
Kareem Abdul Jabbar


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
No I am not. Terrorism, is our accusation of them. They are not admitting to anything, or saying that as a matter of official policy that they would or are doing anything terroristic in nature. Iran has not once said, it will conduct unprovoked attacks on the US, or Canada or anybody else for that matter.

None of that however, justifies labeling ALL citizens from those countries "terrorists". That is just racism and Islamophobia.
Interesting. You label US government agencies as committing terrorism while denying that countries endorse terrorism. And it's pretty stupid to infer that I back Trump's Muslim ban. Try going back and reading my posts in this thread.

Hopefully India will stop sending assassins to Canadian and US soil to push their political agendas (the definition of terrorism).


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
labeling ALL citizens from those countries "terrorists".
Another totally false premise. You're on a hot streak.

Those countries are labelled as terrorist states and their leaders promote terrorism.

It is moronic to extrapolate that to mean that anybody thinks that ALL of the citizens are terrorists.

What it means is that there is a higher probability that someone coming from a country labelled as a terrorist state, will be a terrorist. It is that higher probability that is enough to mean a citizen of a terrorist state will have more difficulty coming into our country. Nobody thinks that the probability is 100%. Only an idiotic would think that or try to interpret it as such. False premises lead to false conclusions.

Guaranteed that that will go over your head which is further evidence of something that you lack.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Except to Americans. Our terrorist designation list is relevant to Canadians. In both cases, our governments represent the general views of our societies. if you don't like it, either put up with it, advocate for change, or move.
Canada and the US also label the zionist Kahanist movement as terrorists, members of whom form the Israeli government.
Those are terrorists you refuse to call and instead actively support on this board.

But you only use the word terrorist to demonize Palestinians, to label them subhuman so you can justify supporting apartheid and genocide.
Clearly its not about terrorism at all, its about racial supremacy and colonial settlers.

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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
That definition could be applied to anyone.

It is applied to citizens from countries on the terror list.

You could say Biden is promoting terrorism by arming Israel to commit genocide against the Palestinians. Israel is legitimately a terrorist state. The US supporting it, makes US a terror sponsor.
Go ahead, if it gets you hard. But that doesn't make it true.

It is a meaningless list where countries are put on it, to enforce a sanction or use as a negotiation tool etc., It says nothing about the citizenry who are just innocent people.
It's an important list. It interferes with your narrative so you, the great and powerful Kauz decides it's not important.

Considering citizens as terrorists, because their country of origin has been put on a list, used for political purposes, is racism 101.
Go ahead and call it racism. Nobody is listening to you. You are repeating that misinterpretation again. That is NOT what I said. It must be too complex for you.

No, just because a country is on that list does not mean a citizen of that country is automatically "high risk". Saudi Arabia is not on the list. Do you want to take a wild guess what Bin Laden's nationality is?
Keep trying to change what I said.

His nationality does not come into play. He was a known terrorist and lived in Afghanista. I believe that our governments know more than you as to what constitutes a terrorist state.

However, North Korea is. North Korea, the isolated country that has done nothing to any western country ever.
Except advance their nuclear program, improve their missiles and threaten to nuke us. Just like Iran.

Nothing at all for us to worry about.

Please settle down and let it go.. LOL. Do you want your pacifier?


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
That definition could be applied to anyone. You could say Biden is promoting terrorism by arming Israel to commit genocide against the Palestinians. Israel is legitimately a terrorist state. The US supporting it, makes US a terror sponsor.
You could also say you are promoting violence by giving Paul Bernardo's victims guns. Those people are retarded and safely ignored.

As for the rest of your clap trap, coming from someone who sees human shields dying as collateral damage as terrorism and genocide but not seeing hostage taking and purposely targeting civilians as a problem and the plan to exterminate Jews from River to Sea as genocide, your opinion is also safely ignored.

OTOH you and your ilk are actual terrorism supporters and they say game recognizes game so...


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You could also say you are promoting violence by giving Paul Bernardo's victims guns. Those people are retarded and safely ignored.

As for the rest of your clap trap, coming from someone who sees human shields dying as collateral damage as terrorism and genocide but not seeing hostage taking and purposely targeting civilians as a problem and the plan to exterminate Jews from River to Sea as genocide, your opinion is also safely ignored.

OTOH you and your ilk are actual terrorism supporters and they say game recognizes game so...
There's nothing like using the language of racism to prove you are against racism.


Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Most of his businesses have ended as failures or scams. Your degree from Trump U is showing.
Most? I'm afraid your ignorance is showing. Do you think you know more than the banks who are happy to lend money to his businesses? You don't have a clue about business. If I were you, I'd quit digging that hole.

p.s. Pro tip - if certain TERB posters agree with you, it's a sure sign you've got it wrong!


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
No. It is not applied to citizens from countries on the terror list. Countries are put on that list for political reasons and it says nothing about the citizenry of that country. Applying the terrorist label to all citizens is racist. It is racism 101.
Keep repeating the lie. The terror label is not applied to all citizens of a country. It is applied to the country/state that supports terrorism in general and against the west in particular. If you want to call that political, keep jerking off. But it is not aapplied to any particular citizens.

Of course it is true. Israel is deliberately attacking civilians and killing them and the US is arming them.
Small problem. It is not considered genocide by anybody except to Jew hating Hamas supporters. Go ahead and raise your hand.

It is a list considered meaningless and a double standard not just by me, but also by many strategic advisors in the US. Link.
Strategic to YOU, maybe. What is strategic to me is the US and the rest of NATO countries do not consider it genocide.

"Countries that wind up on that list are countries we don't like," said Michael Oppenheimer, a professor at New York University's Center for Global Affairs. "Other countries and outside powers support terrorism, and objectively speaking are terrorists, and the ones we don't like are on the list, and the ones we're allied with are not on the list. It's all about double standards."
We don't like them because they attack us for no other reason than they want to destroy our way of life. I think that's a pretty good reason to label them terrorists and consider them dangerous. No double standard. If Canada bombed Seattle daily and crossed the border to murder and rape 1,200 Buffalonian civilians we'd be labelled a terrorist state.

I will take their word over yours.
Which of our allies are terrorist states? p.s. Don't bother mentioning Israel. You've admitted your bias.

You just said that the definition of terrorist, is applied to citizens from countries on the terror list.
I said nothing of the sort. Find the quote and the post # where I said it. I said that there is more likelihood that somebody from a terrorist state is more likely to be a terrorist. It is not a definition. It is a reason why citizens from terrorist states have a harder time getting into the country. Lots of Iranians are allowed to enter Canada and the US, so you are blatantly wrong. Your claim is not even close to what I said. That's either an intentional lie or another example of your lack of reading comprehension. Your choice.

I'll wait for that quote of mine. I dare you do find it.

No it is not. If you call people from Cuba terrorist, you'd be rightfully accused of racism. Pretzeled yourself again.
WTF are you going on about. Cuba is not a race so how could it be racism? Cuba is a totalitarian state which is why the US ostracizes them. Cubans are allowed to emigrate to the US as political refugees. They are fleeing the totalitarian regime of Cuba. Can you comprehend the difference between labelling a regime or state vs. labelling citizens? I highly doubt it. You are the one who's all twisted around. You've pretzelled yourself by bringing in Russia, China, Cuba, N. Korea and Saudi Arabia into a discussion on Kareem. Do you want some mustard?

Of course it comes into play. The fact that Saudi Arabia supplies fighters to ISIS, by way of sending their prison population to ISIS means Saudi sponsors terror. But they are not on the list. Double standards.
Is that an official rule? If you send aid to a terrorist state, that makes YOU a terrorist state. That's a joke. I thought that to be considered a terrorist state it has to actually commit the terrorism. Show us where agents of the Saudi regime have actually committed acts of terrorism.

Here's a definition of "state terrorism". Nowhere does it mention helping another terrorist state. (p.s. Waiting for you to tell us that the definition is of a terrorist state is irrelevant to the definition of a terrorist state. LOL)

That is not terrorism. China threatens us even more. Russia threatens us much more than China, and infact is engaged in an invasion of an ally.
And both of those countries have sanctions on them and I'm sure people from those countries come under increased scrutiny when entering the US. So their citizens are being treated the same as those from designated terrorist states. As well, neither China, nor Russia have committed violent acts of terror against the US.

You look like your pacifier is stuck up your ass in this picture
So I see that you're attracted to babies' asses. I wouldn't be so quick to admit that.
PS: You are not very good at memes, so not sure why you try.
You lose every debate so I'm not sure why you try. :ROFLMAO: 😂😛
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Keep repeating the lie. The terror label is not applied to all citizens of a country. It is applied to the country/state that supports terrorism in general and against the west in particular. If you want to call that political, keep jerking off. But it is not aapplied to any particular citizens.
So many problems with this, shack.
Hamas is not a state.
Gaza is not a state.
Terrorism does not occur only on westerners.

Terrorism = targeting civilians for political goals, like killing 30,000 civilians so you can take their land.

Small problem. It is not considered genocide by anybody except to Jew hating Hamas supporters. Go ahead and raise your hand.
Big problem, only 5 or so countries didn't vote for a ceasefire at the UN. Which means you think the world are all 'Jew haters', but of course you also just called Jewish groups that protest the genocide 'Jew haters' as well. Your world is tiny and hate filled.

View attachment 304175

You just made a clear argument Israel is committing state terrorism by this definition.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
That would be like you admitting what everyone knows, which is that you are an anti-Semite. We know that that will never happen because you would never have the integrity to do so.

A better question is, which countries are considered State sponsors of terrorism?

From Wikipedia:

In 1979, the first such list was published by the State Department, designating Iraq, Libya, South Yemen, and Syria as terrorist states.[3] As of 2024, the list consists of Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syria.[4]
Oh look friends of Palestine! What a coincidence!


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
So many problems with this, shack.
Hamas is not a state.
Gaza is not a state.
That's why they're not named terrorist states. But Hamas has been named a terrorist organization.
Terrorism does not occur only on westerners.[/QUOTE]Regardless, it does not change the fact is named as a terrorist organization.

Terrorism = targeting civilians for political goals, like killing 30,000 civilians so you can take their land.
A country defending itself against a terrorist organization that killed 1,200 civilians is not political. It's military and it's for survival. Every country in the world would retaliate.

Big problem, only 5 or so countries didn't vote for a ceasefire at the UN.
Bigger problem, show me the resolution from the UN that called for a ceasefire. I don't care about reasons or excuses why, because that's loser talk. Show me the resolution. Actually if Hamas surrendered, the UN wouldn't even have to vote.

Which means you think the world are all 'Jew haters', but of course you also just called Jewish groups that protest the genocide 'Jew haters' as well. Your world is tiny and hate filled.
Which means your putting words in my mouth. And wrong words at that.

You just made a clear argument Israel is committing state terrorism by this definition.
You cemented your reputation as supporting state terrorism by Hamas on their own people years ago. Congrats.

Defending one's self against terrorism is not terrorism. It is justified self-defense.

You're saying that a prison guard who is being attacked by an inmate is not allowed to fight back and defend himself. Hahahahaha


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
That's why they're not named terrorist states. But Hamas has been named a terrorist organization.
Terrorism does not occur only on westerners]Regardless, it does not change the fact is named as a terrorist organization.
So have Kahanists and the JDL, and there are Kahanists in the Israeli government so by your terms Israel is terrorist.
By your terms that means Hamas is justified in killing everyone in the Israeli government if there are terrorists there.
Your terms are stupid.

A country defending itself against a terrorist organization that killed 1,200 civilians is not political. It's military and it's for survival. Every country in the world would retaliate.
Israel is the occupying power, you can't say its self defence when the people you occupy and rule through apartheid use violent resistance.
That is their legal right, though they are not allowed to target civilians, if they did.
Israel, who have killed 30,000 civilians, are clearly far bigger terrorists.

Bigger problem, show me the resolution from the UN that called for a ceasefire. I don't care about reasons or excuses why, because that's loser talk. Show me the resolution. Actually if Hamas surrendered, the UN wouldn't even have to vote.
You want to see the three UN SC resolutions that Biden personally vetoed as proof that only Biden is allowing the genocide to continue?

Defending one's self against terrorism is not terrorism. It is justified self-defense.
Using terrorism against a concentration camp of refugees you are occupying is not self defence.
Its not self defence when you are also announcing you are attacking to steal their land.

You're saying that a prison guard who is being attacked by an inmate is not allowed to fight back and defend himself. Hahahahaha
You're admitting that Gaza is a prison camp?
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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Most? I'm afraid your ignorance is showing. Do you think you know more than the banks who are happy to lend money to his businesses? You don't have a clue about business. If I were you, I'd quit digging that hole.

p.s. Pro tip - if certain TERB posters agree with you, it's a sure sign you've got it wrong!
I guess that's why he's been charged for lying about his property's values when applying for loans, and then undervaluing them for the taxman. Where's that half billion for the fines coming from? Seems he's not as rich as he pretends. His only hope is to stall and then IF he wins the election by conning the rednecks, try to pardon his guilty ass. Of course if he loses, it will be the familiar reprise of "stop the( imaginary) steal" chanted by the guy who tried to steal in 2020.

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
I guess that's why he's been charged for lying about his property's values when applying for loans, and then undervaluing them for the taxman. Where's that half billion for the fines coming from? Seems he's not as rich as he pretends. His only hope is to stall and then IF he wins the election by conning the rednecks, try to pardon his guilty ass. Of course if he loses, it will be the familiar reprise of "stop the( imaginary) steal" chanted by the guy who tried to steal in 2020.
Wow, what a comprehensive display of ignorance!

1. He hasn't been "charged" with lying about property values. It's a civil statute that the DA is proceeding under.
2. The STATE is complaining about his valuation of property. Not one single lending institution is complaining. But the State knows better, right?
3. The wealth of successful businessmen is seldom very liquid. It's tied up in investments. Only a foolish businessman would hold any significant amount of their net worth in cash.
4. You're imagining that Trump is seeking the presidency for financial reasons, yet he's the guy that declined his presidential salary! Instead you prefer the candidate who wouldn't be worth ten cents today if he didn't sell influence to foreign (and hostile) countries.
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