You can present a 100 studies but you'd still be cherry picking and misinterpreting their preferences while conveniently trying to ignore the WHY behind their choices. If Palestinians are refusing both a 1 state or a 2 state solution, they are doing so because they dont trust their genociders. Can you blame them? No. But you do. You genocide them and then hold THEM responsible for refusing to trust you. That is like blaming Jews for not trusting the Nazis. No. Israel is solely to be blamed for this. If you want Palestinians to accept anything, it will first involve, Israel GIVING UP something. And that something has to be either land, or their JEWISH identity.
Although Canada and the US are settler colonial states much like Israel, they weren't formed based on claims of people from Europe being entitled to the land. They were formed as a natural consequence of colonialism and initially they were oppressive states indeed. However, with time, this has changed. The only place where it has not changed is in Israel.
Israel's Jewish history is irrelevant because Israel is the birthplace of all 3 semitic religions. All 3 religions therefore can claim Israel to be their ancestral lands. All of this is moot anyway as regardless of Judaism's history in the land, no European Jewish person, or even an Arab Jewish person, apart from the minority who lived there in the 20th century, have any claim to the land. They were not there for 1000s of years. They lost the claim to the land.
And Israel was not formed by the UN. The UN does not have the authority to form countries or enforce borders. The UN recommended a partition by adopting a resolution at the UNGA. The Israeli settler colonialists then just took over the land and declared independence. Israel did not freely give citizenship to Arabs. They first ethnically cleansed them as much as possible and gave citizenship to the remaining minority. As I said, even if Arabs had welcomed them with open arms, Zionisms goals of establishing a JEWISH state, is incompatible with peace. It would have still resulted in violence.
And no, it is moronic to call me a settler. Settlers settle in a land without immigration laws, much like the European Jews did before 1948. Immigrants like me, apply for immigration in an established state, via legal processes.
Canada is not persecuting indigeneous people currently. Systemic racism exists. But that is not state sponsored apartheid, terrorism, and genocide, like Israel visits upon the Palestinians. Its idiotic to even compare a country like Canada that takes truth and reconciliation seriously with Israel that is extremely vociferous and hateful about the way they talk about Palestinians and call for their genocide.