Israel at war


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
The great majority of the planet are in agreement with your sugar babies.
So why have the great majority of this vast world done not a single thing to attempt to stop tiny Israel in this conflict. They don't even want to take in any Pali refugees.

Actually, it proves that the great majority of the world really doesn't care about the Palis. All they do is shout but unfortunately for you actions talk louder than words and zero actions have been taken.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
They don't even want to take in any Pali refugees.
radicalized people are as desirable as radioactive waste. Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon have learned it the hard way.
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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
What territory were Jews in control of during the Holocaust. There was no Jewish state to defend?
What international aid was coming in expressly intended for Jews?
What governing body of Jews existed that had militias?
What rockets did other countries supply to the Jewish militias?

Your attempt to try to compare the Holocaust to the situation in Gaza is extremely fucked up and further proof that you're a good old-fashioned Jew hater.
Brain dead.
You missed the point completely.
Jewish exceptionalism as usual proving you're a good old fashioned Jewish supremacist.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
He called your bluff and you failed.

You don't give a shit about the Gazans. Hating Jews is your only motivation.
That's all you're good for, screaming Jew hater, anti-Semite.
Those words mean NOTHING....ZERO.
Those words have been weaponized to the point that no one gives a shit.
They only give supremacists like you an excuse for your inhumanity.

Really, they mean nothing.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
So why have the great majority of this vast world done not a single thing to attempt to stop tiny Israel in this conflict. They don't even want to take in any Pali refugees.

Actually, it proves that the great majority of the world really doesn't care about the Palis. All they do is shout but unfortunately for you actions talk louder than words and zero actions have been taken.
I don't know if you're really this stupid, or just doing your disgusting schtick.
U.S military.
The fact that you can actually ask this question shows what an idiot you are.

It's not on the world to take in the Palestinians, it's on your zionist buddies to get the fuck out of Gaza and the West Bank.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
You are correct. Both sides will not budge. Both sides want the other gone. By what ever means. There will not be a one state or two state solution. Just a winner or a loser. That's the way Both sides want it.

Feel free to pick a side, but don't expect reason and peace to ever be a factor in the outcome.
I never expected reason or peace, we had this discussion at the outset.
I said from the beginning this was a done deal.
Nobody has to like it or accept the moral justification for it though.

You're wrong on one account.
Israel wants this, they've wanted this from the very beginning.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I never expected reason or peace, we had this discussion at the outset.
I said from the beginning this was a done deal.
Nobody has to like it or accept the moral justification for it though.

You're wrong on one account.
Israel wants this, they've wanted this from the very beginning.
I think there were a few that realized from the beginning it was inevitable this is where it would end up. And yes some wanted it. I think the majority initially just wanted a place to feel safe after the world had essentially turned their back.

Some Jews were trying to put this together pre WW 2 by buying up shitty property there(the locals were happy to sell it). But that would not have worked because they needed political and military support to really get it going. It's not like they came in strong. They were a very poor nation, had to have a lot of aid and socialist policy to get by. And in regular conflict.

Winning wars gave the nationalists the momentum to get where we are.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yes, obviously.
If you are proposing a political policy, especially as a tradeoff for support, you need to provide some specifics about what you would find acceptable.
No I don't.
You want to me to come up with a specific list to try to argue my position is fixed.
Its not, that's the point.

Because you've specified no support for Harris while there is support for genocide.
That means you have made "how much support is ok" explicitly part of your negotiation.
You are offering a specific trade for voting, so you presumably you have a specific price you are making part of the negotiation.
You want me to put a price on my support, so you can declare a price for support of genocide.
That's your turf, your support for genocide comes with a price of just not being trump.

So this sounds like a total arms embargo is what you need?

Is that no transfers shipped by the US government?
Is that no sales by independent business entities in the United States approved by the US government?
Is that sanctions on anyone selling arms to Israel?
Is that the US running a blockade preventing shipments from reaching Israel and turning back anything that has weapons?

That's it?
Nothing else?

And again, does this policy have to be declared and implemented before the election or not?
And again, you are trying to put a price on support for genocide and to try to argue how much genocide I can support.
You've agreed to support genocide for the price of not being rump.
I haven't.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, I see.
Skoob like rebuttal, just declaring you are right when you can't answer.

But you refuse to say what "stops the US from aiding genocide" means.
If you are making a threat - which is how you have phrased this - then you need to make demands if you want someone to meet your demands.
But this depends on you believing that the loss will teach the Democrats a lesson and eventually change their position.
Your entire proposed tactic is based on that assumption.
(Your renunciation of all moral responsibility for the result is noted, though, since I was trying to get that confirmed earlier. Thanks for that.)
So now not backing genocide is a 'threat' to you.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, I see.
Skoob like rebuttal.

You still think this is what made him step down?

But yes, you've said you were "waiting for Harris to make her position clear" despite the fact that this contradicted your previous arguments about not voting for Biden.

If the change from Biden was enough to change your mind about being a pragmatic voter, I'd have been happy to accept it.
Biden is gone, that's a major success.
You argued everyone should back Biden because rump.

That's not how that works, but nice try.
Skoob like rebuttal.

I've nailed you by your own definition.
You don't care about rules based government, you just want your party in power.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You beat me to it once again.

These protesters need to be dealt with swiftly and harshly.

Bunch of death cultists with their fake scarfs and bull horns trying to agitate violence here in Canada...Just ridiculous.

Good to see our tax dollars at work here as the terrorist sympathizers are subdued.
Now you are arguing for violence against the 45% of Canadians who think Israel is committing genocide?
You want violence against people protesting against genocide.

That's very fascist like.
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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
So why have the great majority of this vast world done not a single thing to attempt to stop tiny Israel in this conflict. They don't even want to take in any Pali refugees.

Actually, it proves that the great majority of the world really doesn't care about the Palis. All they do is shout but unfortunately for you actions talk louder than words and zero actions have been taken.
Unbelievable bigotry and double standards. You just took the usual WW2 Jewish narrative which you would portray as a story of Jewish victim hood and tried to repurpose the same events as a way to present Palestinians as worthless. You don’t have an ounce of integrity in you, shazi.

So why have the great majority of this vast world done not a single thing to attempt to stop Germany in this conflict. They don't even want to take in any Jewish refugees.

Actually, it proves that the great majority of the world really doesn't care about the Jews. All they do is shout but unfortunately for you actions talk louder than words and zero actions have been taken.”
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Brain dead.
You missed the point completely.
I hit it head on.

You compared the Holocaust to the the situation in Gaza and I showed how incomparable the 2 situations are. Of course your retort was nothing more than a personal attack and did not directly address my points.

Typical behaviour of an anti-Semite when your racist, BS, Holocaust minimizing rhetoric is called out.
Nov 30, 2007
45% of Canadians say Israel is committing genocide.
The useful idiots are the ones backing genocide and thinking they are doing good.
Oh, fuck off with your bullshit numbers. 45% based on what? 2% of the Canadian population? Like the rest of your posts, full of shit!


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
That's all you're good for, screaming Jew hater, anti-Semite.
Those words mean NOTHING....ZERO.
Those words have been weaponized to the point that no one gives a shit.
They only give supremacists like you an excuse for your inhumanity.

Really, they mean nothing.
You should wear the shoe because it is a perfect fit. When you make accusations and statements minimizing the Holocaust and I give valid, rational points and all you come back with ad hominem rants, you validate my accusations. It's rather pathetic yet entirely predictable.

Genocide, apartheid are words that have been weaponized.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
You should wear the shoe because it is a perfect fit. When you make accusations and statements minimizing the Holocaust and I give valid, rational points and all you come back with ad hominem rants, you validate my accusations. It's rather pathetic yet entirely predictable.

Genocide, apartheid are words that have been weaponized.
Firing blanks.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
U.S military.
There are no American boots on the ground. Israelis are the only ones fighting this fight. A tiny nation with "the great majority of the world" against them. And the "great majority of the world" has not even attempted to lift a finger to actually prove that they give a shit about what's happening. The great majority of the world, if they cared, would squash Israel (even with the help of the US).
The fact that you can actually ask this question shows what an idiot you are. I don't know if you're really this stupid,
Very eloquent, fact filled and compelling. You have a typically pathetic ability to debate.

It's not on the world to take in the Palestinians,
You are displaying your ignorance. Here are just two examples where the nations of the world take in displaced people from areas of conflict. But the Palestinians are not welcome anywhere, even in fellow Muslim countries just across the border.

An ongoing refugee crisis began in Europe in late February 2022 after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Over 6 million refugees fleeing Ukraine are recorded across Europe, while an estimated 8 million others had been displaced within the country by late May 2022. Wikipedia

Sudanese refugees are persons originating from the country of Sudan, but seeking refuge outside the borders of their native country. In recent history, Sudan has been the stage for prolonged conflicts and civil wars, as well as environmental changes, namely desertification. Wikipedia
Egypt: 317,000
Ethiopia: 38,214

Even Yemen: Yemen hosts around 99,877 refugees and asylum seekers, 70 percent of whom are Somali and 20 percent Ethiopian - making Yemen the world’s fourth largest host of Somali refugees.

it's on your zionist buddies to get the fuck out of Gaza and the West Bank.
You need to control your anger and vulgarity. Your hatred of Jews is visibly consuming you and it's not a good look.

It's on your terrorist buddies in Hamas to stop attacking Israeli civilians.
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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
There are no American boots on the ground. Israelis are the only ones fighting this fight. A tiny nation with "the great majority of the world" against them. And the "great majority of the world" has not even attempted to lift a finger to actually prove that they give a shit about what's happening. The great majority of the world, if they cared, would squash Israel (even with the help of the US).
Very eloquent, fact filled and compelling. You have a typically pathetic ability to debate.

You are displaying your ignorance. Here are just two examples where the nations of the world take in displaced people from areas of conflict. But the Palestinians are not welcome anywhere, even in fellow Muslim countries just across the border.

An ongoing refugee crisis began in Europe in late February 2022 after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Over 6 million refugees fleeing Ukraine are recorded across Europe, while an estimated 8 million others had been displaced within the country by late May 2022. Wikipedia

Sudanese refugees are persons originating from the country of Sudan, but seeking refuge outside the borders of their native country. In recent history, Sudan has been the stage for prolonged conflicts and civil wars, as well as environmental changes, namely desertification. Wikipedia
Egypt: 317,000
Ethiopia: 38,214

You need to control your anger and vulgarity. Your hatred of Jews is visibly consuming you and it's not a good look.

It's on your terrorist buddies in Hamas to stop attacking Israeli civilians.
Poorly educated. Racist. Raised on the moldy cult bigotry.


New member
Mar 7, 2011
That's all you're good for, screaming Jew hater, anti-Semite.
Those words mean NOTHING....ZERO.
Those words have been weaponized to the point that no one gives a shit.
They only give supremacists like you an excuse for your inhumanity.

Really, they mean nothing.

Tell me why innocent Jewish Canadians who have nothing to do with the war in Israel are being targeted by Jihadists and Marxist assholes in Canada?
When did it become normal and acceptable within Canadian borders for asshole Jihadists and Marxist fuckheads to harass Jewish students on Canadian campuses, burn and vandalize Canadian Jewish businesses and schools, as well as target Canadian synagogues?
Antisemitism is just as unjustified as Islamophobia in Canada. But there are many who disagree on this front.
Thankfully the asshole Jihadists and Marxist fuckheads are few and far between within Canadian borders. But they should be deported to a penal island to eat their own.
Most CANADIANS are peaceful and don't want to get caught up in the religious and political bullshit that has been ongoing for centuries.

But I am definitely thankful for all the Canadian veterans and their allies for fighting for the freedom and democracy of CANADA.
I come from a family of veterans who have served in many conflicts since world war 1.
I will always show my respect on Remembrance Day for their sacrifice for OUR peace in Canada. Let's keep it that way.
If you find this view unacceptable then go back to your rat hole and hide like the coward we all know you are.
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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
Tell me why innocent Jewish Canadians who have nothing to do with the war in Israel are being targeted by Jihadists and Marxist assholes in Canada?
When did it become normal and acceptable within Canadian borders for asshole Jihadists and Marxist fuckheads to harass Jewish students on Canadian campuses, burn and vandalize Canadian Jewish businesses and schools, as well as target Canadian synagogues?
Antisemitism is just as unjustified as Islamophobia in Canada. But there are many who disagree on this front.
Thankfully the asshole Jihadists and Marxist fuckheads are few and far between within Canadian borders. But they should be deported to a penal island to eat their own.
Most CANADIANS are peaceful and don't want to get caught up in the religious and political bullshit that has been ongoing for centuries.

But I am definitely thankful for all the Canadian veterans and their allies for fighting for the freedom and democracy of CANADA.
I come from a family of veterans who have served in many conflicts since world war 1.
I will always show my respect on Remembrance Day for their sacrifice for OUR peace in Canada. Let's keep it that way.
If you find this view unacceptable then go back to your rat hole and hide like the coward we all know you are.
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