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Being cut off by TTC Buses


Active member
Jul 19, 2003
Deep within the Forest
I get the impression that alot of TTC bus drivers are turning into Toronto's own version of Mario Andretti, or Paul Tracy. I drive a fairly fast five speed manual and have a heavy foot. Lately, when lined up with a Red and White at the lights, I find quite a few of the bus drivers are edging out into the intersection (even before the light has changed), in an effort to hog the lane and cut me off ...... WTF.

Don't get me wrong, if I'm second or third in line, I WILL share the road and let them in.

**A note to all bus drivers, if you're unloading and loading passengers and then close your doors while the light is still red, don't even think about cutting off the lead vehicle.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Hey Macator, I guess you dont know but they recently changed the law and you now have to yield to a bus when it comes into your lane.
Those bus drivers that are cutting you off are probably pissed as hell you're not letting them in. :D


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Toss the innocents under the bus. Government should yeild to the people


Active member
Jul 19, 2003
Deep within the Forest
Esco! said:
Hey Macator, I guess you dont know but they recently changed the law and you now have to yield to a bus when it comes into your lane.
Those bus drivers that are cutting you off are probably pissed as hell you're not letting them in. :D
They changed the law over a year ago Esco. I'm talking about bus drivers that are unloading and taking on new passengers and then going right into the intersection -BEFORE THE LIGHT HAS EVEN CHANGED- just so they can cut you off. I am aware and fully support the concept of buses being given the right of way.

Twice this past week, I was cut off by TTC buses, even though I'd been waiting (first in line) while the light changed. These agressive bus drivers edge their way into intersections even before the light changes. Its against the Highway Traffic Act and dangerous to pedestrians as well as other drivers.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I've run into that too, but not just recently. Many have been doing it for years...it is almost as if they see the amber light in the opposite direction as their green light to move....

ON a similar note I SO hate the streetcar drivers that block both lanes through the green, and leave the doors open so you can't get by, then go through the intersection on the amber or red........

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Give them a break.

I think drving a bus or a street car would be a night mare in stress. Especially with so many asshole drivers out there. I bet they get cut off or squeezed out 100 times per day.

I sure wouldn't want to do it.

Now cab drivers, that's a different story. Those assholes should be all fined. My personal pet peave is cab drivers in the City of Toronto and their driving style.

At least a street car holds a known path. Cab drivers will even drive on the sidewalk, block lanes, U turn right in front of you, drive 100 km/hr with a fare, 20 km / hr without a fare. It's a nightmare.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Macator2003 said:
They changed the law over a year ago Esco. I'm talking about bus drivers that are unloading and taking on new passengers and then going right into the intersection -BEFORE THE LIGHT HAS EVEN CHANGED- just so they can cut you off. I am aware and fully support the concept of buses being given the right of way.

Twice this past week, I was cut off by TTC buses, even though I'd been waiting (first in line) while the light changed. These agressive bus drivers edge their way into intersections even before the light changes. Its against the Highway Traffic Act and dangerous to pedestrians as well as other drivers.
WHEN THE LIGHT CHANGES, according to that new law, you should remain stationary (from your description, I take it you're both first in line in different lanes) and 'yield the right of way to the transit vehicle'. Because so many do not, it's quite understandable that a driver whose bosses think his schedule should be 'easy to keep with the new law' might be more assertive of his right of way than we'd prefer.


It's been good to know ya
I've seen too many times I am at a light waiting to see if a light changes or not and the buses are so far out into the intersection that if the signal did change to walk you would either have to walk back about 5 or 6 cars and walk into the middle of 8 lanes to cross a street or walk way out in front of a bus and get crushed by cars driving in the opposite direction. The size of the buses makes it impossible to see anything that is going on I wish they could stay behind the lines like everyone else. Even if cars pull out past the lines they do not pull out that far and is easier to walk in front of them to pass and not worry about the cars travelling the opposite direction. Then what you end up doing is waiting for the next walk signal.


Unoffical Capital One rep
Mar 2, 2002
Mirror Universe
I think TTC drivers are by far the worse, in terms of driving and attitude towards passangers. You can't really say that it's because they have a tough job (I understand that it can be tough) but other GTA bus drivers aren't the same.

I was on a York Region bus one time and remember the driver talking to another driver who was hitching a ride complaining about TTC buses in York Region. One apparently blocked a York Region bus in so they couldn't leave the terminal and refused to move his bus. Also that former TTC drivers who go to York Region tend to have the worse attitudes.

I hate to say this, but whenever I hear about an attack on a TTC driver, my first thought is, "what did the driver say this time"

I try to avoid TTC buses whenever I can. IMHO the best transit services are VIVA, York Region/Brampton (tied), Mississauga. Though I did have one bad experience on a Mississauga driver who was on the rag.


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
50 people saving the possible exhaust from 50 cars give them the right of way ........
DaBig Aristotle said:
- In response to TTC vs the other regions: the TTC driver will probably face 10x more stress than the York Region or Peel Region transit drivers. Simply, there are more cars and to that extent probably more aggressive drivers, narrower roads, fewer lanes and naturally more riders. Hence, your experience will probably be better on the outer 416 transit systems.

- Regarding the previous comment about attacks on TTC drivers and what did they say to provoke it, well, I'm sorry, it would not usually be the driver's fault. What are the causes of arguments on the TTC? People not wanting to pay the full fare, people trying to avoid paying the fare or people trying to use a transfer after its utility has expired. Honestly, a bus driver just wants to take the fare and finish the route. When incidents occur that obstruct the normal completion of those two objectives, only then a TTC driver will then be put into a situation to remedy the incident.

At the end, EVERYONE has to change their driving habits, including myself. Usually I am courteous but there are times I am just in a plain bad mood and want to get home. Unfortunately things never change and there are drivers who consistently think the road is theirs and not for sharing. Thanks and I am now off the soap box.

Guys, give the drivers a break. I take public transit whenever I can. Seen the BS they put up with being cut-off. Especially on those hot humid days when all your fare are pissed as you're behind schedule stuck in traffic.

Try driving a cube van up & down Yonge street during rush hour. Now multiple that by 3 times and you get a feel how nimble the buses are. It's one person being delayed vs. 30+ sweaty passengers annoyed.

In terms of what was said, 1 driver that was beaten up was a female driver. In some major cities, they've windows around the driver (ie: cage) to protect them.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
TTC drivers have to be careful...

or KWI might drive into them. Wouldn't be her first accident. lol



New member
Mar 17, 2003
Macator2003 said:
They changed the law over a year ago Esco. I'm talking about bus drivers that are unloading and taking on new passengers and then going right into the intersection -BEFORE THE LIGHT HAS EVEN CHANGED- just so they can cut you off. I am aware and fully support the concept of buses being given the right of way.

Twice this past week, I was cut off by TTC buses, even though I'd been waiting (first in line) while the light changed. These agressive bus drivers edge their way into intersections even before the light changes. Its against the Highway Traffic Act and dangerous to pedestrians as well as other drivers.
Nope. Doesn't matter if you're "first in line". YOU must yield if they're signalling to come into your lane. THEY have the right of way.
Ranger68 said:
Nope. Doesn't matter if you're "first in line". YOU must yield if they're signalling to come into your lane. THEY have the right of way.
Let's all be reasonable here! As the thread starter said...He's got a fast car, and probably accelerates briskly when the light changes and its safe to do so.
Now the dammed bus takes at least 25 seconds to reach a cruising speed of 50 km/h. Why would some rude bus driver, intentionally block a lane?
It's in all of our best interest to KEEP TRAFFIC MOVING!!!!

We have way too many lolly-gaggers who have no idea how to properly drive.
Please, I know the new law. BUT too faking many bus divers try to take advantage of their size and bully the way in, and then (since they are ahead of schedual) piddle along at 43 km/h, and actually slow trffic down.
They want our help? Fine, let's all get along..and don't dare try to block me pal...I drive as farking much as them!


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
canucklehead said:
50 people saving the possible exhaust from 50 cars give them the right of way ........
Exactly! Tree hugging aside, those 50 people are more important than you, so let them go.


Toad-ally Sexy Sr Member
Aug 17, 2001
Buses don't have the right away in all situations, the new law was when they are pulling out of a bus bay back into traffic not through an intersection etc.

They share the road like the rest of us. I agree the bus drivers are becoming too aggressive. I am starting to yield even less than I did in the past.

Yielding to a bus that is in front of you is one thing, but not to a bus that is beside you at a stop light.
mmouse said:
Exactly! Tree hugging aside, those 50 people are more important than you, so let them go.
Why? Ever think that some of us have jobs that require we move about town?
Ever think, that some of those jobs have important work to do, and may be time sensitve?
Ever think that YOUR HEALTH may depend on MY People getting to where they are needed?


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
There are a 1000 possible reasons why you might be more important than those 50 people, and most of them may well apply to anyone on the bus.
Toronto Escorts