You geniuses choose the warmest winter in history to declare an end to the fight against climate change...LOL
climate changes, always has , mostly likely always will
what is needed is the end of unwarranted hysteria driven by propaganda and uninformed irresponsible fear mongering
Ever since man started communicating, there has always been a segment of the population who has predicted the end of the world
They originated as the village idiots, and then evolved to placard carrying spectacles on city street corners and now have moved onto the internet
Let PP do his con act, dismantle healthcare, the CBC, pensions and social programs
Thats pure propaganda & fear mongering
Health care is managed by the provinces
Pensions are segregated money managed by independent boards
Social programs ?
require funding and well ........... Trudeau borrowed and spent the revenues from several
future generations
Poiliervre will act responsibly given the financial mess he will have to work with
Poiliervre will also drive much needed change at the CBC.
a public broadcaster should not be beholding/ biased to a specific political party in a democracy.
Every Canadian should be very concerned with this corruption
if people are stupid enough to follow him into the abyss of conservative greed, division, homophobia and racism.
that is so wrong,
how many victim cards do you plan on playing here ?
. Measles is back thanks to the anti vax crowd that PP courts. Maybe he'll crack down on prostitution and bring back the Red Ensign too !
Poiliervre is just going to displace an irresponsible, corrupt narcists, fool/ PM before Trudeau does more damage.
Poiliervre will not intentionally make life more expensive for Canadians i.e. he is not Justin Trudeau
its all upside unless you are one of the piggies with their snout in the Trudeau taxpayer funded trough or the lunatic segment of the population as described above