Conservatives win St Paul's byelection


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
I have family like this. Their minds are programmed to think Conservatives are evil and romanticize the Liberals.
You have to admit, the Liberals are masters of demonizing opposing parties and their supporters just blindly go along with their twisted schemes.

Imagine...they convinced their supporters that paying a carbon tax would actually make them richer. That's f*cking brilliant!
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Well-known member
May 21, 2002
I have family like this. Their minds are programmed to think Conservatives are evil and romanticize the Liberals.
We've all got family like this.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Interesting to note Mad Max’s Peoples Party placed behind the Greens.

ConservativeDon Stewart15,55542.1 %
LiberalLeslie Church14,96540.5 %
NDP-New Democratic PartyAmrit Parhar4,04410.9 %
Green PartyChristian Cullis1,0592.9 %
People's Party - PPCDennis Wilson2340.6 %
I wouldn't read TOO much into that.
A lot may have depended on how much the PPC people thought knocking off the Libs (or even scaring them) was worth it.
This is still First Past the Post - people are going to be voting strategically based on what they think their shot is.

At the same time, this was a by-election with people knowing it won't change the make up of government - no chance it brings down the government directly.
So they may have just been voting more honestly. (Greens or NDP who really wanted the Cons not to win could have voted Lib if they thought they needed to save the seat.)

It did feel like a big "message vote" overall though, with polls showing it would be tight and talk that a loss would mean Trudeau stepped down.
Who knows how many Liberals voted Conservative for this election just hoping it would mean Justin would go before 2025.

The only real message I think you can take from this is the Liberals are in BIG trouble and the Cons are where most of the "I'm pissed at Justin and/or the Liberals" votes are going.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
It was a marginal victory by about 500 votes in a bye-election.

I'm not seeing it as a portend of much at all.
That feels like whistling past a graveyard.

A swing that big with a turn out that large is a snapshot of where the electorate is at (at least in that region).

Is it some kind of iron-clad prediction of election results next year?

But it isn't nothing.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Attention, my hopium-addicted rightie brethren. Here are the results of the bye election.

The Tories plundered most of their increase in votes from leftie parties like the Greens and the NDP.

View attachment 337662
You can't actually say that from these results.
You don't know who shifted where without exit polling.
The idea that all the "leftier than Lib" party supporters voted Conservative is a bit of a stretch without further evidence.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Trudeau should resign, not because he is bad, but because the fake internet hyperbole is too much to overcome. People just hate him... because his face is too symmetrical or something. So a rebranding is in order with a new face at the helm. Is Bob Rae still young enough? He was unfairly tarnished in the 80's by both sides for choosing the correct middle path. He is brilliant and can wax poetically without notes.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Trudeau should resign, not because he is bad, but because the fake internet hyperbole is too much to overcome. People just hate him... because his face is too symmetrical or something. So a rebranding is in order with a new face at the helm. Is Bob Rae still young enough? He was unfairly tarnished in the 80's by both sides for choosing the correct middle path. He is brilliant and can wax poetically without notes.
LOL...Rae Days!


Well-known member
May 25, 2023
The ground is crumbling from under Trudope and his band and still they cling to their extremist policies.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2011
Consider this...people are fed up with Trudeau whether you think this was a "real" election or not.
If they are it wouldn't be anything we haven't seen in the past with leaders from all parties. 8 to 10 years is a good run for a party leader, especially if they are PM.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I have family like this. Their minds are programmed to think Conservatives are evil and romanticize the Liberals.
That's the thing.

People talk about how in Canada we are now seeing political divisions akin to US politics like we've never seen before. And there is truth in that. But when you look at it, it starts with Justin Trudeau .

In all my life, which is slipping more and more into decrepitude with each passing week, I've never seen such a divisive Prime Minister. He constantly insults and belittles ordinary Canadians who simply don't agree with him. We constantly get referred to as "racists", "misogynists", "islamophobes", "cruel", "small minded", "hateful", "homophobes", you name it. And for some, he suspends their constitutional rights, freezes their bank accounts, threatens to use the government to take away their children and holds them without bail for months.

These aren't his political rivals, these are ordinary Canadians he is constantly labeling as such. Just look at the rhetoric he and Freeland were using in the run-up to the by-election.

I can not think of a previous Prime Minister who ever behaved in such a reprehensible way in the past. Seriously. I don't recall Chretien, or Mulroney or PET ever calling Canadian people racists or misogynists. 45 percent of the population never would have voted for the Liberals and to Justin that means they are all racists and misogynist and homophobic. It's sick.

He's just like Hilary Clinton who labeled half of Americans "deplorables". No Hilary, they are citizens of the United States and the fact that they were not going to vote for you doesn't make them a deplorable.

Same goes to Poilievre, don't ever make that mistake. Don't label citizens who choose not to vote for you as anything but people you simply have a political disagreement with. In closing, i recall the late great John McCain who actually came to the defense of Barack Obama during political rallies when things got carried away. Can't imagine Justin Trudeau ever being a gentleman like that. And for that he deserves to lose.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Trudeau should resign, not because he is bad, but because the fake internet hyperbole is too much to overcome. People just hate him... because his face is too symmetrical or something. So a rebranding is in order with a new face at the helm. Is Bob Rae still young enough? He was unfairly tarnished in the 80's by both sides for choosing the correct middle path. He is brilliant and can wax poetically without notes.
The dilemma lies in identifying a successor who can surpass the previous leader's performance. When Mulroney stepped down, Campbell's leadership led to significant electoral setbacks for the party in subsequent elections. A notable instance is the victory of a Loblaw lobbyist in St. Paul, exemplifying how voters can be influenced by misinformation campaigns. Allegations blaming Justin for inflation and various other issues contribute to this narrative


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
You can't actually say that from these results.
You don't know who shifted where without exit polling.
The idea that all the "leftier than Lib" party supporters voted Conservative is a bit of a stretch without further evidence.
Agreed. Probably more like a general shift to the right by all voters. NDP-ers voting Lib and some Lib voters going Tory.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
That's the thing.

People talk about how in Canada we are now seeing political divisions akin to US politics like we've never seen before. And there is truth in that. But when you look at it, it starts with Justin Trudeau .

In all my life, which is slipping more and more into decrepitude with each passing week, I've never seen such a divisive Prime Minister. He constantly insults and belittles ordinary Canadians who simply don't agree with him. We constantly get referred to as "racists", "misogynists", "islamophobes", "cruel", "small minded", "hateful", "homophobes", you name it. And for some, he suspends their constitutional rights, freezes their bank accounts, threatens to use the government to take away their children and holds them without bail for months.

These aren't his political rivals, these are ordinary Canadians he is constantly labeling as such. Just look at the rhetoric he and Freeland were using in the run-up to the by-election.

I can not think of a previous Prime Minister who ever behaved in such a reprehensible way in the past. Seriously. I don't recall Chretien, or Mulroney or PET ever calling Canadian people racists or misogynists. 45 percent of the population never would have voted for the Liberals and to Justin that means they are all racists and misogynist and homophobic. It's sick.

He's just like Hilary Clinton who labeled half of Americans "deplorables". No Hilary, they are citizens of the United States and the fact that they were not going to vote for you doesn't make them a deplorable.

Same goes to Poilievre, don't ever make that mistake. Don't label citizens who choose not to vote for you as anything but people you simply have a political disagreement with. In closing, i recall the late great John McCain who actually came to the defense of Barack Obama during political rallies when things got carried away. Can't imagine Justin Trudeau ever being a gentleman like that. And for that he deserves to lose.
James, no.

The KKKonvoy trolls were not "ordinary Canadians".

And no government is going to let trolls occupy a major city for 3 weeks and do nothing.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
That's the thing.

People talk about how in Canada we are now seeing political divisions akin to US politics like we've never seen before. And there is truth in that. But when you look at it, it starts with Justin Trudeau .

In all my life, which is slipping more and more into decrepitude with each passing week, I've never seen such a divisive Prime Minister. He constantly insults and belittles ordinary Canadians who simply don't agree with him. We constantly get referred to as "racists", "misogynists", "islamophobes", "cruel", "small minded", "hateful", "homophobes", you name it. And for some, he suspends their constitutional rights, freezes their bank accounts, threatens to use the government to take away their children and holds them without bail for months.

These aren't his political rivals, these are ordinary Canadians he is constantly labeling as such. Just look at the rhetoric he and Freeland were using in the run-up to the by-election.

I can not think of a previous Prime Minister who ever behaved in such a reprehensible way in the past. Seriously. I don't recall Chretien, or Mulroney or PET ever calling Canadian people racists or misogynists. 45 percent of the population never would have voted for the Liberals and to Justin that means they are all racists and misogynist and homophobic. It's sick.

He's just like Hilary Clinton who labeled half of Americans "deplorables". No Hilary, they are citizens of the United States and the fact that they were not going to vote for you doesn't make them a deplorable.

Same goes to Poilievre, don't ever make that mistake. Don't label citizens who choose not to vote for you as anything but people you simply have a political disagreement with. In closing, i recall the late great John McCain who actually came to the defense of Barack Obama during political rallies when things got carried away. Can't imagine Justin Trudeau ever being a gentleman like that. And for that he deserves to lose.
You are worried about a leader who you think is dividing the country so would prefer the guy who marched with the anti vaxxers, is linked to incels and has never had a real job?
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