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  1. R

    What is the best thing about KFC?

    ... nosidam has the right idea but I am not a fan of Popeye's. Better alternatives in my opinion would be St. Hubert and Swiss Chalet.
  2. R

    Terb theme song

    ... As a hobby I like to do video editing. I haven't quite read all the rules and guidelines yet at TERB but if it is allowed I could create a video using a particular song and then use movie clips / pictures of various ladies and then post it here for all to see. Nothing will be started...
  3. R

    Handicapped get first dibs?

    ... I fail to see why you continue to doubt nolabel. Seems that some people have no faith if any here at all. It's like you all have to actually be there and see it for yourselves to take anything into account It all makes me wonder about posting reviews here. I'd like to post them the next...
  4. R

    Handicapped get first dibs?

    ... Ok. I wasn't the only guy yelling but whatever. Your honest enough Untouchable I'll give you that.
  5. R

    Handicapped get first dibs?

    Right. Say what you want Cobra. Cobra was also the enemy of G.I. Joe and a Cobra is also a lethal snake by some standards. I'll never understand how people find fault in others so quickly when they know nothing about them.
  6. R

    Handicapped get first dibs?

    That's TOTALLY fine. I said that there would be disbelief. Just too bad. I am hardly wheelchair bound. Far from it.
  7. R

    Was the parking cop overstepping his authority?

    ... The Canadian Highway Traffic Act gives this definition: “park” or “parking”, when prohibited, means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when standing temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers...
  8. R

    Handicapped get first dibs?

    Thats fine. I had a hunch some wouldn't. As i quoted from another I'll just have further reservations to those who are quick to doubt. Some quick to judge. Ah well.
  9. R

    Handicapped get first dibs?

    Again I stated earlier its of no consequence if you believe me or not. This did happen. I understand your reservations for not believing which is a grand shame as I now have to doubt anything you write to a degree. I fail to see whats hard to believe in this story.......perhaps if I made it...
  10. R

    Handicapped get first dibs?

    ... Yeah I agree. The wheelchair guy was an ass but do you think he should've had a crack at that ABM? Me? I say hell no but others would say.....but he's handicapped....he should get it no matter what.
  11. R

    Who has had a fuck buddy?

    ... Did have one until she found another a few months later
  12. R

    Handicapped get first dibs?

    Yes. This is one hundred per cent real. It happened just the other day and let me say that though I'm new some may question my honesty and disbelieve where as others may not. All I can say is say or think what you want. I'd rather earn your trust and tell you something you would like or...
  13. R

    This is 60 minutes.

    ... LOL Don't underestimate the guys here. I'm sure that picking just 2 is hard enough as it is. I still say Id love to see Tina White. :D If the thread fails, meh,it fails, if the thread goes on then fabulous. Yes, there's more to this site than the girls but damn I look at it this way...
  14. R

    This is 60 minutes.

    Ok all. I admit that in reading various reviews that I often wonder how you can have a review that praises a SP to the heavens only to see another that treats them like dirt. This sort of ties in to this idea I have. Now it's just a fantastical idea of course but the idea is that say you had...
  15. R

    Batch of Canadian H1N1 vaccine recalled for severe reactions

    ... Oh wow. You mean the media is causing and infusing hysteria again.....LOL You don't say.
  16. R

    Sexual drive - the 7 day poll

    ... Thanks to all thus far who have voted. I find it funny yet interesting people are still commenting on my introductory thread rather than talk about a subject like this. I truly thought people would be all over this subject. You know, girls and having sex with them. So many girls for that...
  17. R

    Sexual drive - the 7 day poll

    ... I should mention that if you want to say zero partners to hit the "Can't recall" option. I have to wonder about those who chose 10 or more. Is it really possible? I could imagine that having so many people would hurt, be tiring and/or lose its appeal in a day.
  18. R

    Sexual drive - the 7 day poll

    Ok. I thought that maybe we could all just loosen ourselves up a bit. A simple question. How many different sexual partners have you had in a day? I've posted this at other sites with great success. So lets see how it pans out here at TERB. Guidelines: Partners meaning male and female (no...
  19. R

    Rantsalot has arrived

    ... I love you too whomever you are as I don't know let alone care in return as to what person this may be. In time I hope to disprove your ideas (if any) as to whom and what I'm about. When I see a SP I'll assuredly let everyone know. First impressions. My god. People are so touchy here. I...
  20. R

    Rantsalot has arrived

    ... Banned for what?? I would most definitely post up a real and factual review. Unfortunately others don't or won't.
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