clearly you are not capable of understanding the fundamental laws of nature governing absorption of electromagnetic radiationHoly Jumping Jesus Christ Johnny, are you saying that humanity is doomed? According to your calculations, the troposphere would suck up the ozone layer and dissipate it into outer space...then we'd be truly fucked.
you are too lazy to learn
radiation is dissipated into space, not ozone
"sucking" is not part of the process
your understanding of the physics however does suck
btw the ozone layer is in the stratosphere not in the troposphere
planet earth is more than capable of handling a 0.01% change in atmospheric compositionPlanet Earth is fragile, we have to take care of our Eden. I didn't know Johnny was an environmentalist, welcome to the club brotha.
co2 has been much much higher than the current 420 parts per million (2000 to 7000 ppm) for most of its history
2/3 of the planet is covered in water, natures universal temperature regulator
there is no climate change emergency
ever since man started communicating there has always been a certain segment of the population that has been certain the end of the world is imminent
this segment has progressed from the village idiot to placard carrying spectacles on city street corners and now to internet trolls.
there are real environmental problems such as access to clean drinking water for billions, over fishing of the oceans and irresponsible forest management
these are being ignored (made worse) by the climate change hysteria / lunacy
pretending you have moral superiority by calling yourself an environmentalist is completely disingenuous if you are too lazy to question the propaganda and/or too lazy to understand the physics
do not think for a second your damn fool virtue signalling grants you moral superiority to preach to anyone
your lack of understanding makes it all that much more offensive
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