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Question about the Big O...


Throbbing Member
Sep 16, 2003

I have a question about orgasms, and I guess this is the best place for it. I'm particularly hoping that some of the SPs on the Board can shed some light.

How do you know when a woman (SP or otherwise) has REALLY had an orgasm? In my non-SP sex life, the climaxes of the women I've been with have all been similar (i.e. beforehand - a tensing of all the muscles in the body and the woman has trouble speaking/breathing, and during - the vagina clenches (once or repeatedly, either gently or strongly)). I've been with enough non-SPs who shared this common behaviour to make me assume that this was what happens during a real orgasm.

A couple of the SPs I've been with (orally) have also responded this way, but the majority just make a lot of noise. I always figured that they were faking it, but the other night I was with an SP who didn't react the way I've mentioned above, but who kept raving throughout the rest of my visit about how strong her orgasm had been. Normally I'd take this with a big grain of salt, but she proceeded to do things with me which I know are on her list of "don't do's", and she said they were a reward for my talent.

So, my question is this - do all women respond in the way I've mentioned above when they orgasm, or do some just make a whole lot of noise without any (noticeable) response in the vagina? Was the SP from the other night just pulling my leg, or was it really as good as she claimed?

Thanks a lot for any responses. Feel free to PM if that's more appropriate.



New member
May 29, 2004
There is no standard expression, activity or noise a woman makes to be sure...in other words, you're shit out of luck if you don't know!
I have read books/menu on the Big O and the "tell" sign to show she's a "real deal". And I also have SP telling me "do's and don't" on the big O. Usually the don't will be no G-spot stimulation and no "teasing" after the "orgasm" because of sensitivity!!

Personally I always assume woman is guilty of faking the orgasm until she is proven innocent. Nothing personal to the SP or the "civilian" women, but I suspect no matter how much you seem to know by reading and "studying", very few woman will "share" and "show" the big O unless she really loves you and doesn't mind to show how "vulnerable" she can be.

Not even when you subconsciously ask her whether she likes hard or not, like this or like that. She just ignores you and keep of "hummping" noise. Some SPs do act so bad that her noise is simply monotonous, but other SPs are so "smart" and act so good that she sometimes grind her hips, push you closer to the point of suffocation ;), chant like the Gregorian monk during the big O and show aritifical trouble of talking/breathing.

Regarding the noise from SP during DATY, of course it's fake. Any women who saw Meg Ryan on the film how to "fake" orgasm can do the trick on you. She doesn't want to lose you as a regular.

I can live with that with a SP but the same action will be considered a "betryal" and an "insult" if that happens to the one I love dearly.


Throbbing Member
Sep 16, 2003
Thanks for your replies, especially sweet guy (and Goober - are you speaking from experience?). I've never had a problem spotting the "Meg Ryan"-type fake orgasms, but I guess some SPs are just smart enough to know that to be more convincing, they've got to do the whole production.

And as for no teasing after the "orgasm" because of sensitivity, this too could be faked, and I've heard a lot of women get overly sensitive if you're down there too long, so her jumping and pushing you away may not be because she just came.

So I guess the bottom line is, no matter how convincing a show she puts on, SPs aren't likely to be brought to orgasm by a client (except for the rare few - I hope the squirters aren't faking!).

So I guess my next question is - do most SPs get anything out of DATY? Because if it isn't doing anything for them, and any ego-stroking we get is false praise, why not just give them a massage instead?

JoeBobBriggs said:
So I guess my next question is - do most SPs get anything out of DATY? Because if it isn't doing anything for them, and any ego-stroking we get is false praise, why not just give them a massage instead?
She wants to show you she "values your business" if she doesn't think you are that worse like a perv and creepy.

If you treat her like a "fine vintage red wine", she may like you somewhat better and make you feel somewhat special in your "fantasy".

Not all SPs once worked as MPAs, so technically they are not "expert" on massage.

For her, it doesn't matter whether she will get anything out of DATY. As long as you are clean, don't make her "sore" at DATY or you "eat" for too long, say more than 20 mins, she can live with that.

If she wants the big O, the pink "Rabbit" is always woman's next "best" friend. But, "Rabbit" can't substitute to the "blue -box imspired bling-bling".

Still, you get better chance with your friendly SP than the civilian counterparts. Not many "civilian" chicks will entertain you on this for a sec if you are really that suck on DATY, even after reading and studying few times.

Hope your "civilian" GF doesn't say another O word when it comes to the quest of the big O!

Regarding the "sensitivity" issue. Sometimes you are just walking on a grey line or should I say fine line between the real Big O or faking a big one. She could be either faking it to make your ego intact, or feeling pissed when you attempt to drive her to the big O fast and furious like a locomotive and make her uncomfortable :D. Theoratically the latter scenario could be possible but would she let you know?

BTW, she could equally fake when she pushed you towards her.

Again will I be mad at SP faking? Absolutely NOT. In fact I will thank her to show her "sensitivity" and "professionalism" to the client. She is just doing her job well to please the client. It's just a business.


New member
Jun 5, 2002
Just had to say...

Guys, no two women are alike in regards to sexual likes, dislikes and reactions. So you may not always be able to tell if she is faking or for real, my tip is look at her facial expressions, but again...you can't always tell. As far as SP's, some are fakers some are not. I personally am not, but I only work part time so I have the luxery of enjoying my time spent with clients. But the SP who works full time and has multiple clients in a night, may have to fake out of pure necessity. Bottom line, just have fun and enjoy yourself and the rest will take care of itself!
Re: Just had to say...

Aryn said:
Bottom line, just have fun and enjoy yourself and the rest will take care of itself!
Maybe the client is taking the big O too hard and seriously when he wants the SP to experience the big O.

Guy may subconsciously feel the SP is his GF, especially when she really gives him one of the best GFE he has ever experienced. He will do whatever it takes to make her happy. This feeling is more pronounced when he is single and not dating.

Unless you are falling in love with your friendly SP, which is either a wishful thinking or simply freak her out big time when you slip out of your tongue and show your affection to her in the heat of the moment, otherwise don't take it too hard when she doesn't cum.

I'm sure for any decent SP she will be graciously enough not to be mean and make fun of you, at least not in your face if you are really nice and try your best to make her feel good without asking her outright.

I can't guarantee she will poke fun on you like a chum stain when you are gone and you do really sucks on DATY, DFK and read her minds but would you wanna know?


Throbbing Member
Sep 16, 2003
Just to be clear... I don't think an orgasm is the be-all-and-end-all of sex. And if I knew the SP would enjoy herself during DATY, I would be willing to do it whether she had an orgasm or not. I just don't want to do it if the SP's not really enjoying it, because that would pretty much defeat the whole purpose.

I think I'm looking for a hard-and-fast rule when it comes to SPs and DATY, but there probably isn't one. Some probably don't enjoy it at all but let clients do it because it shuts them up for 15 minutes, some probably enjoy it but can't/won't orgasm, and some probably enjoy it and will orgasm, if it's done right.

The problem then is that you can never really be sure which of the above you're getting, unless she swears on the Bible that she enjoys it, or if she squirts (from the PMs I've received from a few SPs, ANY non-squirting "orgasm" could be a fake, no matter how real it seems).

So I guess if I'm in a giving mood, I shouldn't ask if it's available but ask if she enjoys receiving it (from clients), and hope she'll be honest. Then, if she says she doesn't like it, I'll give her a massage, or crack some jokes, or clean her bathroom for her. This still won't help with those SPs who tell me they enjoy it just to make me happy, but unless I start carrying a Bible around it's probably the best I can do.

JoeBobBriggs said:
This still won't help with those SPs who tell me they enjoy it just to make me happy, but unless I start carrying a Bible around it's probably the best I can do.

Some do lie and fake it even she swears on the bible/koran/torah or whatever religious books are in place that she enjoys it and even giving you satisfying grin, telling you how wonderful her big O is and taking several minutes to "cool down" before her turn to make your Mr. Happy...well happy.

My take will be try your best based on your observation and knowledge without her input, and treat any of her compliement like grains of salts. Hopefully she should not air your "shortcumings" on that department as long as she feels pampered and you don't look like the FBI's 10 most wanted list :D.


New member
Sep 16, 2003
Lack of response from sp's ?

I have to assume that most sp's will not experience orgasm with their clients and simply fake it, im curious to know if and how often the girls do "go all the way"

come on girls...spill the beans, we cant all be that bad


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
For the most part, it's hard to tell for sure so I don't waste my time worrying about it. However, there was one time where I know she really did have an orgasm because she squirted.


Throbbing Member
Sep 16, 2003
As for no SPs responding (except Aryn), I'm not really surprised. I didn't think I'd get very many "Yeah, I'm a big faker, but come on out and see me anyway!" responses. I kind of wondered after I started this thread if I really should have posted it at all - I'm sure there are some SPs (and clients - sorry if I burst your bubbles guys) who don't appreciate me pulling back the curtain.

I did have a few SPs PM me on the subject, and among them, the general consensus was (to paraphrase Jerry Lee Lewis) that there's a whole lot of fakin' going on. These few don't necessarily speak for all SPs, but as gabe-reardon said, I think it's fair to assume that many ARE faking, because I think most women need more than an anonymous tongue to feel comfortable/exciting enough to orgasm. However some SPs (like Aryn) state that they aren't faking, so I guess as drlove suggests we may never know for sure.

I guess if it's really a concern for any other clients, go to to a known squirter to get some honest "feedback." However, having dated a squirter for several years, I'm pretty sure that they're a lot easier to get off than non-squirters, so don't assume that, just because you make a squirter orgasm, that a non-squirters "orgasm" must be the real thing too.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
yoniluvrca said:
If you have to ask the question-did she come?-she didn't
But why ask? Just enjoy.
If she cared enough to put on a good act, Bravo!
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