Vaughan Spa
Toronto Escorts

Being cut off by TTC Buses

mmouse said:
There are a 1000 possible reasons why you might be more important than those 50 people, and most of them may well apply to anyone on the bus.
Doubt it. Look, I'm not trying to pick a fight. BUT nobody in a hurry would tale a bus. They wold rent a car or take a cab.
I take the bus when I go drinking, only. But when in school I used the TTC all the time (8 years). Who takes the TTC, if something really time sensitive is planned for the day?


New member
Sep 10, 2001
What would everybody do if you woke up tomorrow and there would be no more bus service at all?:eek:


New member
Nov 19, 2004
I find the bus drivers on the east/west run on Sheppard between the DVP and Markham Road real pricks. You can be sitting right beside them when they are in the bus bay at a red light, and they will try to inch into the intersection on the red light determined to cut you off. Or...they will be sitting in the bus bay, and if they see you coming with your turn signal on indicating you want to make a right turn, they will pull right up and cut you off just as you pull up beside them.

I have always yielded the right of way if I'm sitting 3 or 4 cars back to the bus, but I think I have right the way if I'm sitting 1st or 2nd beside the bus.

As far as the TTC personal experience (I work in Scarboro near Steeles and Vic Park and commute from Pickering) was that I made better time without convoys of buses clogging the streets.

I think the only people who were really inconvenienced by the strike was those who work downtown and take TTC because of the there's no parking downtown for less than your 1st born child.

From eveything I've heard, transit in all the outlying areas of the GTA is far superior to anything the TTC has to offer in terms of service, an ability to keep a schedule and employee/customer relations.

Screw them and hire people who really want to work....IMO...:mad:


New member
Feb 28, 2006
I live in York region.

Trust me when I say the serveice out here is not superior to the TTC. As the saying goes, it's always greener on the other side. If you are side by side with a TTC bus, you do not have to let it pass. Yield is for the vehicles behind the bus.



No patience
Oct 12, 2001
St. Catharines
Bad Drivers in general

I don't get how busses get the right of way when they are behind me!

I don't check my blind spot for turn signals. If a car and a bus are side by side and first in both lanes, common sense and the angles dictate the bus has to wait one vehicle to safely change lanes, especially when they are in a turning lane designed for them.

Now if only we could deal with the car driving asshats who think they are Mario Andretti weaving in and out of lanes and driving considerably faster than most of the other cars. Those types should lose their licenses!


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
MuffDiver said:
Now if only we could deal with the car driving asshats who think they are Mario Andretti weaving in and out of lanes and driving considerably faster than most of the other cars. Those types should lose their licenses!
Oh, but that's because they are more important than you, don't you know? You should get out of their way. :rolleyes:
mmouse said:
Oh, but that's because they are more important than you, don't you know? You should get out of their way. :rolleyes:
mmouse: Sure, you are right. Mea Culpa. Why I only drive 75,000kms a year, and I have no idea of what I'm doing.

Those fine, bus drivers, now they are doing the Lord's work.
And bus riders...ah the perfect citizen.
Come on....Some of us grew up into adults, and got off the bus years ago.
We got stuff to do!


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
xdog said:
Trust me when I say the serveice out here is not superior to the TTC. As the saying goes, it's always greener on the other side. If you are side by side with a TTC bus, you do not have to let it pass. Yield is for the vehicles behind the bus.

Don't know why the York Transit buses need to hurry. Most times during the day the bus goes around empty, waste of money.


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
Diode said:
mmouse: Sure, you are right. Mea Culpa. Why I only drive 75,000kms a year, and I have no idea of what I'm doing.

Those fine, bus drivers, now they are doing the Lord's work.
And bus riders...ah the perfect citizen.
Come on....Some of us grew up into adults, and got off the bus years ago.
We got stuff to do!
Honestly I don't doubt that driving is crucial for your job. But no matter who you are, weaving in and out of traffic or cutting off buses full of people is just antisocial (unless you have flashing lights and a siren).

Believe it or not some people can't afford a car, or can't drive, or just find TTC more convenient, yet still have jobs to get to, families to feed, doctors to see, etc.
But mmouse, I never drive like an ass! Neither should the TTC boys. A slow moving bus should not ct off traffic, just cause it can. We should all consider traffic flow first. Then, all of us, bus riders included will get where they want to. Quickly and safely.
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