Explain the difference in Israeli policy between the two parties.
What exactly is the difference between the 2 parties as it regards Palestine? Military aid and political support for Israel is always going to continue. Politicians on both sides are bought and paid for by AIPAC.
So neither of you are paying attention?
No worries about Trump's call for Israel to "Finish the job"?
The calls from Israel about how much Biden is hampering the war effort?
Trump's advisors calling for Palestinian expulsion from Gaza and full annexation of the West bank?
Trump's support and encouragement of war crimes as the best way to win? (Especially war crimes against Muslims.)
Or we can review some of Trump’s policy toward the Palestinians when in office.
- His government declared that it no longer considered the settlements to be illegal.
- Senior Trump administration officials questioned Palestinians’ ability to govern themselves.
- The Trump “peace plan” was negotiating only with Israel — the Palestinians were not included.
- He ended U.S. aid to Palestinians for things like hospitals, infrastructure and schools.
So yeah, the parties aren't the same, even here.
This is almost as dumb as people saying "The Democrats didn't do universal health care - there is no difference between the parties!".
Again, someone who votes a third party, is voting against Trump as much as they are voting against Biden.
No they aren't.
Or rather, they have to not understand the system they are voting in to believe that.
(Which, to be fair, is a problem. Lots of people are badly confused about this.)
So yes, they might be doing that in terms of "that is what they
It just isn't actually what they are doing in terms of consequence.
But even using your logic, it is still them saying that either they have no preference between Biden and Trump on any issue or in any way - since those are the only two possible winners and refusing to pick one means you are refusing to distinguish - or that while they DO have a preference for one or the other on policy, it is more important that the one they would normally support lose.
So if characterizing their choice as "I dont mind Trump winning" is true, then it is equally correct to characterize it as "I dont mind Biden winning".
You are operating under the assumption that in the absence of the Israel Palestine issue, their vote would have gone to Biden and I am telling you that this is your assumption, not reality.
Yes, I am, because that is the frame of the discussion.
Are there people who would prefer Trump in most ways, but because Trump is so pro-Israel they are not going to vote for him?
And they would also be acting stupidly from their point of view if they actually preferred Trump.
Remember, what is happening here is you are
taking your vote away from the result you want.
So again, either you TRULY have no preference in any way between the two, or you do and are deluded about the effects of what you are doing with your vote.
Could there be a Trump supporter who is all in on Trump's policies but finds him too pro-Israel and so will vote third party?
But then they will also be doing exactly what I am saying, which is that they are ok contributing to Biden's victory. (Only more indirectly.)