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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And that is proof of your stupid double standard.

Canada and the US exist as they do because the Brits (and French and Spanish) decided they wanted the land.
So that makes it ok that zionists decided they wanted all of Palestine?
Canada and the US stopped killing our indigenous 100 years ago.
Somehow you think its ok that Israel still takes indigenous Palestinian land and kills them all in the process.

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Wow you're being disingenuous. I can show you many, many polls conducted BY Palestinians and there is not a single one that says the majority want an egalitarian One State peace where Jews and Palestinians have equal rights.
Do you think Jews wanted an egalitarian state with the nazis after WWII?
Why do you think Palestinians shouldn't be just as pissed after experiencing their own genocide?

How is Israel ever going to make it up?

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
So you back the Canadian solution?
Giving the indigenous full human rights, including the vote?
Giving them self determination.

Despite the wrongs that Canada did and continues to do, Canada's Indigenous CHOOSE to be Canadians within the context of the treaties. Palestinians on the other hand overwhelmingly CHOOSE NOT To be Israeli (no matter how much you think they need you to tell them what to do).


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You can present a 100 studies but you'd still be cherry picking and misinterpreting their preferences ...
So your moronic argument is now that listening to what Palestinians say is cherry picking because you don't like what they say?

They say they oppose an egalitarian One-State solution. The only misinterpretation is you believing you have the right to speak for them.

Although Canada and the US are settler colonial states much like Israel, they weren't formed based on claims of people from Europe being entitled to the land.
Holy fuck are your arguments stupid. Are you really pretending that Europeans didn't think they had the right to North America? Of course you ignore that there were a million indigenous Jews in the Ottoman Empire.

p.s. Israel is not the birthplace of Islam.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Check out Palestine before zionists took over, if you're interested in the history.
It was a diverse and safe.

Self owned.

The picture is of Tel Aviv, a community built by Jews on land they purchased.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Do you think Jews wanted an egalitarian state with the nazis after WWII?
Another justification for Palestinians rejecting peace? Their leaders are the ones who for 100 years have been using violence to prevent peace.

You think you are the hero Palestinians are looking for but they don't buy what you are selling.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Giving them self determination.

Despite the wrongs that Canada did and continues to do, Canada's Indigenous CHOOSE to be Canadians within the context of the treaties. Palestinians on the other hand overwhelmingly CHOOSE NOT To be Israeli (no matter how much you think they need you to tell them what to do).
Its time to give Palestine back to the Palestinians.
The zionist project has gone to its conclusion, after genocide it needs to be ended like the nazis.

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Another justification for Palestinians rejecting peace? Their leaders are the ones who for 100 years have been using violence to prevent peace.

You think you are the hero Palestinians are looking for but they don't buy what you are selling.
Its zionists that ended peace and refuse to stop stealing land in order to settle peacefully.
Its not the fault of the indigenous people.

Zionists are always trying to rewrite history to justify colonizing Palestine.
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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
So your moronic argument is now that listening to what Palestinians say is cherry picking because you don't like what they say?

They say they oppose an egalitarian One-State solution. The only misinterpretation is you believing you have the right to speak for them.

Holy fuck are your arguments stupid. Are you really pretending that Europeans didn't think they had the right to North America? Of course you ignore that there were a million indigenous Jews in the Ottoman Empire.

p.s. Israel is not the birthplace of Islam.
So your moronic argument is to conveniently pretend that there is a state of peace between Israel and Palestine and that the Palestinians are expressing their views completely independently with Israeli apartheid, oppression, genocide and brutality playing absolutely NO role in why they are expressing the opinions they do?

And nice try, trying to equate Zionist colonialism that came to Palestine with the argument that it was their ancestral homeland, and with the intent to ethnically cleanse the region, with European colonialism of North America.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
So your moronic argument...
Sorry. You've won the moronic battle.

You claimed that Palestinians want an egalitarian One State peace. Every Palestinian poll says the exact opposite yet you still make excuses for imposing your views on them, just like the Brits of the Raj taught.

The vast majority of Palestinians want a Palestinian state without a Jewish presence or failing that, a Two State peace. Or is reading Palestinian polling for the past decade+ just "cherry-picking"?

And yes, it is dumb to equate Israel's formation with the colonization of Canada. Jews had a historic connection and a continual history in Israel while Europeans had no hint of a rationale for wiping out Indigenous life and Implementing their colonial system in Canada. It's also dumb for you to pretend that you're not a settler in Canada, benefitting from past and present oppression of Indigenous people.

Non-Indigenous Canadians and Canadian immigrants have the exact same right to continue existing here because the only way forward is to make the best of the situation. The same applies to Israel/Palestine. The people there all have a right to continue existing with the only qualification being that both sides have to respect the rights of the other. Your view that Jews don't belong there is even less justified than the extreme of Canada's Indigenous believing neither you nor I have the right to be here.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Its zionists that ended peace...
Right. You believe that Oct 7 was really the Jews' fault.

In the real world, Hamas' Gaza leadership are the ones who have repeatedly rejected ceasefires and you have praised them for it. Since the 7th, Sinwar and Dief have made clear that they want perpetual war and have repeatedly stated that they are willing to sacrifice Palestinian civilians for as long as they have to (while hiding in bunkers and UN properties).

Just one of the more recent reports on it.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Its time to give Palestine back to the Palestinians.
So self-determination isn't your aim. Thanks for admitting it.

You claim to support the UN. Their official stance is the only path to peace is a negotiated settlement so why do you constantly object to the idea?


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Sorry. You've won the moronic battle.

You claimed that Palestinians want an egalitarian One State peace. Every Palestinian poll says the exact opposite yet you still make excuses for imposing your views on them, just like the Brits of the Raj taught.

The vast majority of Palestinians want a Palestinian state without a Jewish presence or failing that, a Two State peace. Or is reading Palestinian polling for the past decade+ just "cherry-picking"?
Sorry, you have already established yourself as king of the moronic cherry picked arguments.

Yes, Palestinians want an EGALITARIAN one state peace.

Israel is a JEWISH state where Palestinians can have no hope of said egalitarian arrangement. Will Israelis accept a Palestinian PM? The answer to that is no. So the Palestinians are correct in rejecting such a one state arrangement. They are not going to live as second class citizens after all. Palestinians say this not because they are antisemitic, but BECAUSE of Israel's apartheid and genocide towards them, that they now do not trust Israel.

To conveniently ignore Israel's actions that have resulted in this Palestinian public opinion and pretend that the Palestinians are to be blamed for it, is cherry picking and dishonest.

As I said, for either a one state or a two state solution Israel needs to give up something. Either land, or their Jewish identity.
And yes, it is dumb to equate Israel's formation with the colonization of Canada. Jews had a historic connection and a continual history in Israel while Europeans had no hint of a rationale for wiping out Indigenous life and Implementing their colonial system in Canada. It's also dumb for you to pretend that you're not a settler in Canada, benefitting from past and present oppression of Indigenous people.
Yes, so stop equating them. The only Jews who had a historic connection to Palestine are the ones who lived there during the Ottoman rule. The white people from Europe who colonized the land, had nothing to do with Palestine. This should make sense even from an ethnic standpoint. Eastern Europeans did not originate in the middle east.

And no, I am not a settler. I am an immigrant. Settlers do not use immigration laws to move to a new land. They just move and colonize. Which is what the European Jews did. I am an immigrant that used immigration schemes provisioned by Canada.
Non-Indigenous Canadians and Canadian immigrants have the exact same right to continue existing here because the only way forward is to make the best of the situation. The same applies to Israel/Palestine. The people there all have a right to continue existing with the only qualification being that both sides have to respect the rights of the other. Your view that Jews don't belong there is even less justified than the extreme of Canada's Indigenous believing neither you nor I have the right to be here.
The only ones denying anybody's existence is Israel. The Likud party's charter reads: "Between Jordan and the sea there shall be ONLY Israeli sovereignty". That is genocidal.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Right. You believe that Oct 7 was really the Jews' fault.
No, it was the fault of zionists.
Zionists who have illegally occupied Palestine for 75 years and continue to steal Palestinian land by force.
Palestinians have the right to use violence against an illegal occupation, just not to target civilians.

In the real world, Hamas' Gaza leadership are the ones who have repeatedly rejected ceasefires and you have praised them for it. Since the 7th, Sinwar and Dief have made clear that they want perpetual war and have repeatedly stated that they are willing to sacrifice Palestinian civilians for as long as they have to (while hiding in bunkers and UN properties).

Just one of the more recent reports on it.
No, there has been no real ceasefire offer from Israel.
Even the truce was a temporary pause where Israel tried to have hostages returned so they could return to genocide.
Netanyahu has stated that there will be no peace and he will not stop until he kills everyone he thinks might be Hamas.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
No, it was the fault of zionists.
I know you think Palestinians to be sub-human and incapable of making decisions but only the most disgusting clowns are still claiming Israel made Hamas plan and practice for years in attacking civilian towns and kidnapping civilians.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Sorry, you have already established yourself as king of the moronic cherry picked arguments.

Yes, Palestinians want an EGALITARIAN one state peace.
But my "cherry picking" has forced the Palestinians to have zero polls saying so. There are Palestinians who do want it but depending on the poll, between 70 and 95% of Palestinians oppose it. You are just making yourself look stupid and elitist to pretend otherwise.

And Israel is already a state where Palestinian citizens who WANT to be Israeli have full legal rights (though facing some systemic discrimination). You might think it sounds good to force the vast majority of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza into a One State peace against their will but that is a you issue, not a they issue. As I said many times, the solution can only be based on negotiations between the people involved and we don't get a vote.

The only Jews who had a historic connection to Palestine are the ones who lived there during the Ottoman rule.
Are you now saying that Judaism didn't start in Israel or are you pulling out the bullshit Kazar hypothesis to justify you racial perceptions. Sorry but the genetics don't support that racist inspired tripe, showing significant middle eastern roots in the Ashkenazi population. It's as stupid as saying Muslims don't belong in Israel because they aren't direct descendants of Muhammad's line.

But thanks for admitting that Ottoman Jews are legitimate residents of the region. Do you want to comment on them making up roughly half of Israeli Jews?

And in another of your moronic own-goals, you were at one point claiming that the solution involves all the people currently living there. Seems that you've worked that argument into a 180.

And no, I am not a settler. I am an immigrant. Settlers do not use immigration laws to move to a new land.
Speaking of idiotic own-goals, you're arguing that you following European created immigration laws make you legitimate here but Jews who followed local (Ottoman) and later European created immigration laws means Jews in Israel are illigitimate.

You really are good for a laugh. You make me wonder if you actually think before posting.

The only ones denying anybody's existence is Israel. The Likud party's charter reads: "Between Jordan and the sea there shall be ONLY Israeli sovereignty". That is genocidal.
And ending with one more dumb-assed double standard since you have repeatedly justified Hamas and the PA saying the same thing.
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