I don't think he's perfect...I think he has flaws...I mean...despite his success...he still has weakness...but he's a hard working man...basically making moves 2 weeks after inauguration......You fixed nothing. I don't give a shit about Trudeau or the liberals.
trump is a lying, narcissistic sleazebag who does not give a rat's ass about anybody, least of all his cultists, the people with the actual illness of tDS, trump Devotee Syndrome.
1)You people believe that he is perfect. There is no mistake that you will not excuse him for and go absolutely nuts when anyone has the unmitigated gall to criticize him for anything. Saying that a single hair is out of place deserves 20 lashes. Can you not see that what you have is not simply admiration, it is slavish devotion/adoration.
That is why I say that tDSers are blinded to reality.
2)You people have lost the ability to think for yourselves. You follow the MAGA party line, whatever it is. If trump says we should throw out the immigrants you agree. If he'd said we need to keep the immigrants, you'd agree. Whatever he says, is automatically a core belief of yours. That makes you sheeple, not individuals who possess a freedom of thought.
You people are the dictionary definition of cultists. Go read about Jamestown, unless you think that they were sane. Hopefully you will recognize some of yourself in them.
Maga - He can do no wrong.
TDS - He can do no right.
He's charismatic...and a patriot.