For every ten big WOC there’s probably one fit white girl on these sites. And there’ll be a ton fakes and SWs of all kinds among fit white girls. So it’s not only luck, it’s math that’s helping those of us who are lucky to have certain standards that are further away from conventional onesWhen I read your posts and then my posts, you are the one that seems unhappy with your results while I'm fairly satisfied. My point was that you don't need to be an Adonis or overpay to have a good time.
It's all about making them feel comfortable around you. Combine that with wit and charm and you'll be shocked at how much mileage you get. I don't have the looks or body but I do well, IMO. But if you don't have the interpersonal skill, you are at a disadvantage. Being good looking works better in bars.
As I said before, I'm into all types of women so I'm sure we overlap. I don't know your age, but if you grew up when there were video games, you spent too much time in front of a screen instead of interacting with other humans.
I have a date with another black girl on Tuesday. She's 20. Her body is smoking, she wears the shortest dresses and loves when I'm dominant with her. She is NOT free of charge, though. LOL. She's $400 but she's slept over every time. Seen he about 8 times since October.
Happy sugaring. Maybe your luck will change.