Because there are a number of factors that affect the price of this or that.. how many times do we have to cover it. And participation ribbons count for shit or haven’t you learned that yet? When someone you owe $100 billion to wants their $$$$. Do you think that person gives a rats ass…..or when a ceo wants to expand a plant to make and bottle beer and hire 100 people. But is trying to figure out where in the world to risk a few hundred million and what currency to borrow…Do you think they give a rats ass about participation ribbons?Ohh, if it is Trudeau's policy then tell us why the rest of the advanced nations are in the same boat? Of course Baby Scheer keeps on bullshitting that this "printing money" is the cause. Otherwise, Trudeau had the influence on all the advanced nations.......ROTFLMAO!!
Then tell us why did Harper who was gifted a booming economy, that had a healthy surplus, then pushed Canada into a deep recession throughout his tenor? Even when he left office in 2015 Canada had not turned around its economy.
So greedflation is the actual cause. I posted the actual graph that addresses this fact!!
One thing of about 7 that causes inflation is “supply chains”..At home and abroad. The people you call free dumb truckers, and farmers here at home have bills too. Another is wages, here at home and across the pond too…another is the supply of money. If you have 1 buck today, but tomorrow I print 5 bucks. How many bucks are in the system trying to buy 1 beer. In the same way 5 people with 1 million bucks are trying to buy 1 house that yesterday was worth 500,000.
So what happens when three of seven are happening at the same time. And you stupidly throw gas on a fire
So does the value of the peso, usd, Eur, cad.
simple question for you Beaver. If you have 1 dollar today and that buck buys 1 beer in Mexico. Next year you return but the cad/peso is 0.5, instead of at par..How many cads do you need to buy 1 beer on a Mexican beach.
Then Because you scratched a ticket and won cash for life…You hop on a plane with your pesos, and fly to Amsterdam for a few days of fun. The spot CAD/EUR is 0.72 and the EUR/CAD is 1.29. How many CADs will you get with 1,000 pesos. After the bank takes 260 basis points because they have bills and employees too that need to eat.. So you can buy a blowjob from a CAD SP that’s flying home the next day, so she wants CAD from you. So she can buy lunch, and a Heiniken at YYZ
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