Blondie Massage Spa
Toronto Escorts

Search results

  1. T

    Don't diss the Canadian Military

    They are there because you are to weak and cowardly to go over there and do the job yourself.
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    I Love Legs! The homer thread

    This I like!
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    What do you see?

    I saw me!
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    The reason I don't have kids is because:

    do not want the hassle and they cost too much. Plus why bring someone into this world it is going down hill fast.
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    Being cut off by TTC Buses

    Buses don't have the right away in all situations, the new law was when they are pulling out of a bus bay back into traffic not through an intersection etc. They share the road like the rest of us. I agree the bus drivers are becoming too aggressive. I am starting to yield even less than I...
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    Miss Universe 2005

    What with her National costume?
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    Would you eat........

    PETA .... People Eating Tasty Animals!
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    What in the hell is wrong with Rogers?

    I am on Sympatico High Speed. I just recieved a notice saying they are increasingthe monthly rate to 54.95 ($10 increase) in Feb 2005. Starting to get expensive but roger is the same and will likely increase if bell does.
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    Natural gas prices

    I am only paying 28.52 and have been paying less then 29 for more than two years now.
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    Boobs - natural ones
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    Porn Restaurant?

    The place closed because the crabs were off!
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    911: Websites under investigation...

    Could be TERB too.
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    407 Etr ?????

    The toll charge is the same as a nontransponder charge. Call them if you have a transponder. They will remove the charge. and register your licsence plate so it does not occur again. The tolls are still to expensive though.
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    Call Me: The Rise and Fall of Heidi Fleiss

    It was a body double. See this article.
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    Computer Hijacking

    Do a search on browser hijack and you'll find some solutions.
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    The End of the Canadian Military?

    If we expect the US to come to our aide we should contribute to thier defence budget too. Our share would include paying for all their operations too.. something to think about. I would think it would be better to pay Canadian who need jobs to defend us than rely on another country. No one...
  18. T

    leaving tracks on your computer

    Get tweak UI If you are using a windows OS get the free MS app TweakUI. This is available on the Microsoft site just do a search for it. It has a paranoid tab that will delete all this kind of evidence for you.
  19. T

    Another funny while Isabel blows Toronto.....

    what kind of dog?
Toronto Escorts