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A warning from Bernie Sanders to America


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
It does not have to be at a profit for a middleman. Explain how giving money to an insurance company, operating between patient and provider, results in lower costs, other than denying coverage.
the insurance game has been around since man worried if a ship would make it to the next port
you buy life insurance to protect your spouse and kids, but you know you can only win that bet by dying
I am no fan of the industry, but it meets a demand

according to you all insurance companies should not exist or make a profit
good luck with that


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Has the system collapsed under the debt burden? No.

You are making a prediction. Even if you have good evidence, it is still speculation. Until it collapses, it is speculation.
we need to destroy our economy to save the planet from CO2 because of faulty / biased computer predictions and you swallow this garbage hook line and sinker
yet when faced with cold hard facts about health care sustainability you want to stick your head in the sand until it actually collapses.
that is messed up & it is all about getting other peoples wealth

try going to an emergency ward for some stiches
the wound will likely heal before thy get to you
a two year wait list for a hip replacement in BC

FYI: the collapse has started


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
tens of millions of sick, deprave hate filled morons
And you can make this wide sweeping diagnosis from behind your screen without speaking to even one of them? Your claim can not be taken seriously. Each one would need an evaluation to support your statement.

it is unsustainable in Canada
Speculative. Until it happens you are making a prediction. For now, the debt is being sustained, has it not. The system has not gone bankrupt.

Why would it work in the US ?
Why wouldn't it? It works to some degree or another in every 1st world country that has socialized medicine. I admit that no system is perfect but regardless, they still sit at a lousy 40th. As I said before, it's been a worldwide experiment for 70 years. Where have socialized medicine systems collapsed? Which countries?

The fact that Americans spend the most and are no better than 40th in the world, is proof positive that what they have now is definitely NOT working. That is a fact, not speculation. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome...

if you want to see hatred in the US try placing the tax burden Canadian suffer on Americans
That would become violent for sure
Speculation, again. To repeat myself, the fact that this assassin became a hero is for no other reason than the guy he took out was a CEO of an HMO. That, good sir, is not speculation. It happened.

People hate being exploited.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
the insurance game has been around since man worried if a ship would make it to the next port
you buy life insurance to protect your spouse and kids, but you know you can only win that bet by dying
I am no fan of the industry, but it meets a demand

according to you all insurance companies should not exist or make a profit
good luck with that
They shouldn't be in the healthcare game. They are a useless middleman. Even you see that.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Why do you insist on supporting a health care system designed to deny care for profit? That's systemic cold blooded murder.

Btw, nice faux pas. "VIGILANTLY" justice with the second "L"(don't you have enough if those already!?!) gives it a whole other meaning.
Didn't look it up, but I believe that it is "vigilante" justice.


aka Dick Dastardly
Dec 2, 2022
nobody is claiming any person can not go to work and make a decent salary , they just need to apply the required skill set and be productive
if you cant do that you need to get different skills
the days of punching a clock and putting in unproductive time are over

Trudeau was a multi-millionaire, and completely unqualified for the Job, but you allowed him to hoard his money and control the country

i would have preferred Trump not run again but the loonie left ran a moron candidate leaving the us electorate little choice
No one is saying wealthy people cannot exist, but the balance of society is the only way we preserve society.

You need to grow up and understand this is not a board game of Monopoly. There are real consequences when we do not balance society.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
No one is saying wealthy people cannot exist, but the balance of society is the only way we preserve society.

You need to grow up and understand this is not a board game of Monopoly. There are real consequences when we do not balance society.
you need to grow up and realize you can not control human nature or society
it has been tried and failed each and every time


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
They shouldn't be in the healthcare game. They are a useless middleman. Even you see that.
there is demand for health care insurance in the US and in Canada for that matter, most people buy health care insurance of one kind or another
anyone in your family / circle of friends pay a health care insurance premium via their employer insurance provider ?
very likely
where there is demand someone will seek to fulfil that demand and seek a profit in doing so

if " They shouldn't be in the healthcare game. " there would not be demand for that service

So you are wrong again

but instead of recognizing how wrong you have been you will let your vile hated of HMO CEOs justify a cold blooded murder

what other industry CEOs did you want see murdered ?

Grocery - is it not a human right to have food ?
Internet service providers
Telecommunication companies- signals floating around in the air should not cost anything
Nursing Homes- come on, everyone wants to change adult diapers for free
Oil and Gas -- Did you want some cruel torture added in on the hit for OIl CEOs ?
Railroads - a long history of screwing the little guy
Pipelines- evil pipelines
Pharmaceutical companies -they charge hundreds for a pill that costs them $1.00 to make - Billions in research spending - so what ?
Tech companies - they charge you for a bunch of 0s and 1s

So you are wrong again


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
And you can make this wide sweeping diagnosis from behind your screen without speaking to even one of them? Your claim can not be taken seriously. Each one would need an evaluation to support your statement.
not at all
anyone who justifies/ cheers the murder of an innocent business man is a sick, deprave hate filled moron


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
there is demand for health care insurance in the US and in Canada for that matter, most people buy health care insurance of one kind or another
anyone in your family / circle of friends pay a health care insurance premium via their employer insurance provider ?
very likely
where there is demand someone will seek to fulfil that demand and seek a profit in doing so

if " They shouldn't be in the healthcare game. " there would not be demand for that service

So you are wrong again

but instead of recognizing how wrong you have been you will let your vile hated of HMO CEOs justify a cold blooded murder

what other industry CEOs did you want see murdered ?

Grocery - is it not a human right to have food ?
Internet service providers
Telecommunication companies- signals floating around in the air should not cost anything
Nursing Homes- come on, everyone wants to change adult diapers for free
Oil and Gas -- Did you want some cruel torture added in on the hit for OIl CEOs ?
Railroads - a long history of screwing the little guy
Pipelines- evil pipelines
Pharmaceutical companies -they charge hundreds for a pill that costs them $1.00 to make - Billions in research spending - so what ?
Tech companies - they charge you for a bunch of 0s and 1s

So you are wrong again


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Speculation, again. To repeat myself, the fact that this assassin became a hero is for no other reason than the guy he took out was a CEO of an HMO. That, good sir, is not speculation. It happened.
no other reason ?
how does this sound
the assassin was an unstable lunatic who took the life of another human being

worshiping an unstable lunatic murder as a hero displays exceptional poor judgement and a complete lack of respect for human life


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
there is demand for health care insurance in the US and in Canada for that matter, most people buy health care insurance of one kind or another
anyone in your family / circle of friends pay a health care insurance premium via their employer insurance provider ?
very likely
where there is demand someone will seek to fulfil that demand and seek a profit in doing so

if " They shouldn't be in the healthcare game. " there would not be demand for that service

So you are wrong again

but instead of recognizing how wrong you have been you will let your vile hated of HMO CEOs justify a cold blooded murder

what other industry CEOs did you want see murdered ?

Grocery - is it not a human right to have food ?
Internet service providers
Telecommunication companies- signals floating around in the air should not cost anything
Nursing Homes- come on, everyone wants to change adult diapers for free
Oil and Gas -- Did you want some cruel torture added in on the hit for OIl CEOs ?
Railroads - a long history of screwing the little guy
Pipelines- evil pipelines
Pharmaceutical companies -they charge hundreds for a pill that costs them $1.00 to make - Billions in research spending - so what ?
Tech companies - they charge you for a bunch of 0s and 1s

So you are wrong again
Have you had a new idea since Thatcher was in power?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
and you know it

what other industry CEOs did you want see murdered ?

grow up
Well this time it worked. The CEO of Blue Cross canceled a policy that would HAVE STOPPED PAYING FOR ANESTHESIA IN THE MIDDLE OF AN OPERATION.


So maybe two more? That should get the message out. Maybe expand a bit to a few board members. They hire these fucks, so maybe they need to make better choices too!

As other CEO's, probably some chemical manufacturers who illegally dump could use a wake up call. Maybe a few lobbyists in Washington. A few of the Drug Company CEO's as well.

That or start regulating them. Properly, with criminal charges instead of just civil playoffs when corporations harm people purposely.

They are the new aristocracy. So I look at them that way.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Well this time it worked. The CEO of Blue Cross canceled a policy that would HAVE STOPPED PAYING FOR ANESTHESIA IN THE MIDDLE OF AN OPERATION.


So maybe two more? That should get the message out. Maybe expand a bit to a few board members. They hire these fucks, so maybe they need to make better choices too!

As other CEO's, probably some chemical manufacturers who illegally dump could use a wake up call. Maybe a few lobbyists in Washington. A few of the Drug Company CEO's as well.

That or start regulating them. Properly, with criminal charges instead of just civil playoffs when corporations harm people purposely.

They are the new aristocracy. So I look at them that way.

no, actually you look at CEOs as assassination targets and were quite pleased one of them was murdered
absolutely despicable

Well this time it worked
are you ever messed up


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
no, actually you look at CEOs as assassination targets and were quite pleased one of them was murdered
absolutely despicable

are you ever messed up
Lol. Man are you triggered right now. Do you need a CEO safe space? Maybe a huge from a corporate lobbyist? How about a nice cart ride on a manicured golf course with an HOA surrounding it to reaffirm your nice orderly society where the unwashed masses of self don't get uppity?

He may well get aquitted, what will you do then? I'm sure a sharply worked letter to the editor of the financial times and watching Bloomberg will help you find your inner balance!

See I'm mocking you because you think this CEO was important. He wasn't. His own company carried on with a shareholders meeting as he lay dead on the sidewalk, replaced him within days, and all is good. Meanwhile however many other people in the USA and other nations were killed violently, many legally by governments, law enforcement, black ops. Others by business rivals, spouses, in drug deals and more.

So really, his life and death are pretty much a non issue to almost everyone. In two generations he will be forgotten except as a footnote. The only people who claim they care are just scared for their own hides and privilege, and want he made an example of, to try to prevent more of it.

It won't be a deterant. It may well end up as as a catalyst.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
not at all
anyone who justifies/ cheers the murder of an innocent business man is a sick, deprave hate filled moron
Proper psychological evaluation would be required for a valid diagnosis.

They may have a Ph. D. in quantum mechanics, which clearly means that they are very intelligent and not a moron.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Proper psychological evaluation would be required for a valid diagnosis.

They may have a Ph. D. in quantum mechanics, which clearly means that they are very intelligent and not a moron.
The fact he thinks he is "innocent" says it all. Cripes his peers didn't actually give enough of a shit about him to postpone a meeting. They just stepped around the police tape. And replaced him.

And the near universal opinion, from both "left, right centre", Both Democrats and Republicans, of indifference to happiness, kinda says it all.
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