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    Banning on Shark Fin

    Why don't they ban seal hunting? Clubbing a seal to death doesn't look good to me.
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    The Decaying Toronto

    fullmetal :mad: fullmetal should explain why he used 'decaying toronto' to link to the article. Otherwise he should be banned from this forum, IMO.
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    ISO - Opinions on MBA

    MBA fair I had been to one of those MBA fairs and it's quite depressing for me. Everyone there said his/her school was the best but when I asked is there any sort of guarantee of a job, I never got a good answer - looks like they want to take your $70k investment without offering anything in...
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    ISO - Opinions on CGA

    Thank you Thank you for all the suggestions, I found Terb a very good place to talk to people from all walks of life; for me, it will be a long long way before I ever got that designation anyway, but I guess it's worth pursuing, in any case I got my undergrad. done long time ago, so that's not...
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    Bell Sympatico's Freedom Anti-Virus & Firewall Package

    freedom = crap It's heavy, takes forever to load and fails to do its job. Stay away from it and save $7 per month.
  6. 3

    Ad-Aware SE Personal

    Spybot You can safely ignore DSO Exploit things in Spybot 1.3, it's a bug in the program.
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    ISO - Opinions on CGA

    So how to tell an accountant has good attitude or not? Say how much tax he/she can save for the clients? While a super HR manager can differentiate the good from the bad, most HR people won't have that time with tons of resumes to sort.
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    ISO - Opinions on CGA

    One main reason I want to look at the CGA is that CA and CMA require university courses - I don't think I am going back to university to do undergraduate courses again. But it's really nice to talk to so many people on Terb.
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    ISO - Opinions on CGA

    Cma But are CA and CMA merging? any effects on both designations?
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    Good music download sites?

    edonkey I use edonkey, so far so good, recommended. Stay away from Kazaa.
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    ISO - Opinions on MBA

    my take I agree with what you said, a folk who learnt his skills on the 'street' must be way better than another who learnt most from b-school; my undergrad education did not teach me many marketable skills; however human resources only believe in degrees - what can you do.
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    damsel in distress - internet connection question

    try the following 1. Check if any firewalls are present 2. Sweep the pc for possible spyware and viruses 3. Do a repair install of Win XP (but back up important data first) 4. Run Winsockfix 5. Check router, network card, cables, etc. And yes, there are computer technie outcalls, lots of them...
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    ISO - Opinions on MBA

    catch 22? I notice a pattern. Someone suggested if you are earning a bunch of $$ you don't need a MBA. But if you are not earning a bunch, maybe with a non-executive position, how can you get into a MBA program in the first place? Let alone getting the MBA. However I do agree the MBA must be...
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    ISO - Opinions on CGA

    Hi every Terbite, I read the whole thread on MBA (very informative) and decide to start another one. Basically I am a (sort of) IT guy but I feel I am not going anywhere in my IT career. I don't feel I can do IT when I am 50+, and of all those employment problems in IT right now. I did have some...
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    vince carter wants out of t.o

    Nortel I compare the stock value of VC to that of Nortel - was worth $120 but now at $4.
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    Soccer: Iraq upsets Portugal

    Iraq men's soccer team - my idol It's really my idol now...
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    Rove's Plan to Hijack the 2004 Election for Bush

    won't be too surprised if something odd happens Just before Taiwan's presidential election on March 20, when the ruling party was trailing by a few percentage points, the president and vp were shot and slightly injured at the same time, the ruling party ended up winning the election by just...
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    One Hell of a Disclaimer from the TTC

    In my opinion the salary they are making is just obscene for the education they had, (somewhat close to the oldest profession) especially for the supervisors and those guys who just stare at the fare box at rush hour. I wonder if 80 or 85% of the annual TTC budget actually goes to those overpaid...
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    Survivor Jenna caught on Tape

    You can try edonkey as well...
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    Girlfriend too horny!

    jealous of you guys I seconded with Lee Cum Gay. Just think you guys are showing off.
Toronto Escorts