Which means its also time to compare Norway and Alberta and their policy towards developing fossil fuels.Post of the year and it's only January.
I'm so tired of hearing Alberta bitch and whine. The hardships they go through with oil has nothing to do with the federal government and everything to do with the fact that the province 100% depends on the oil and gas sector because they refuse to diversify, like every other province does.
And complain -- all Alberta does is complain, complain, complain. Fucking province of Karens.
I remember reading how when the Canada Wheat Board was formed in the 1930s most grain shipments were going through Thunder Bay to Europe. The concept of "pool sharing" was applied where all farmers in the Prairies got paid the same amount for their wheat even though the average cost to ship grain by rail from Alberta to Thunder Bay was much higher than from Manitoba or Saskatchewan to Thunder Bay.
Saskatchewan and Manitoba didn't complain that they were subsidizing Alberta -- it was for the benefit and economic health of the entire Canadian grain industry.
But when grain shipments shifted to Asian markets in the mid-1970s, most of the grain began heading west through Vancouver. What happens? Alberta complained that they were subsidizing the higher freight from Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
At least Alberta is consistent!
In that debate, socialist policy wipes the conservative policy off the planet.