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407 Etr ?????


Nov 4, 2002
hello everybody,
just wondering if there are a different rates for personal and business vehicles. i got charged 2 toll charges "toll charge" and "video toll charge", but the same car was previously registered under business and never got charged "video toll charge"???
the plates are different of course, but never had the transponder
when car was under business.


The Doctor

Still Without Humour
Jun 2, 2003
1060 West Addision
I gave up a long time ago trying to figure out how their billing works. I don't even think they know. I have a transponder and sometimes I still get the video toll charge. I just pay it and move on.

As a result, I only use the 407 if I'm in a real hurry.

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
Sheik said:

I dont know why everyone doesnt just get a transponder as it only costs a couple bucks a month and pays for itself with one trip on the 407.
Well Sheik, I for one took both of my transponders back to 407ETR due to their billing practices. It's all about principle. When I think what a FUBAR our provincial government did by selling this rather substantial tract of land it burns my ass. Any company that wants to raise there prices on a whim without regard for their consumers can take my business and shove it up their keester!
I will gladly take alternative routes to avoid the BS that is the ETR. From their mysterious billings to paying to sit in rush hour on that highway, I have relieved myself of one less headache in this world.

Chivas <I despise the ETR> Regal


Active member
Oct 9, 2002
this was sent as an email to me a while back .

"You may have recently received, or will shortly receive, a mailing from 407 ETR (407 International Inc.) accompanying your monthly bill. This mailing included with your bill, is titled Your Personal Information.

It is one of the most important official notification you will ever receive. You must consider the consequences of its contents.

The document speaks to 407's commitment to protecting your privacy and security of your personal information, including your name, home address, phone number, banking information, credit card #, credit information, vehicle license and make, drivers license #, and travel frequency and destination.

On the information side of the document it informs you that;
"407 ETR may collect, use, disclose, and retain your personal information in order to collect or enforce payment.......... for traffic planning, revenue management and to promote the use of Highway 407.

407 ETR may collect your personal information directly from you or from others......."

Consider that you are being officially informed that 407ETR will be obtaining your personal information of the kind listed above, plus other information, from any and all sources, and has the stated right to disclose that information at their sole discretion, for purposes including "revenue management", an all encompassing phrase that could include selling your personal information for revenue generation and "management" of their profit margins.

With this you will no longer be able to control who has your banking, credit card information, credit status, or who has access to your personal travel profile when you and other drivers in your household are most likely out. Sophisticated crime syndicates will appreciate this data and will be able to share this information through fronted "legitimate" companies, or cohorts placed in truly legitimate companies. It could also have far reaching implications such as employment opportunities, when employers subscribe to data bases to find out if current or potential employees have credit difficulties, or if you are a single female parent, by sharing government information. Companies or individuals purporting to be private companies, for a small fee can identify where your credit card is used, including private clubs, book & video stores, etc. access your medical records, which could deny you insurance coverage, or disqualify you from coverage, and generally find out more about yourself than even your spouse may even know.

This is not difficult nor time consuming to do, with powerful search engines and internet access.

407 ETR implies your agreement to have them access and share all records without stated limitations, by simply stating on the document;
" By using Highway 407 on or after December 26, 2003, you consent to the use, retention and disclosure as described, of your personal information collected by 407 ETR before that date." ......

You can withdraw your consent by giving 407 ETR notice in writing, however,

.....your withdrawal of consent still allows 407 ETR to use and disclose your personal information.......... as a result of your prior or continuing use of Highway 407."

Simply put, by using highway 407 from December 26, 2003 you will be forfeiting your right to determine who can obtain and use your personal information, and 407 ETR will have assumed that right to use, assign, sell, share, or transfer, all personal information, and to whichever party they deem as being able to contribute to their "revenue management", and best of all no liability is assumed.

You should be aware that by choosing to use 407 ETR you will be exposed to identity theft and all that it entails as well as banking fraud. In post 911 you should be very concerned.

Incidentally, if you choose NOT TO USE 407 ETR, you will be saving yourself rates that have risen six times in 52 months, and increased 30 and 203 % depending on the time of day.- STAR NEWSPAPER, D. Brazao, A3, Jan. 3, 2003.

407 ETR is a subsidiary of 407 International Inc. and is owned by Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte (co-owned by Grupo Ferrovial and Australian-headquartered Macquarie Infrastructure Group) and Canadian-based SNC-Lavalin.
Web Site:

This piece is written by Brian Abdool. I encourage you to protest the action of 407 ETR with their Customer Service Division , your City Councilor, the Minister of Transportation, the Honorable Harinder Takhar and to alert everyone on your mailing list."


Toad-ally Sexy Sr Member
Aug 17, 2001
kumamake said:
hello everybody,
just wondering if there are a different rates for personal and business vehicles. i got charged 2 toll charges "toll charge" and "video toll charge", but the same car was previously registered under business and never got charged "video toll charge"???
the plates are different of course, but never had the transponder
when car was under business.


The toll charge is the same as a nontransponder charge. Call them if you have a transponder. They will remove the charge. and register your licsence plate so it does not occur again.

The tolls are still to expensive though.


New member
Apr 30, 2003
Offstage, instrument tuned.
I know I've stopped using that road, and all my employees have been specifically instructed not to use it either. It's just too expensive for dubious time savings...I was stuck in traffic on that road just as often as any other. The cops tend to like it for their speed traps too. Really nasty collection agency...I don't need to get phone calls at 2 a.m. for bills that were paid. My brother got a ticket on the road for driving with the tailgate dropped 'cause of a load of pipes for a customer.

Lots more reasons--same end.

grassy knoll....was that a toll road?


Senior Retired User
Jan 16, 2004
retired from the game
Want to hear a real 407ETR horror story...

Recently I was sent to collections for an overdue 407ETR bill. It was for some 150.00 or thereabouts. Got a call from the unfriendly people at CBCL ( Canadian Bonded Creditors Ltd, a wholey owned subsidurary of Equafax ), telling me that my credit rating was in peril if I didn't "Western Union" the money right away

When I asked what the f**k they were talking about, they treated me like I was just a deadbeat and skipping on the charges. So I asked for the dates that I supposely didn't pay for.. wait for it.... its coming now... Nov. 2001. I then asked the plate number or the account number of the 407ETR bill, they gave a plate that was not even issued until May 2003. I told them they had better check their records again.. " No sir .. it says right here on our printout that this plate *** *** issued to you was on the highway so you have to pay.

So I had to go to the ministry of transportation and get a letter from them stating that the plates were not issued prior to May 2003, then a sworn affidavit that I didn't forge the letter, sent it all in and was told everything was under investigation and they would of course stop any action..

Well, 2 months later, today... I have three phone calls for CBCL, advising me that my credit rating is in peril, called them and was told that until the 407ETR puts a hold on this file, I can expect at least two telephone calls a day.

Oh, by the way... the plates are still on my vehicle and I have a transponder for that car..



Nov 4, 2002
thanks for the replies guys, but i never registered my business vehicle to 407, i just drove on for the first time and got the bill and payed it. no video toll charged
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