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    Unfairenheit 9/11, The lies of Michael Moore.

    Oh come on now. You can't force people to make the outrageously misinformed comments they make. Moore may force feed his opinion but the people he speaks with speak for themselves. If any of you have seen "The Awful Truth" you would have a healthier respect for the approach Moore uses. I...
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    "Alternative" medicine?

    In addition to Naughty Alex's tried and true remedies for skin disorders, I suggest Vitamin E cream and capsules and Oatmeal baths.
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    Hey Goober, Can I give it to you?
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    Harper went too far with Martin child porn charge

    Garette just hit a sore spot with me - someone very close to me was in a very similiar situation although in his early teens and in the 70's an over a course of four years. No, he wasn't kidnapped, he just kept getting hunted down by the same bastards and fell into a vicious cycle of being...
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    I'd like to see you attempt to get a mortgage w/o a T4 and up dated tax returns and see how far you get. Let me know...and if you do somehow manage this miracle, PLEASE HOOK ME UP!
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    Dani definately said it best - and Remy if an illegal alien was working in a restaurant under the table, I bet you would still tip the person even though he might be aquiring tax-free money. And BTW, many more girls in the business claim taxes than you think (otherwise we couldn't own houses...
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    Who Knows About...

    Can anyone give me an inside scoop on Michael Moore's latest film-Farinheight 9/11? Who is being put in the hot seat etc?
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    Just a thought...if you tip, your SP is likely to remember you better next time and perhaps you'll be recieved with even more kindness next time, exactly the same as tipping your friendly neighbourhood bartender. Personally, I don't act different with my clients (although tips are greatly...
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    A Ticket for Garbage!?!

    I have two words for you, my friend - paper shredder. I wouldn't plead guilty w/an explaination, I'd plead not guilty and take it to trial. It's their burden to prove that you did in fact strew the garbage and did not place it in the shed - if they appear at all. Good luck.
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    A Ticket for Garbage!?!

    Goober, one day I'm going to go out on a date with u, strip u down, tie you to a tree and call in every MPA I know with a fun saver to take pictures.
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    A Ticket for Garbage!?!

    If the landlady was passing the ticket along, she is actually accountable for the ticket and you do not need to pay the fine at all. If she pays the fine or takes it to trial, her only action could be to sue you for the amount of the ticket. If you were not issued the ticket, you are not...
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    Why do men do this?

    Goober, I should instruct you that your mother is out of line - i might have to take care of her the good old fashioned way (with a wooden spoon and vibrator) - or do i need to take a number?
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    Why do men do this?

    Goober, did you're mother raise you this way? lol
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    Question about the Big O...

    There is no standard expression, activity or noise a woman makes to be other words, you're shit out of luck if you don't know!
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    Why do men do this?

    Actually, it wasn't the whistling that put me on a rampage nor the lack of assistance - it was a conjunction of the two in two separate instances spaced less than an hour apart. I'm flattered men find me attractive and I'm equally flattered when someone (male or female) offers their assistance...
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    Why do men do this?

    I need some of you guys to move in my neighbourhoood- maybe if you did I would go shopping evey night - w/o the panties...and gracias, xix, eres un hombre de verdad y puedes llamame "mamacita" si quieres, pero tu solo!
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    Why do men do this?

    I hunt boxes for sport!
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    Why do men do this?

    I'm fluent in spanish and one of the things i say to men when they whistle in Cuba or the Dominican "mamacita" is "no soy tu madre" - "i'm not you're mother." They laugh but it seems to get the point across.
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    Why do men do this?

    Re: Re: Why do men do this? Sometimes i'm not sure but anatomically i'm female
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