Yet, the rich European countries like Germany give very little money to Ukraine, and expected the US under that loser Biden, to literally fund Ukraine all by themselves. Trump is having no part of this. These rich European countries, better get off their ass, and give more money to Ukraine, because Trump isn't doing it.
I agree with you MItch. Germany has become very misguided overall and prioritizing the wrong things. Shuutting down their clean nuclear power plants with the pipe dream of solar has resulted in them becoming reliant on Russia. Germany thought Russia would not cause trouble because Russia would be reliant on gas sales to Germany and Europe. Putin thought he could run over Germany, Europe and Ukraine because they were too reliant on Russian gas and oil. They both miscalculated.
Germany was timid for decades to re-develop a relevant military as they (WRONGLY) beleived that Russians had learned their lesson about warmongering Imperialism the hard way as Germany and Japan did. By failing and being humiliated. So they worked to shed their horrific past and earn a reputation as a very productive, high quality country with perhaps too much emphasis on socialized medicine and worker rights etc. they became to most productive, richest and most generous company towards the wellbeing of their citizens. They also pay ridiculous taxes, but they still earn and take home more than other, less taxed countries.
Russians, being who they are, used their failure and reset to find ways to plunder their resources and steal from their countrymen to build the biggest, most opulent mega yachts in the world. Some Russian oligarchs like Abramovich have owned as many as 4 or 5 MEGA Yachts at once! Putin is no doubt the actual richest man in the world. He got this money by acting as the Godfather, keeping peace between various Russian factions/oligarchs by doling out public funds and resources to keep the peace amongst the Robber Baron Russian Oligarchs. Meanwhile the non-oligarchs, non-appararchtik and middle class (if you can call it thAT0 live in abject poverty and get by on tiny government 'pensions". Aka Welfare. About $150 a month. And they spend a fortune on their military to, as putin proudly admits, to correct the biggest geo-political mistake in the history of the world, the collapse and failure of the ussR/Soviet Union. He wants to get the band together again like the old days. Even if he has to kidnap them and their families to force them to play by the Russian Songbook. NOBODY really wants to live under Soviet/Russian (same thing) oppression or living conditions. Those that are doing so are doing so at the end of a gun or for their leaders personal enrichment.
So now that Russia has shown its true colours and invaded a sovereign country who said "no thank you" to Russian governance, several times, Germany has or is coming to the realization that the very reason NATO was created, exists and now has to be strengthend is that the Russian
leopard hyena has not changed its spots. Poland recognized this threat from Russia years ago and have been rearming like no other. As Mandrill said earlier, the global intelligence community has known this all along but for some reason, their political masters have deflected or wilfully ignored that reality. So they "hopey-chancey'd through, like Canada has pathetically done under sucessive governments. Libs and Conservatives alike. Libs being worse.
NOW.... Europe has realized that Russia IS a real, existential threat not only to their own countries, but to Europe as a whole and civilized society in general. And they have earned that the words and promises of the United States are not worth anything. Nothing. They will drop you as fast as Trump would kick a good ole boy MAGA loyalist out of the MAr-a-lardo dining room.
So, they are wisely going to politely disengage from the United States for three reasons. First is that they will likely not be there if as a NATO ally to defend against trump's buddy Putin when he attacks. Second, that they are not a reliable trading partner and will pull the rug out from under your contracted deal on a whim without reasonable discussions... and thrid is because the United States under Trump is talking like Russia in saying they want to take over Greenland and their best, most loyal and reliable ally, Canada. Or destroy our economy in trying to.
So Europe is very wise and prudent to create their own European military alliance without the United States as they have proved to either chicken out or are in cahoots with the ONE enemy of the west nd Europe... Russia.
Canada better get pollievre elected right soon! We don't need Trudeau to spend Carbon Tax money on $60m ArriveScam grifting projects and lesbian pirate theater in Mogadishu. We need forward military. bases with aircraft, drones and ship patrolling and enforcing our northern border. Russia ALREADY has nuclear powered icebreakers and subs that could take over our territorial waters in the north without so much as a shot being fired. And Transactional Trump will stop HIS personal Generals and military from helping keep the Russians at bay.
Can you see where this is going and why freeing up military warehouses of obsolete and expired military hardware by giving away this old stuff to ukraine is a great, pretty much free except for the fuel s=to ship it there is a bargain. Never mind that the USA is gaining invaluable field testing of equipment without losing American servicemen/. Never mind that this war has forever changed warfare to drones... and who knows what the Ukrainians will come up with next in their basement workshops. And whatever it is, you can be sure that they will remember how ONE PRESIDENT is giving the United States a reputation as an unreliable, untrustworthy country. They are not likely to share their new, lost cost-high impact technologies with the United States. the US Military will continue to make good use of the American taxpayer's money by buying more $7,000 hammers, $2,600 toilet seats and flying their President to attend half a super Bowl just so he could stage a lauhable Carnival show announcing a flight over THE GULF OF AMERICA... at a cost of $20 million dollrs! For a day's travel! Only to get booed out of an American Stadium by his own citizens. And not the low rent shaggy beared backwoods Big MOuth Billy Bass types, but people rich enought to afford attending the Super Bowl.
Sorry for the long post, I hope you read and consider it. I don't expect. yuo to lose your wood for that hot redhead, but I hope I have shed some insight on some of the implications.
And I agree that Europe should be spending money to defend itself both from Russia and from the United States. Trump, MJT, etc won't be the last unqualified populist lunatics to be elected.