They shouldn't be in the healthcare game. They are a useless middleman. Even you see that.
there is demand for health care insurance in the US and in Canada for that matter, most people buy health care insurance of one kind or another
anyone in your family / circle of friends pay a health care insurance premium via their employer insurance provider ?
very likely
where there is demand someone will seek to fulfil that demand and seek a profit in doing so
if " They shouldn't be in the healthcare game. " there would not be demand for that service
So you are wrong again
but instead of recognizing how wrong you have been you will let your vile hated of HMO CEOs justify a cold blooded murder
what other industry CEOs did you want see murdered ?
Grocery - is it not a human right to have food ?
Internet service providers
Telecommunication companies- signals floating around in the air should not cost anything
Nursing Homes- come on, everyone wants to change adult diapers for free
Oil and Gas -- Did you want some cruel torture added in on the hit for OIl CEOs ?
Railroads - a long history of screwing the little guy
Pipelines- evil pipelines
Pharmaceutical companies -they charge hundreds for a pill that costs them $1.00 to make - Billions in research spending - so what ?
Tech companies - they charge you for a bunch of 0s and 1s
So you are wrong again