....And how many times do we hear after a mass shooting the Police saying, " He was known to us" or " He was on our radar. " The whole system seems clogged with red tape and hesitation...which gets people killed.
You mean like Nova Scotia? When the left lost its shit as they always do. Howled for knee jerk reactions as they always do, only to find out in days to come. There were multiple warnings, the guns had been smuggled from the US, and that the RCMP screwed up huge?
Maybe if the left here wasn’t always getting in the way of needed change like the nra does there, wasn’t always screaming for bans or useless registries or had bothered to listen to anyone. The politicians
-would have funded police better.. including the RCMP
-cracked down on gangs years and years ago instead.
-Made some changes to our weak justice system, or those out on bail….
years and years and years ago.
And all the people killed on the streets of Toronto by guns and more, in Nova Scotia killed by guns and more. Would be alive today and all that blood wouldn’t be on the lefts and their hands.