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Strangest location where you've had sex.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Some people do it in a public bathroom, some in the back of a Honda Accord and some among the woods. Why? Well, why not? Perhaps its the thrill of getting caught or getting away with doing something that others perceive should be left in the bedroom. Perhaps its because the emotions run so high that all rational thought is thrown out the window and carnal desires turn individuals to rampaging beats. Maybe its a combination of the two. I am quite sure there are many more reasons but again, who cares. Fun is fun.

Simple question. What is the one place where you've had sex that would be considered unusual?

Myself it was at work. Not that sex at work is odd as quite frankly I'd believe it to be more common than we are to believe but it was for the fact that I had sex in an extremely high risk area where I and the lady were as there was always a great deal of traffic of people coming and going.

Quick story goes like this. 10 years ago i worked in a hospital for maintenance. During my days rounds I'd pass by the hospitals pharmacy and would always see a very hot blonde doing clerical work and filing. We always managed to chit chat . For a few weeks it was just light conversation until one day she asked to come by the pharmacy at a specific time as she needed some help with something. I thought nothing of it.

You can guess where this is going. I met her at that specific time, we went into this little back room of the hospitals pharmacy and had sex for a little while. We did it again a few more times after that.

So there you are. Nothing fancy but I figured to share this with you and see if anyone else has had a something similar encounter or perhaps something more bizarre.



Dec 6, 2009
Church confessional (mind you that mass wasn't going on)... I was there for marriage class.. did this more than once and it was the only thing I looked forward to when going to marriage class!

HG Hunter

Active member
Jun 27, 2005
Board room table at the office with the receptionist.
Everyone had gone home, but there was always the chance that someone showed up because some of the sales staff worked flex hours and were in and out at different times.

Another time - in my girlfriend's bed, with her best friend. With my gf asleep on the couch in the living room. Not one of my finer moments, but it was a long time ago.


Feb 21, 2008
god i missed summer camp

Was underneath a large wooden playhouse, at a weekend camp trip I volenteered to work at in highschoo. It was the only place she and i could think of other than the woods. The bad part was it had a gravel base and we did it cowgirl so i had rocks in my back the whole time. About 3 minutes after we finished the camp director found us! "come on you two you know thats not appropriate!" The next night was in the woods!!!
Strangest/ most daring...

On the patio bar at Howl at the Moon in Kitchener.

This place is attached to Roxxannes (A SC) which we planned on going to, and we stopped in at the patio bar for a couple bevvies first as it was a bit early.

So anyway, Mrs. CG was feeling particularly horny that night, and she excused herself to go to the ladies room. Upon her return she handed me her thong and said "its a little wet ;-)!". Hmmm I thought, I wonder where this is going! There was only one other couple on the patio- at the far end... and there were lots of chairs/ tables/ umbrella's "concealing" us to a degree. So Mrs. CG starts fingering herself under her miniskirt, and then she starts licking her fingers. I say, hmmm looks delicious, how about sharing, which she did of course. Then she opens my zipper to free Mr. Happy, and she goes down on me right there on the patio! Before long, she decided that she wanted more so she hikes up the back of her skirt and then sits on my lap guiding me into her wetness!! Under those circumstances, I did last long... The juices were running down her leg and she used a napkin to clean up a bit and then stood up, pulled her dress back down and excused herself to the ladies room to freshen up... The couple at the other end of the patio didn't take their eyes off us the whole time!

But the story doesn't end there! We went to the SC, stayed for an hour or so, and we got a lap dance for Mrs. CG (I love watching her with women) and then she leaned over to me a said, "I want you again, right now!" So when our dancer left we decided to leave, and when we got to the Van, she jumped me right there in the parking lot and in full view of the "smoking area! LOL!


Jul 6, 2005
Greater Toronto Area
In a field behind a mall.


New member
Oct 22, 2009

On the patio bar at Howl at the Moon in Kitchener.

This place is attached to Roxxannes (A SC) which we planned on going to, and we stopped in at the patio bar for a couple bevvies first as it was a bit early.

So anyway, Mrs. CG was feeling particularly horny that night, and she excused herself to go to the ladies room. Upon her return she handed me her thong and said "its a little wet ;-)!". Hmmm I thought, I wonder where this is going! There was only one other couple on the patio- at the far end... and there were lots of chairs/ tables/ umbrella's "concealing" us to a degree. So Mrs. CG starts fingering herself under her miniskirt, and then she starts licking her fingers. I say, hmmm looks delicious, how about sharing, which she did of course. Then she opens my zipper to free Mr. Happy, and she goes down on me right there on the patio! Before long, she decided that she wanted more so she hikes up the back of her skirt and then sits on my lap guiding me into her wetness!! Under those circumstances, I did last long... The juices were running down her leg and she used a napkin to clean up a bit and then stood up, pulled her dress back down and excused herself to the ladies room to freshen up... The couple at the other end of the patio didn't take their eyes off us the whole time!

But the story doesn't end there! We went to the SC, stayed for an hour or so, and we got a lap dance for Mrs. CG (I love watching her with women) and then she leaned over to me a said, "I want you again, right now!" So when our dancer left we decided to leave, and when we got to the Van, she jumped me right there in the parking lot and in full view of the "smoking area! LOL!
Not once but twice. Lucky.

Funny how people always like too observe. LOL


find me lurking
Sep 18, 2009
Here, there and everywhere.
Sears Warehouse Sale

Back in my younger days an old GF and I did it in the carpet section of Sears Warehouse.

We were looking for an area rug for the apartment and were browsing through the rugs suspended from the ceiling in a back corner of the carpet section. It was close to closing and the GF hides between two carpets and pokes her head out and said "we could have fun in here ". With that, we were in standing doggie in seconds with me pulling her hair from behind.

The funniest thing was there was a Muslim couple who started browsing the rugs as we were getting close to our finish. They were about six rugs away from discovering us when the store closing announcement came over the PA.

We quickly finished as they walked away biting our lips as not to laugh.


Jun 22, 2003
#1 - In the outfield while the lights were on while at a dance beside the local ball field. High School days.

#2- In a parking garage in Utrech Holland. Not with a red light lady!! And not in the car. College Days.

#3 - On parliment hill. Beside the centre block there are stairs that go down to the riveer. Great place. I used to take dates for walks around the hill and ended up there a few times!! Working Days

#4 - Fantasia - Alot of days!!


Wherever u go, there u r
Jan 7, 2009
What is the one place where you've had sex that would be considered unusual?
I had sex in your Mother's bed once. She was there too. It was a long time ago, the consequences were dire, and I try not to think about it. To this day she still e-mails me, pestering me about Luke ranting alot.


New member
Oct 22, 2009

I had sex in your Mother's bed once. She was there too. It was a long time ago, the consequences were dire, and I try not to think about it. To this day she still e-mails me, pestering me about Luke ranting alot.

I'm sorry are you trying to get a reaction out of me?

1. She has cancer.
2. She is legally blind.

If your perception of fun is to mock me and her especially without any provocation then go ahead. Truly, go ahead I won't interfere. I'd rather let people who mock continue to do so and show their true colors too everyone instead of causing a fight about it on the net.
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