Toronto Escorts

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  1. R

    Question for you guys ??

    Once I find someone I like, I’ll repeat over and over again. The main reasons for me (and there are many): - I find her attractive, genuine (at least appears to be), personable and can carry on a “normal” conversation on an array of topics, shares some personal information with me and vice...
  2. R

    Question for you guys ??

    LMAO Good catch!
  3. R

    Chinese tennis star changes story

    And I suppose the USA, Canada and the rest of the west have no skeletons in their closets? Just saying.
  4. R

    In the Line of Booty: NYPD Lieutenant receives lapdance from rookie Cop

    I think the cops wife should punish him by giving him a real lap dance and sitting on his cock....Ouch! Lol
  5. R

    A trip to Eritrea

    Quiz question: What do Eritrea and the USA have in common?
  6. R

    anyone else lost interest in hobbying?

    I have not lost the urge but definitely lost the desire, if that makes any sense! Only seen one sp since the pandemic started, was seeing one twice a month before. My business has really taken off during the pandemic so I’m finding that I’m spending my time making money instead of spending it...
  7. R

    Declining a client for high temperature….

    If he knew he has the flu, he needs to think with his brain and not his dick. He shouldn’t be coming to see you or anyone. Sorry, but no sympathy for him. You did the right thing.
  8. R

    Fearless - Toronto walk - End the lockdown

    Or even Calgary, twice the infection rate as India.
  9. R

    Faces you want to punch

    Trump, Trump, Trump all the way! Would love to pound the face of that asshole, Cruz and Hawley would also satisfy my urge. McConnell is just a wimp, I'd just I'd just like to kick his butt.
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  11. R

    Got my first photo radar speeding ticket

    You’re right on. I live in a 30km zone and see assholes speeding down my street regularly. I have no sympathy for speeders in residential districts.
  12. R

    Police brutality alleged in Barrie

    It was not totally justified. The kid was totally harmless and pinned to the ground. Why did the officer need to smash him in the head? All he did was skateboard through a red light. The officer should be put on leave without pay until it is fully investigated. It was absolutely...
  13. R

    Favourite Outfits, Sexy Clothing, and Fetish Wear

    Phew, it’s getting hot in here! LOL
  14. R

    What's your story for seeing an SP or being in this hobby?

    A sexless marriage going on 8 years (zero sex or affection) too financially entangled to divorce. Much less expensive to see an sp occasionally than give away what I have built up. Marriage counselling has not worked. Still sleeping in separate rooms. Seeing beautiful young SPs 20+ or 30+...
  15. R

    Donald Trump is so strong

    Trump is an energetic moron.
  16. R

    Bloor Bike Lanes

    I’m an avid cyclist and a car driver. Let’s face it, there are “self righteous pricks” on both sides. I shake my head when I’m stopped at a traffic light on my bicycle and see a bicyclist run a red light. In the area I live in downtown, 70% of car drivers do not stop at stop signs, nor do...
  17. R

    Maintaining social distancing...Not!!!

    Pea brain, there you go again. What a selfish asshole you are.
  18. R

    REOPENING AT STAGE 2, with recommendations for Coordinated Toronto Reopening Strategy

    It’s not an invasion of privacy get your head out from up your ass. I’ve been hobbying for over a decade and never had any std. I intend to keep it that way and will also try my best to avoid getting C-19 or giving it to an sp. Precautions make sense, too bad you don’t have any with your pea...
  19. R

    REOPENING AT STAGE 2, with recommendations for Coordinated Toronto Reopening Strategy

    Testing Well written and well thought out. Question: Do you have any mandatory requirements for SPs to be tested for Covid-19 (in addition to routine STDs) on a regular basis?
Toronto Escorts