As I've said, nobody in this conflict is without blood or bad decisions on their hands. But, let's blame the Brits for creating this absolute mess of a situation. They kicked over a million palestinians from their homes and triggered a civil war in the area. It was a classic gong show, and the world is still paying the price nearly 80 years later.
no doubt, the brits made a mess
not the first time and definitely wont be the last time a group of people were displaced.
80 years later?
the people initially involve have passed away long ago
This is evil vile hatred of the Jews which has been passed along through multiple generations as religious intolerance
Nothing new there.
the Palestinians were wandering bedouin who never organized themselves into a country to establish legal title to the land they now claim
Same as the North American indigenous peoples or the aboriginals of Australia.
they are not getting that land back
sad , but that is reality
These two peoples have accepted that reality and found a way to peacefully co-exist
if they decide to violently attack sub divisions and murder citizens, call for the elimination of Canada / USA / Australia, their fate will be sealed.
that is reality
the Palestinians have not figured this out ... yet
There is a reason Egypt and Jordan are unwilling to accept the Palestinians into their countries
that is reality
religious intolerance/ hatred , death and destruction vs time & reality
which do you think will win out over the long haul ?
try reality, rather than emotion's to guide your logical evaluation of the situation