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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
The state department list is irrelevant.
That's about the 50th time you've deemed something irrelevant for no other reason than it counters your claim and you can't back it up.

You wanted to know who is a terrorist state, we live in a Western democratic state, and these are the countries that will stop at nothing to destroy us. Your opinion is what's irrelevant.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Israel would be on that list if the list was legit.
Israel is an ally of "terrorist" NATO countries. By your definition. According to Islam you are an infidel and they'd be happy to kill you as well.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
You are so immature.
What is immature, is your grasp on logic. And your meme searching ability. 🐸
Priceless. Nice work "Pot".
I think you are talking to yourself here as you are the self-confessed racist.

Screenshot at Jan 22 01-19-54.png
That's about the 50th time you've deemed something irrelevant for no other reason than it counters your claim and you can't back it up.

You wanted to know who is a terrorist state, we live in a Western democratic state, and these are the countries that will stop at nothing to destroy us. Your opinion is what's irrelevant.
What is irrelevant to the discussion, is irrelevant. Thanks for keeping count. You have brought up irrelevant points about 50 times.

The state department list is irrelevant as it has even been criticized by American strategic advisors as a tool of convenience to brand countries the US does not like. They add countries in there and remove them, willy nilly as it suits them at any moment in time.

Regardless of its usefulness, it is racist to brand every citizen of those countries seeking immigration as terrorists, especially because of their religion. If my views were so irrelevant Trump wouldn't have eaten shit on the travel ban, with the entire thing being reversed by Biden.

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
He's bankrupt now and he's been bankrupt numerous times...He'd be richer today if he invested his daddy's money in an ETF. What is your measure of success ? Going on TV and telling everybody your rich, when you're nothing but a grifter con man?
No, he hasn't ever been personally bankrupt. The fact that you don't understand that demonstrates the pointlessness of this exchange with you.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
What is immature, is your grasp on logic. And your meme searching ability.
Logic and maturity are 2 different things.
1)You have proven your complete ignorance of what logic entails and how to use it.

2)You are immature for not letting go. Every post you direct at me has a reference to logic. [Refer back to point 1)]

What is irrelevant to the discussion, is irrelevant.
And with your admitted bias and hate of Jews, you are in no position to decide what is and isn't relevant. The only criterion for you is if something is contrary to your narrative, it is then irrelevant.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Logic and maturity are 2 different things.
1)You have proven your complete ignorance of what logic entails and how to use it.

2)You are immature for not letting go. Every post you direct at me has a reference to logic. [Refer back to point 1)]
A person lacking logic would think so. However, you need some intellectual maturity to think logically. The fact that you don't get this, renders any opinion you have on this subject, hot air. Every post of mine will continue to have references to your lack of logic, because that is exactly what you display. A lack of logical thinking.
And with your admitted bias and hate of Jews, you are in no position to decide what is and isn't relevant. The only criterion for you is if something is contrary to your narrative, it is then irrelevant.
What is irrelevant is always irrelevant and I continue to point it out every time you bring up illogical and irrelevant points.

Also, I hate Zionists. Not Jews. Calling all Jews Zionists is like saying all Muslims are terrorists. It is racist. Since you don't understand the difference, you are in no position to throw around accusations of anti-semitism either.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
A person lacking logic would think so. However, you need some intellectual maturity to think logically. The fact that you don't get this, renders any opinion you have on this subject, hot air. Every post of mine will continue to have references to your lack of logic, because that is exactly what you display. A lack of logical thinking.

What is irrelevant is always irrelevant and I continue to point it out every time you bring up illogical and irrelevant points.

Also, I hate Zionists. Not Jews. Calling all Jews Zionists is like saying all Muslims are terrorists. It is racist. Since you don't understand the difference, you are in no position to throw around accusations of anti-semitism either.
You are unhinged and immature.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
They are analogous to the CIA and JSOC. They do support non-state actors, but so do the CIA and other US organizations. So does that mean the United States promotes terror? Would that then justify labeling every American a terrorist?
Maybe but as far as Canada is concerned, the country you chose to become part of, the Quds Force are terrorists and an official arm of the Iranian government.

But you also undermine your own argument because you've admitted that there are countries that openly endorse terrorism.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The US actively seek out problems within their country and seeks to eliminate them ...
So do many Arab countries. If you weren't aware, the Saudis and Iranians were even willing to put their mutual hatred aside to fight ISIS.

On a real-politik level, all of the banned countries do act against certain terrorist groups that interfere with their policies. Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, and Libya effectively have no unified government but there are major factions fighting against Islamism terror groups. Iraq and Iran act against certain Islamist terror groups based on the Sunni/Shi'a divide.

There definitely are some terror groups in those countries that are very anti-US but most people fleeing them are doing so because they oppose or are targeted by those terrorists.

Why can't the GOP fanboys admit that the Trump ban and other anti-immigrant talking points are simply an attempt to turn the most base instincts of ignorant people into votes.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Maybe but as far as Canada is concerned, the country you chose to become part of, the Quds Force are terrorists and an official arm of the Iranian government.

But you also undermine your own argument because you've admitted that there are countries that openly endorse terrorism.
No I am not. Terrorism, is our accusation of them. They are not admitting to anything, or saying that as a matter of official policy that they would or are doing anything terroristic in nature. Iran has not once said, it will conduct unprovoked attacks on the US, or Canada or anybody else for that matter.

None of that however, justifies labeling ALL citizens from those countries "terrorists". That is just racism and Islamophobia.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The state department list is irrelevant. ...
Except to Americans. Our terrorist designation list is relevant to Canadians. In both cases, our governments represent the general views of our societies. if you don't like it, either put up with it, advocate for change, or move.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
No I am not. Terrorism, is our accusation of them. They are not admitting to anything, or saying that as a matter of official policy that they would or are doing anything terroristic in nature. Iran has not once said, it will conduct unprovoked attacks on the US, or Canada or anybody else for that matter.

None of that however, justifies labeling ALL citizens from those countries "terrorists". That is just racism and Islamophobia.
Interesting. You label US government agencies as committing terrorism while denying that countries endorse terrorism. And it's pretty stupid to infer that I back Trump's Muslim ban. Try going back and reading my posts in this thread.

Hopefully India will stop sending assassins to Canadian and US soil to push their political agendas (the definition of terrorism).


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Except to Americans. Our terrorist designation list is relevant to Canadians. In both cases, our governments represent the general views of our societies. if you don't like it, either put up with it, advocate for change, or move.
It is not true that these lists reflect general views of our societies. These lists reflect political necessities.

There is no reason to label all citizens from countries on these lists, as terrorists. That is just racism. It is not rational.
Interesting. You label US government agencies as committing terrorism while denying that countries endorse terrorism. And it's pretty stupid to infer that I back Trump's Muslim ban. Try going back and reading my posts in this thread.

Hopefully India will stop sending assassins to Canadian and US soil to push their political agendas (the definition of terrorism).
My point is that when the US does things, we do not accuse them of sponsoring terrorism. They are simply "meddling". When Canada, harbours and infact politically protects Khalistani terrorists, who killed 300 Canadians, Canada is not accused of sponsoring terror. But a Muslim country has a terrorist group, they get put on a list and become "state sponsored terrorist states"?

And that somehow justifies racist, labeling of all citizens of those countries as terrorists? If you go by the same standards, it would make each of us terrorists.

It is stupid and racist.
Hmm. They don't seem to appear on my country's list. Your boys in hamas are there though.

They dont have to. Terrorism has a definition. And per those definitions Israel is a terrorist state.

Again, these lists are tools for political convenience and do not reflect truth or reality. They are meaningless and no rational argument should be based on these tools used for political purposes.
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