Vaughan Spa

anyone else lost interest in hobbying?


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Saving money at the moment. Investments are chugging along. Some new hobbies currently underway - had to keep busy during lockdown.

Of the 4 regulars I had:

1st one turned into an anti-vaxxer and would rather work a retail job :confused:
2nd one is a bit of a flake. I've seen her once in the last two months but she's cancelled about 6 times. I think she's now a bit of a drunkard. :cautious:
3rd one's options and activities have cratered. Only wants to do hand jobs now but wants old rates. :rolleyes:
4th one is only working two days a week and our schedules don't align. Haven't seen her since pre-covid. But, based on IG, appears to have kept the weight off and looks normal still. (y)

Time to find new talent but nothing really hits the spot despite me looking (Niagara) and also not really keen on going to T.O. or Mississauga right now.
Unfortanately us guys here in Niagara have very, very few options unless we go to Toronto or Mississauga.
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Nov 14, 2011
absolutely, this entire business has gone to shit. fake pictures terrible service. I can scroll threw an entire list just looking at the wording and know it is fake. With the exception of a few Asian gems i keep close to my chest I've about had it

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
absolutely, this entire business has gone to shit. fake pictures terrible service. I can scroll threw an entire list just looking at the wording and know it is fake. With the exception of a few Asian gems i keep close to my chest I've about had it

For the last 10 years I had only be seeing the same SP but was always trying to keep a plan B encase she retired which she finally did. So even though I wasn't booking with other SP's, I was still aware of the talent available, etc.....

It's honestly got to the point where it's not even worth the headaches of all the due diligence required to find a good provider. Not to mention, for me personally the rates have gone beyond what I can afford.

Back in the day, I would post my own ad on CL, BP or in some other classified place and get great responses from pro's and non-pro's. Now you have to pay for something like "Seeking Arrangement" and go through all kinds of nonsense. I just can't be bothered anymore.
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Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
Haven’t totally lost interest in the hobby but would only consider one or two Ladies to see. Kelly (Perfection) would be the one!!


Active member
Jun 19, 2012
I have not lost the urge but definitely lost the desire, if that makes any sense! Only seen one sp since the pandemic started, was seeing one twice a month before. My business has really taken off during the pandemic so I’m finding that I’m spending my time making money instead of spending it. Although I am keeping an eye on the SFT schedule for when my fav SP comes downtown but unfortunately/fortunately she doesn’t seem to be coming here these days.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
I had about a 10 year run where you could buy paradise. Good deal. Women were legends. Now, as others have summed up. They are all gone.


A Big Man For a Big Job
May 30, 2002
Red House over yonder.
I had about a 10 year run where you could buy paradise. Good deal. Women were legends. Now, as others have summed up. They are all gone.
I had a long love affair not just with escorts but with Canada - especially Toronto and to a lesser extent Montreal. When I was a young man you could not walk two blocks downtown without encountering a policeman. Downtown was safe. I track a three mile radius around two key intersections downtown with as I do wherever I travel. Robberies and assaults at all kinds of times are to the moon in downtown Toronto. The police drive around in cars now while the predators with guns and knives are on the sidewalks. Did anybody ever think about putting uniformed police and police decoys on the sidewalks? How about creating some traps for the bad guys. Most of these attacks and robberies have been near the backs of buildings or on side streets near parking deck entrances. Streets like Bellair and Yonge St just north of Bloor and those posh little laneways between Cumberland and Yorkville Ave. have seen crimes increase. Indecent exposures are all over Toronto and could be crushed by using police decoys.

Canadian border guards have become very rude and abusive in the past few years. If I have not committed a crime in the previous 50 years why would I start now? If flying, it costs less to travel to California or Florida than the shorter distance to Toronto or Montreal.

Renting a great condo for long weekends is gone now, the concept ruined by partying thugs with guns. I empathise with condo owners who do not want strangers in their midst but I cannot buy a weekend condo without paying a huge ripoff tax while Canadian snowbirds are welcome to buy anywhere in the US. A well known Toronto condo style hotel expects you to stay there without a guaranteed parking spot. They must have sold off parking spots to raise cash. I am not going to walk three blocks from a desolate parking deck. I am not comfortable being forced to eat every meal in a restaurant setting in a crowd if I stay in a conventional hotel or calling room service for every snack.

Many of my favorite escorts are either on hiatus or have put passwords on their emails without informing me. Mugabe is on point. Escort prices are up like a gallon of gas in a hurricane. So many of the best are staying home or seeing only local regulars.

I am fully vaccinated but nobody would want to get even a flu-like break-through infection far from home.

Have you heard of any Canadian politicians ever talk about investigating the role of organized crime in fixing the costs of asphalt, concrete, contruction materials, and union wages? How much influence does it take to get any major project approved? Maybe these factors have more impact than a few Americans who would like to buy a weekend condo or cottage. All foreigners combined made up about 3% of Canadian real estate purchases.

Canada has become a giant real estate office with a bunch of public and private players who have decided that real estate speculation requires less imagination than creating real business innovation. Is Toronto a ripoff with only Canadian speculators and their enablers allowed to do he ripping? The whole town is in a rat race to pay their rents. I just read a story about a near broke TO restaurant owner who just got hit with $3000 in parking fees that accrued during a time when his restaurant was closed and no customers used those spaces. The town is devouring entrepreneurs instead of helping them. I know escorts must raise prices just to live in TO. Beautiful women and legal cannabis could be a home run. Cannabis has been over taxed and over regulated just like real estate. Truly great gambling casinos would be a home run. You can't support a modern country by taxing drilling and extractive industries and logging and tourism. You have a young high quality work force that can't afford to buy the house they grew up in. Even some escorts I know have moved to California. Your wages are too low relative to the cost of a home.

If you think about it just about everything negative in Toronto right now is tied to this real estate treadmill to the sky and the COVID issues we all need to work through. Your living standards are being reduced by over investing in and over taxing and over regulating real estate. You are under investing in high tech and innovation and business creativity. Your global lead in legal cannabis has been destroyed and pissed away by over regulation. Your politicians have no policies to increase real estate supply and to raise real wages for Canadians. Your taxes on hotel rooms are too high. The time when you can just tax and pass it along is over. When COVID cases do come down I may consider other places to hobby. Montreal? California?

I know Trump started a lot of the hard feelings between the US and Canada but many of us did not vote for him. Like a long and loving romance gone bad, I am very close to thinking about a divorce from Toronto.

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Mar 10, 2020
anyone else experiencing the same?
earlier I would visit SPs twice a week but now it's like once in 2 months

last year the lock-downs forced me to stop it completely at first, but now as things are opening up then also I dont find any encouragement for hobbying as regular as previously
my personal sex life has not changed so sex drive/sex availability in personal life is not issue here
but somehow it does not fit my day to day life now compared to earlier
Yes, I am finding that ladies are coming back but there hourly rates have increased for the same service before covid, and also I am finding a lot of scams


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2019
I haven't lost interest , I just can't find any new talent I'm interested in dropping $$$ on.
Other posters are probably correct in saying a lot new girls are taking the SB route. I don't think I want to go down that rabbit hole.
Touchy topic I know but a lot of ladies put on Covid pounds and still using old pics.
I saw an agency ad for a new "spinner" at 5'4 130 pounds. Is this the new threshold ?
I'm still window shopping .

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
I have not seen an escort in 2+ years due to covid.

I’ve been vaccinated but I still worry about the Delta Variant…plus…I’m outta practice…LOL
Ashley Madison
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