You used to be one of the good guys but now you're turned schizo. Forget about it.I'm on the side of the cops. They have a difficult, shitty job to do. And they have a lot of discretion in how they handle a potentially explosive situation. Arresting someone for breach of the peace is one of their major tools.
Nice to know how much you personally hate our cops. I always thought you supported them. But I guess not.
You're entitled to your opinions, no matter how wrong or off the mark they might be.It is because Ezra is a jew. Olivia Chow and police chief Myron Demkiw, are both very anti-semitic, and hate the Jews!! Justin is also a jew-hater, as well!! As usual, just my opinion!!
First, I never said Israel was doing anything out of the blue. But the reality here is that they were close to a possible peaceful solution back in 1995 until an ultra conservative Israeli assassinated PM Yitzhak Rabin who was pushing a two-state solution. Since then, it has been an eye for an eye and increased repression on the Palestinians. They've vastly and illegally increased their territory in the West Bank, displacing thousands of Palestinians and breaking international law/agreements.Oh and also now I remember, when I call them savages, I mean anyone who attacks someone for standing around and using their words is a savage. I don't care if you are protesting for free medical prostitution for fat guys.
Sure one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. But it doesn't make freedom fighter NOT a terrorist. It's an actual word with actual meaning.
ALso I've established via quotes from serious main stream news outlets that the IDF HAVE been shy about killing civilians, they actually provide warnings to civilians can evacuate [which would put their troops in danger, surprise is a thing, and Hamas has tells their own people to stay put so they can be killed. Apparently [haven't confirmed this] to the point of putting up roadblocks.
I suppose if you get your own people killed, its a type of freedom from metabolic processes.
Also you seem to think what Israel does is also just out of the blue.
You seem to be crossing the line from understanding why something happened to condoning it even though you claim not to support it.
Israel is doing what they can in a very difficult situation surrounded by hostile nations till the 70s who tried ot wipe them off the map till they got them to stop via force of arms and with a large hostile population that literally wants to exterminate them. All things considered they have been extremely gentile.
If you get upset by calling a group and by extension their followers who
1: Want to exterminate the Jews from River to Sea [I have citations on that also, but well check out my sig]
2: Specifically target civilians for murder rape and hostage taking
3: Take measures to ensure that as many of their own people as possible get killed
terrorists and savages, well, we have nothing more to discuss.
Wow, typical conservative who views things in black and white and ignores all the shades of grey. You obviously have your head in the sand when it comes to Ezra and his tactics, or the frustration and anger the oppressed people feel. So, spare me your ad hominem attacks. I know you are incapable of thinking critically about why the police might remove an agitator from a protest. Everyone has the right to say stuff, but sometimes provocateurs need to be removed.You can troll and provoke a response by asking questions.
Anyone who reacts to such methods by violence is a savage and unfit for civilized society. Are you some sort of bike enthusiast or a legitimate Italian businessman in the waste management industry?
I am glad you don't know where I live, you might show up at my home and beat me to death with a shovel. I mean I asked questions and I apparently am myopic.
Oh, just because you disagree with me, doesn't make me myopic.
Another historical reality is that if the Arab leaders at the time (1947) had accepted the land offered them and also the right of Israel to exist we would have had peace for the last 77 years.First, I never said Israel was doing anything out of the blue. But the reality here is that they were close to a possible peaceful solution back in 1995
As I've said, nobody in this conflict is without blood or bad decisions on their hands. But, let's blame the Brits for creating this absolute mess of a situation. They kicked over a million palestinians from their homes and triggered a civil war in the area. It was a classic gong show, and the world is still paying the price nearly 80 years later.Another historical reality is that if the Arab leaders at the time (1947) had accepted the land offered them and also the right of Israel to exist we would have had peace for the last 77 years.