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Declining a client for high temperature….


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
It’s just a flu. So he’s saying “ya I know I probably will make you sick, but at least it probably won’t be COVID!!” Ridiculous logic. I don’t know if you posted the temp requirement in your ad, or advised the client when booking, but still, if he knew he felt sick, definitely should not have booked the appt. Even if he didn’t know, like say you got naked, and went down on him and saw something that looked like an sti, even if he wasn’t aware, you’d still be well within your right to stop the appointment right there!

@Jenesis ive read enough of your posts on here to admire how you understand the frustration of some of these situations from the client POV. That is an amazing quality in a SP. However, you don’t need to feel guilty because he came to see you and then had symptoms of being sick. If he knew, he was 100% at fault (especially in COVID times!!) and even if the temp measurement was news to him and he otherwise felt fine, it’s unfortunate, nobody’s fault, especially not yours. So I don’t think you owe him anything. If he’d dealt with it like a mature human, disappointed, but understanding, it would have been a lovely gesture to offer him a bit extra time, on the next visit. With the way he reacted, asking for gas money and threatening a bad review, you owe him nothing and you’d be within your rights to block/ blacklist him.
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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
Good on you for turning down a client.
He should realize it wouldn’t have been an ideal session if he has a fever.
You owe him nothing.
I don’t see it as a blacklist offence but it’s up to you.


Oct 9, 2006
Bahahhaha who cares lol. Thats too bad...Have a safe recovery! Take care, bye!” Fuck off!
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CB Fan
Dec 27, 2001
For some MPs I visit in Peel the front desk person takes your money for the door fee and then takes the temperature. Now I have always passed that test and the appointment would proceed as normal. But I wonder if there would be a conflict if the customer didn't pass the test and wanted their door fee money back. I think Jenesis was in the right to protect herself. And at least the rejected customer wasn't out of more money if for example he failed a test at an MP.


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2016
Should have I on my add that I take temperatures? Is that really needed?

You guys know how much I like to be fair. So what is the “fair” thing to do here?
If you're worried and want to be fair, you should post on your site or tell the customer on the phone that because of the situation, temperatures are taken and if they're high service is denied.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
For some MPs I visit in Peel the front desk person takes your money for the door fee and then takes the temperature. Now I have always passed that test and the appointment would proceed as normal. But I wonder if there would be a conflict if the customer didn't pass the test and wanted their door fee money back. I think Jenesis was in the right to protect herself. And at least the rejected customer wasn't out of more money if for example he failed a test at an MP.
I think the customer should get his door fee back if he does not use the room.

I also think if the customer complained that he had driven 45 min to the MP and now wants to be reimbursed for his gas money and then threatened the MP with a bad review I am pretty sure the customer would be unceremoniously booted out and banned from ever returning.

This customer that @Jenesis is describing sounds like a demanding *sshole to me. I think she should blacklist him.
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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
You did the right, due diligence. When in doubt, reject and the client should understand due to pandemic. Maybe you did him a favour and he is getting test for Covid thanks to you. If he believes that he has been infected with the flu than he should stay home and jack off. He will probably think twice about writing a review if he reads this thread as he will get drawn and quartered by the responses.
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The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
so in his mind him giving you the flu is ok?
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Active member
Jul 14, 2021
so in his mind him giving you the flu is ok?
Yeah pretty much this.
Would an SP see someone who showed signs of a cold/flu even if it wasn’t Covid? You get yourself sick, other clients sick, and possibly friends and family sick.
Not sure what you could do for the client though he was kind of a dumbass to come when he was sick…
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Active member
Jun 19, 2012
If he knew he has the flu, he needs to think with his brain and not his dick. He shouldn’t be coming to see you or anyone. Sorry, but no sympathy for him. You did the right thing.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Thanks for all the replies.

I was so focused on what he was “out”, I didn’t focus on me. I mean I did to the point that I declined the appointment but I let his behaviour slide because I understood his anger.

Thanks to you all, I have decide not to see him again in the future. He wrote last night apologizing and wanting to take me me up on my offer of extra time for the next appointment which he also wanted to book.

I explained that I feel he knew he was coming down with something if he said it was just a flu. I also explained the threat of writing a bad review is totally inappropriate and a major red flag. I explained that while I understood the anger, it was unacceptable how he handle the situation and going forward, I was no longer comfortable continuing the relationship.

This is sad because honestly he was a good client and we had lots of fun together.

Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the other persons feelings, I forget about my own and what standard of behaviour I should be accepting. I mean I don’t think I get walked over but I do let some things slide that others wouldn’t and I know that sometimes I come across as a bitch on here but that is my dry sarcastic humour mostly. I am an actual softie.

So thanks for all the response, this helped greatly at making me look inward and instead of focusing on his disappointment, I have to focus on me, my safety and enforcing a line of respect to which I should be treated.

PS / I will be making it more clear that I take temps at the door. I honestly thought this was a norm but I see I was wrong. So In ads and on my site I will be making the change to announce that for clients.
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Thanks for all the replies.

I was so focused on what he was “out”, I didn’t focus on me. I mean I did to the point that I declined the appointment but I let his behaviour sl because I understood his anger.

Thanks to you all, I have decide not to see him again in the future. He wrote last apologizing and wanting to take me me up on my offer of extra time for the next appointment which he also wanted to book.

I explained that I feel he knew he was coming down with something if he said it was just a flu. I also explained the threat of writing a bad review is totally inappropriate and a major red flag. I explained that while I understood the anger, it was unacceptable how he handle the situation and going forward, I was no longer comfortable continuing the relationship.

This is sad because honestly he was a good client and we had lots of fun together.

Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the other persons feelings, I forgot about my own and what standard of behaviour I should be accepting. I mean I don’t think I get walked over but I do let some things slide that others wouldn’t and I know that sometimes I come across as a bitch on here but that is my dry sarcastic humour mostly. I am an actual softie.

So thanks for all the response, this helped greatly at making me look inward and instead of focusing on his disappointment, I have focus on me, my safety and enforcing a line of respect to which I should be treated.

PS / I will be making it more clear that I take temps at the door. I honestly thought this was a norm but I see I was wrong. So In ads and on my site I will be making the change to announce that for clients.
Good for you @Jenesis. Your consideration for others’ feelings is commendable, just don’t let people take advantage of you for that (being somewhat similar to you, this is advice I should listen to more often myself).


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2003
Central Ont. between here & there
Thanks for all the replies.

I was so focused on what he was “out”, I didn’t focus on me. I mean I did to the point that I declined the appointment but I let his behaviour sl because I understood his anger.

Thanks to you all, I have decide not to see him again in the future. He wrote last apologizing and wanting to take me me up on my offer of extra time for the next appointment which he also wanted to book.

I explained that I feel he knew he was coming down with something if he said it was just a flu. I also explained the threat of writing a bad review is totally inappropriate and a major red flag. I explained that while I understood the anger, it was unacceptable how he handle the situation and going forward, I was no longer comfortable continuing the relationship.

This is sad because honestly he was a good client and we had lots of fun together.

Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the other persons feelings, I forgot about my own and what standard of behaviour I should be accepting. I mean I don’t think I get walked over but I do let some things slide that others wouldn’t and I know that sometimes I come across as a bitch on here but that is my dry sarcastic humour mostly. I am an actual softie.

So thanks for all the response, this helped greatly at making me look inward and instead of focusing on his disappointment, I have focus on me, my safety and enforcing a line of respect to which I should be treated.

PS / I will be making it more clear that I take temps at the door. I honestly thought this was a norm but I see I was wrong. So In ads and on my site I will be making the change to announce that for clients.
Just finished reading all the threads again to make sure I didn't miss anything from your posts. Yes agree you should confirm when booking or have it on your website that you will be checking Temps 👍. What caught my eye was in your last post that this was a repeat customer, not a new customer & you've enjoyed your past visits. He did reach out to say sorry once he cooled off & acknowledged his error. IMHO, and its your right to blacklist anyone... perhaps give him 1 more chance. But if you say no, I understand that to. My $0.02


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Just finished reading all the threads again to make sure I didn't miss anything from your posts. Yes agree you should confirm when booking or have it on your website that you will be checking Temps 👍. What caught my eye was in your last post that this was a repeat customer, not a new customer & you've enjoyed your past visits. He did reach out to say sorry once he cooled off & acknowledged his error. IMHO, and its your right to blacklist anyone... perhaps give him 1 more chance. But if you say no, I understand that to. My $0.02
And normally I would give him another chance and was going to but two things stood out to me in this thread and really got me thinking….

1. He possibly knew he was sick and was willing to risk my health. If he would do it once, he would do it again and next time I may not catch it.

2. He threatened a bad review, and was willing to risk my “livelihood” so to speak. If this was my only source of income, that would have or could have seriously hurt my income earning.

So he was willing my health and my earning potential. Add to that the general disrespect when he was blowing up at my door. It is a three strikes your out type deal at this point.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2003
Central Ont. between here & there
And normally I would give him another chance as was going to buy two things stood out to me in this thread and really got me thinking….

1. He possibly knew he was sick and was willing to risk my health. If he would do it once, he would do it again and next time I may not catch it.

2. He threatened a bad review, and was willing to risk my “livelihood” so to speak. If this was my only source of income, that would have or could have seriously hurt my income earning.

So he was willing my health and my earning potential. Add to that the general disrespect when he was blowing up at my door. It is a three strikes your out type deal at this point.
Totally get it, that why before I said it further, you have every right to black list anyone.
I still agree with you from the 1st post. And more now as you've added more info & clarity.
Your safety & your family's health is the 1st priority
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