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  1. R

    Shania Twain: The perfect face?

    Glad someone was thinking along the lines of the ludicrousness of the scientists thinking. Forget curing cancer or finding ways for fast skin regeneration etc etc....we should study the perfect face.....LOL U of T at its best indeed.
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    check you pockets for this VERY lucky penny

    And what of bank notes? I've researched that US Bank Notes from the lat 19th early 20th century are somewhat valuable let alone anything from the times of confederacy. Is that fair to say as well?
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    Avatar director James Cameron in Major A-Hole Dispute

    ... That's music to my ears. Always hated Cameron and the Hollywood vibe. As for this scenario, meh, who cares, shit happens. Someone else said it earlier. This is what passes off as news? LOL I'll be happily waiting to see if they'll release an "Avatar" tv series or some other garbage to...
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    Eminem is this decade's best selling artist...

    ... I'm thinkin' he likes Michael Bolton
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    Keeping up appearances.

    GDLover thanks so much for your comments. I appreciate it. It's not as if i ask these questions for fun. There is a reason. I do not live in the GTA and the SPs here are far different from where I've traveled. You could say some are mechanical in attitude. I've been asked once to give a...
  6. R

    Keeping up appearances.

    ... You mean like thinking of another Tiger Woods thread? Is that something you'd fancy? Simple idea. You don't like this topic don't say anything else about it. You yourself called it idiotic so in sense is it not ridiculous on your part to reply to this thread? misterme had the guts to...
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    Keeping up appearances.

    Let's face it. A major reason a guy sees a SP is for their appearance as I'm sure an SP wouldn't mind seeing a nice looking person too. Now I've wondered and wanted to ask some things that perhaps may have individuals feel rather uncomfortable but I'm also sure there are people here at TERB...
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    ... James "fat head" Cameron with another epic failure. Simplistic story. Too much emphasis on the technology of making the film. Some scenes are too drawn out. In my opinion some of the minor characters don't get attention that is needed. .... and yet ..... ... and...
  9. R

    Clash of the titan's trailer......

    ... Yep. It's going to suck. Looks over produced, possibly have too much CGI and most likely there will be extremely horrible acting. Not that the original was any good either but in comparison to this I'd rather watch that instead of this abomination. Forget about building models. Never...
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    Last Samurai on CBC now...

    Something is not right about Tom Cruise period.
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    What's better than sex or is there anything better than sex?

    Before I begin. Still treading the water lightly here at TERB. So far so good. With all sites like this there will be some haters some friendly folk and some....meh.....whatever...LOL I'll hold back on ranting a lot for the time being but I just had to say this. Anyways....LOL Again a...
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    Strangest location where you've had sex.

    I'd like to say thank you.
  13. R

    Sorry Gents!

    ... I give you my condolences for you and your family. Always remember there will be support for you.
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    Strangest location where you've had sex.

    ... This being said a long time after the issue. Return fail. No mention of a sexual experience either Another return fail.
  15. R

    Strangest location where you've had sex.

    ... Don't reply to this you say? Why ? Due to my retort? Look. It doesn't matter. Your sense of humor clearly is not like mine and it failed for both our parts but I am not angry or riled up about it. Just a learning experience for both of us in the future. Cheers dude.
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    Strangest location where you've had sex.

    .... I'm sorry are you trying to get a reaction out of me? 1. She has cancer. 2. She is legally blind. If your perception of fun is to mock me and her especially without any provocation then go ahead. Truly, go ahead I won't interfere. I'd rather let people who mock continue to do so...
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    Strangest location where you've had sex.

    ... Not once but twice. Lucky. Funny how people always like too observe. LOL
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    Strangest location where you've had sex.

    ... Ah yes, awesome :) Nothing like office sex.
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    Strangest location where you've had sex.

    Some people do it in a public bathroom, some in the back of a Honda Accord and some among the woods. Why? Well, why not? Perhaps its the thrill of getting caught or getting away with doing something that others perceive should be left in the bedroom. Perhaps its because the emotions run so...
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    What's your current favourite Christmas tune

    ... I particularly don't like any of these songs but they are often played on the radio at this time of year where I live. Don't They Know It's Christmas - Band Aid ( British collaboration ) and an effort by USA for Africa called "We Are the...
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