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Israel at war


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
That is what you are doing, you are making the voter choose only between 2 choices, when in fact they have more than one, because only one of those 2 choices are likely to get elected.
Voting is about influencing who gets in power.
When there are only two results possible, everything you do is a choice about which of those outcomes you prefer.
That it might also provide some additional information is an add on effect. (And, again, one that is handled badly by plurality voting.)
There are LOTS of reasons I harp on about better voting systems and one is that I want people to have more meaningful choices.

Of course that is what you do. You vote per your conscience. If your conscience suggests that you do not want Trump to win, and if that is the priority for you, then you vote for whoever you think has the best chance of beating Trump. If your conscience suggests that you vote for Cornell West because the Israel Palestine issue is big for you, you vote for him, whether or not he wins.
This is an incredibly bad way to look at voting in a system where doing so results in worse outcomes.
Voting is a method to determine government, not a plebiscite about the sentiment of the people.
That people still believe that voting is supposed to be about your personal feelings about your vote is a pernicious myth and the quicker people can be disabused of this notion the better.

By that definition my choice to vote for say Cornell West or another independent, hurts Trump too. So your accusation that it helps Trump falls flat right there.
Not at all.
It hurts whoever of the two you would vote for if forced to choose.
Now, if what you are saying is that in a normal situation between Trump and Biden, you would choose Trump then yes, your choice to vote for West hurts Trump.

But the real issue isn't "who does it hurt". It is "which outcome do you prefer"?
If your preferred outcome is Trump over Biden, then voting for West hurts Trump. If your preferred outcome is Biden over Trump, then voting for West hurts Biden.
The important part is that voting for West hurts you because it makes your preferred outcome less likely.

Both choices - Trump and Biden are detrimental for this particular issue of Palestine. Say I was a voter, I may choose Cornell West or some other to ensure my vote does not go to either of the two that I dont like. If Cornell West or other independent candidates did not exist as a choice, I may choose to not vote at all. It just means you voted per your beliefs.
And produce an outcome.
Now, if you truly believe there is absolutely no difference between Trump and Biden on Palestine, then your vote is rational.
If, however, you believe there is (even if both are bad), then you have made the situation worse because instead of putting the person in who gives you a result you prefer, you deprived them of your vote.

And that is, of course, an assumption that you have no preferences in any other way between the two people who might win.
If you have any other preferences between the two, then you have the same dilemma, even if you think they are exactly equal in all ways on the issue of Palestine.

You are being presumptuous about what is good for the voter. The voter is an individual and they will make their choices that they find beneficial for them.
As I said above. "Voting your conscience" is detrimental for you.
This is key to why plurality voting is so reviled.

The only benefit it gives is you being able to say "I voted my conscience" while it actively contributes to making the situation you had a conscience about worse.
(Now yes, there is an argument that it is a long-term strategy. Making the situation worse will cause enough people to suffer that eventually someone will do the right thing about it. I don't think that's a good argument, but it is at least one that doesn't pretend the system is something other than it is.)

That includes not voting for Biden or Trump, or even anyone at all. Or voting for an independent. What exact benefit would a pro-Palestinian person have in voting in Biden? None. Trump? None. So what do they do? They either choose to not vote at all, or vote for someone who speaks their mind. Its fair enough. So no, you are still wrong about this.
See above.
This is entirely the wrong way to think about voting, especially in a plurality winner system.

He literally said those sentences. Those were his words. He uttered those 3 sentences. Case closed.

I am interpreting nothing. I am repeating translation of 3 sentences that literally came out of his mouth, word for word.
That isn't case closed at all and you know it.
You are absolutely interpreting things.

He said "We will eliminate everything". What is in Gaza? People, infrastructure, animals. Everything is an all encompassing term. It proves genocidal intent without a shred of doubt. I am not even quoting his other pronouncements of Palestinians as "human animals", or Israel's president saying "there are no non-combatants in Gaza" etc., Just going off of his words alone is enough to show genocidal intent. As I said, if all they wanted was to take out Hamas, they could have just said so. Its not difficult. Hamas attacked them. They could have said "We will eliminate Hamas". But he did not. He chose to say "We will eliminate everything".

You are the one grasping at straws on this one. I am simply pointing out what Gallant very clearly said.

No, I'm not.
This is easy to settle.

Show the whole clip.

I think it is very likely he said something every bit as genocidal as you say.
But no one should take an edited clip on the internet without skepticism.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Voting is about influencing who gets in power.
When there are only two results possible, everything you do is a choice about which of those outcomes you prefer.
That it might also provide some additional information is an add on effect. (And, again, one that is handled badly by plurality voting.)
There are LOTS of reasons I harp on about better voting systems and one is that I want people to have more meaningful choices.
Who gets to power is the inevitable result of voting. The primary purpose of voting however is to exercise your opinion, representing your opinions, per your conscience and per what is important to you.
This is an incredibly bad way to look at voting in a system where doing so results in worse outcomes.
Voting is a method to determine government, not a plebiscite about the sentiment of the people.
That people still believe that voting is supposed to be about your personal feelings about your vote is a pernicious myth and the quicker people can be disabused of this notion the better.
The sentiment of the people should be represented in the government. That is the purpose of voting. It is about representation that you would other wise not have in a non-democratic system. They say for the people, by the people for a reason. Also the notion of "worse outcomes" is relative. A Trump voter's best outcome is for Trump to get to power. But when your choice isn't Trump or Biden you have to either not vote at all, or vote for someone else.
Not at all.
It hurts whoever of the two you would vote for if forced to choose.
Now, if what you are saying is that in a normal situation between Trump and Biden, you would choose Trump then yes, your choice to vote for West hurts Trump.

But the real issue isn't "who does it hurt". It is "which outcome do you prefer"?
If your preferred outcome is Trump over Biden, then voting for West hurts Trump. If your preferred outcome is Biden over Trump, then voting for West hurts Biden.
The important part is that voting for West hurts you because it makes your preferred outcome less likely.
As it stands now if there was no other choice than Trump or Biden, meaning there were only 2 choices, I would choose to not vote at all. My preferred outcome is neither Trump, nor Biden. So no, your logic doesn't stand scrutiny. My vote for West, for example, would hurt both Biden and Trump equally and your accusation of it helping Trump falls flat.

And infact, my "intent" here does not matter at all because that isn't going to actually have an impact on anything - as it is merely a thought. The practical implication of me voting for West, would inevitably hurt both Biden and Trump equally.
Now, if you truly believe there is absolutely no difference between Trump and Biden on Palestine, then your vote is rational.
If, however, you believe there is (even if both are bad), then you have made the situation worse because instead of putting the person in who gives you a result you prefer, you deprived them of your vote.

And that is, of course, an assumption that you have no preferences in any other way between the two people who might win.
If you have any other preferences between the two, then you have the same dilemma, even if you think they are exactly equal in all ways on the issue of Palestine.
Yes I said that before. But, you are fundamentally wrong in saying that my vote for West, is support for Trump. It is not. If Trump was pro-Palestinian, I would just vote for him. Why would I vote for West? If Biden was pro-Palestinian I would vote for him. But in this case both aren't, so my choice is to vote for West and not give either Trump or Biden the vote. Both of them are detrimental to the Palestinian cause and won't do anything to make it better.
As I said above. "Voting your conscience" is detrimental for you.
This is key to why plurality voting is so reviled.

The only benefit it gives is you being able to say "I voted my conscience" while it actively contributes to making the situation you had a conscience about worse.
(Now yes, there is an argument that it is a long-term strategy. Making the situation worse will cause enough people to suffer that eventually someone will do the right thing about it. I don't think that's a good argument, but it is at least one that doesn't pretend the system is something other than it is.)
As I said you are being presumptuous that one is detrimental and the other isn't, or at the very least that one is more detrimental than the other. I consider both detrimental to the Palestinian cause. The only right thing to do in this case is to vote your conscience, and vote for someone else.
That isn't case closed at all and you know it.
You are absolutely interpreting things.
Interpreting is giving meaning to something. I am not. Those were sentences he said and it was translated and I copy pasted the translation. The meaning of that translation is clear. Genocidal intent.
No, I'm not.
This is easy to settle.

Show the whole clip.

I think it is very likely he said something every bit as genocidal as you say.
But no one should take an edited clip on the internet without skepticism.
The whole clip would be reasonable to ask had his sentences been edited in the middle and words taken out of context - similar to that video of Joe Rogan saying the N word where only the N word was presented but not the entire sentence he used it in (It is still not okay to use the N word, but the purpose of the edited clip was to make him look white supremacist or whatever which I dont think he is).

In this case his entire sentence and the translation was provided.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
If the majority of Americans choose to vote for Trump, why should we not find it amusing? They dont think they are suffering if they elect him so why should we care?.
Trump is likely to be elected without the majority of Americans voting for him, just like last time.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Poor Val. He is watching in real time the actual reasons why Biden could very well lose the election to Trump, which is essentially why Hillary did.

And he is going to continue to gaslight with his elitist "I know better than you what's good so line up and vote what I say" because it's all he knows. He can't fathom another opinion.
Oh Butler.
You aren't silly enough to think this is how I would try to persuade voters do you?

This is TERB where none of you vote.

This is what happens when you piss people off enough. They will vote their conscious and will accept eorse results to hope for later better options. Val essentially wants people to stay in a bad abusive relationship because he thinks it's worse leaving.
That's a new version of the "We just need to beat them until they accept my point of view" approach you prefer.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Trump is likely to be elected without the majority of Americans voting for him, just like last time.
Those are the same rules that Biden is subject to as well.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I'd say it has cost them Michigan. Absolutely. Thats 100,000's of votes around Dearborn that are toast. And the margin is tight there.
It might.
But we don't know how many votes are lost there.
It will be an absolute push by Trump and his company to get people to sit out the vote there because it is a break point.

As for other parts it isn't about support politically but simply about taxpayer dollars bring spent and not on Americans. Isolationism has risen in the USA to a point imo it will be a factor in the swing states.
But as shown in the various polls Frank linked to, it doesn't seem to be the prime factor driving votes.
It isn't like Biden changing his Israel position means he wins the election.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
How is voting for someone aiding genocide 'fixing the system' or 'nurturing democracy'?
The system is clearly fucked if your choice is between a rapist and convicted felon who attempted a coup and someone aiding genocide.
Because not voting is counter productive.
Also, you are under some sort of delusion that I think voting is the only thing people should do and the system of voting shouldn't be changed.

If this were an election between Biden and some more traditional republican you wouldn't be repeatedly arguing that not voting for rump will bring about the end of democracy and even more genocide.
So you agree that my arguments about who to vote for would be based on who is running?
I'm glad.

I got the impression you were arguing that I am just making up a fake claim about the consequences to get my person in power and am every bit as bad as MAGA for doing that.
I'm glad I misunderstood that.

Same way the protests and losing the election changed the dems after Vietnam.
You mean the massive, blowout loss of McGovern as a peace candidate in 1972 made the Dems more warlike for the next generation or so because they got systematically crushed in Presidential elections for 20 years and only won once in the aftermath of Watergate?

Have you at least moved on from saying that votes are owed to Biden and refusing to vote for him is 'punishing' him just for aiding genocide?
You are the one who said that refusing to vote for him was to punish him.
Well, you dropped that pretty quickly when I called you on it, but Katiyula is sticking to it.

The Dems must lose to teach the Dems a lesson - just like you said happened during the Vietnam era.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
it is confirmed! Terrorist Chronicle aka Palestine Chronicle was involved in holding hostages

IDF confirms: 3 hostages held by Palestinian ‘journalist’ and Hamas operative who was killed during rescue

Three of the four Israeli hostages rescued on Saturday were held in the home of a Palestinian journalist and operative of the Hamas terror group, the Israel Defense Forces confirmed on Sunday evening.

“After investigations by the IDF and Shin Bet, it can be confirmed that Abdullah al-Jamal was an operative of the terrorist organization Hamas, who held the abductees Almog Meir, Andrey Kozlov and Shlomi Ziv in his family home in Nuseirat,” the IDF stated.

“This is further proof that the terrorist organization Hamas uses the civilian population as a human shield.”

The statement partly confirmed assertions by Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor (EMHRM) Chairman Ramy Abdu on social media.

Soon after the rescue operation on Saturday, Abdu claimed that IDF soldiers killed several members of the al-Jamal family in their home during the raid, including Abdullah’s father, who was a medical doctor, and several women.

This statement fueled speculation that the home was used to hold Noa Argamani, who revealed after her rescue that she had been kept in the private residence of a well-off family.

The IDF later denied this, stating that the three male hostages were held there.

Eitan Fischberger, a Middle East analyst and journalist, commented on Abdu’s original post, adding several details about Abdullah al-Jamal’s dual work as a journalist and Hamas member.

Al-Jamal reportedly worked as a freelance journalist and was a former writer for Al-Jazeera News, among other outlets. In addition, he functioned as the spokesman for Hamas’ Ministry of Labor in the Gaza Strip.

Al Jazeera later claimed that al-Jamal "is not related to us at all and did not work in the past or present for Al Jazeera" and denied the "malicious rumors." Despite this, al-Jamal's name appeared on the channel's website as a contributor.

During the war, al-Jamal mainly wrote a blog for the U.S.-based tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, The Palestine Chronicle, accusing Israeli soldiers of murders and massacres. He apparently continued his work while holding three Israeli hostages in his family home.

Fischberger also found al-Jamal’s Facebook posts from Oct. 7, when he praised God for his “promised victory.”

Abdu describes himself as an assistant professor of Law and Finance and is a veteran anti-Israel activist. According to NGO Monitor, in 2013, the Israeli Defense Ministry called him one of the “main operatives” for institutions considered by Israel to be fronts for Hamas in Europe.

“The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor is an ideological advocacy NGO led by Palestinians alleged by Israel to be linked to Hamas. The organization uses the facade of human rights and focuses primarily on demonizing Israel, with no publicly available information on its budget or funding sources,” NGO Monitor wrote on their page.

“The repeated allegations directed at Israel, including accusations of ‘organ theft,’ as well as ‘genocide,’ ‘ethnic cleansing,’ ‘collective punishment,’ are not supported by evidence.”

IDF confirms: 3 hostages held by Palestinian ‘journalist’ and Hamas operative who was killed during rescue | All Israel News


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Oh Butler.
You aren't silly enough to think this is how I would try to persuade voters do you?

This is TERB where none of you vote.

That's a new version of the "We just need to beat them until they accept my point of view" approach you prefer.
The reason the Dems are relying on is "Where else ya gonna go" when it comes to minorities. It's the one they have been using for decades. Well the polling is clearly suggesting they are willing to walk away anyway and see things get worse hoping it gets better later. Hispanics, Black men, Muslims, Young people are now willing in game changing percentages to stay home, vote Trump, or third party. Not because of anything I've said, but because of what Democrats have, of have not done depending on the question.

They have become so bad in many eyes Trump is a viable alternative for 4 years. Blaming voters is not the answer.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Oh Butler.
You aren't silly enough to think this is how I would try to persuade voters do you?

This is TERB where none of you vote.

That's a new version of the "We just need to beat them until they accept my point of view" approach you prefer.
I'm sure you do, and don't even realize you do. You can't help yourself. You do it to anyone who attacks the Dems with legitimate attacks.

You try to obfuscate policy with procedural bullshiting. The premise being they have, and never will have choice. Well they do. And more are will to leave the Dems as a useless exercise in voting.
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