Sexy Friends Toronto

Killing children


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
DonQuixote said:
PG. You are so simplistic in your views. I'm an independent
I don't trust either party. Its amazing when I take a view contrary
to someone else they immediately character assassinate me
and never address my views.

I don't care what you think I am.
I challenge you to debate the issues.
If you want to banter ideas then we can have some fun.
If you want to bicker and deamonize me then go to hell.

[After being shafted by LBJ [a Democrat] why would I be on the left???]
DQ i think he was talking about TO..supposedly he was part of D-Day...which makes him older than you and me....sure :rolleyes:


New member
Oct 20, 2004
From the NY Times. An Iraqi perspective. You guys can argue all you want, but what matters is what the Iraqis think.

A prominent Sunni Muslim cleric, meanwhile, condemned a suicide attack on Wednesday that killed more than two dozen people in Baghdad, including many children, but he blamed their deaths on the U.S.-led ''occupation'' that has ''destroyed the country.''

Sheik Ahmed Abdul Ghafour al-Samarrai, a moderate cleric in the influential Association of Muslim Scholars, described the attack as a crime against ''newborn children and young boys ... who went to God complaining about people's injustice.''

''What is the guilt of those children? Who permitted this act?'' the white-turbaned al-Samarrai asked. ''The occupation that destroyed the country and turned things upside down is responsible for that.''

Pete Graves

Dec 6, 2001
I don't care what you think I am.
Yet you sure spend a lot of time trying to justify yourself.

I'm an independent
You don't really believe that, do you? You think because you don't like LBJ that makes you an independent? And you call me symplistic! Who hated LBJ more than the left-wing peaceniks? Link me one post where you've advocated a centrist or conservative political position.
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