bas***d

    The left needs their boogeyman. I'm sure the libs here can explain the vast differences between Rove and Dick Morris. On his recent comments, was Rove so wrong? When we hired more security screeners, libs scrambled to pay back their debts to organized labor so that incompetent screeners...
  12. P

    Discussion on the Downing Street Memo Public Inquiry: (no lectures no spam please)

    Another interesting article Yes, this sounds like a legitimate hearing worthy of discussion. Seems like you're the only one taking it seriously.
  13. P

    Discussion on the Downing Street Memo Public Inquiry: (no lectures no spam please)

    The argument doesn't "flop" when you've got the Democratic Party Chairman condeming anit-semetic testimony and literature. See except to radicals like yourself that believe in jewish conspiracies, it undermines the whole preceeding and takes away from the message. But maybe we should talk...
  14. P

    Discussion on the Downing Street Memo Public Inquiry: (no lectures no spam please)

    Haha, key witness says the war was a plot by Israel to dominate the world. No matter how hard libbies try to make an issue of this memo, they keep showing what a farce it is.
  15. P

    Discussion on the Downing Street Memo Public Inquiry: (no lectures no spam please) Dean disavows the "hearing" I don't know if I'd be referring to this hearing to support your radical views.
  16. P

    Discussion on the Downing Street Memo Public Inquiry: (no lectures no spam please)

    You mean the hearing the devolved into anti-semetism? If it had been held in Canada, several Democrats could have been arrested for hate speech.
  17. P

    This girl is from Toronto?

    Toronto Model Wow, I supposed there's no chance of her escorting.
  18. P

    Canadian Health Care System

    The two tier system already exists. Except rather than the upper tier being the upper and middle classes, it's government officials like Paul Martin who take their families to private clinics while the rest wait for rationed care.
  19. P

    How long before Canadians get mad??

    No, Canada is so far left that moderate conservative positions seem extreme to you.
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