Mr. Trudeau Going Full Adolph


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Actually, Mitch, no. As usual.

The fact that a dude fought with a unit in 44-45 that allegedly committed war crimes EIGHTY YEARS AGO means dick all to anyone except the "Fuck Trudeau!" bros. It was 80 years ago.
You know some crimes don't have a statute of limitations right?

Pretty sure if they could pin something in particular on him, he would still be charged, there are plenty of people who will never forgive or forget. Also beyond the Fuck Trudeau bros

In addition, we all bloody well know if Pierre Poulet fucked up like that, the same people who are chill with the mistake [and it was a mistake] would cry bloody murder until the news cycle finds it's new flashy toy to focus on.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017

It takes months to put together an extradition case. And it would fail miserably, even if it were attempted. There are no witnesses that could put the guy on the scene and identify him as a participant in any of the alleged crimes. They're all dead of old age.

And no country's going to let a 98 year old get extradited for anything, just on humanitarian grounds.

The stuff I read on this board is SMH x 1000!!!
Wait, Poland wants him extradited? Assuming this is true, and considering the source I have my doubts, that would mean Poland is full of the Fuck TrueDooh brahs. Fuck man, first the Chinese interfering in elections and now another country in our face. Serious shit.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You may be right. It isn't intuitive to immediately deduce that Hunka could have possibly fought for the Nazis.

But the responsibility still lies with Trudeau as the guy running point regardless of who invited the guy. It's the way leadership works.

The speaker invited a WWII Ukrainian war vet to honour Zelensky and the speaker is the one that is supposed to take responsibility for people he invites.
Trudeau had absolutely nothing to do with the decision and is not responsible for the speaker's decision.

Same as this post.

How can you even say JT cannot be blamed for a Nazi in the parliament? lol. Come on man. The PM is responsible for everything that happens in Canada. He is the guy who is running the country. The buck stops with him.

As for the conservatives hosting a dinner with AfD - yeah, they are problematic but you cannot possibly say that, that is worse optics than having an actual SS member, in the parliament, along with Zelensky, with everyone including Zelensky giving that guy a standing ovation, on national TV, especially when the fucking Russians are going on about "denazifying Ukraine". lol.
Its not even confirmed that the vet was a Nazi, nobody has confirmed that yet. But we do know that there are still active neo Nazis in the US, Canada, Germany and other places. PeePee's conservatives met with the AfD, Trump had neo Nazis join him in his J6 coup and Canada has routed out neo Nazis here as well. Those are real and present issues that are far more worrying than the speaker inviting a 98 year old vet with accusations on his war record.

Until right wingers take a stand against this kind of crap, this just sounds like trolling.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
He keeps on saying how it was deeply embarrassing for the house and for Canada.

He takes no personal responsibility.....Christ he's the leader. Everything in the house falls under his purview.

But come to think about it he's done this his whole term...Jody Wilson Raybould is somewhere laughing her ass off.
Trudeau is the most incompetent and useless PM we have ever endured. The division, destruction and financial ruin he has inflicted is unforgivable, and now.....within one week or so he has alienated the world`s largest democracy and economic powerhouse, India, enraged Jews around the world, fueled Putin`s narrative and further elevated our country`s position of #1 global laughing stock. Brace for two more years of this relentless embarrassment, he doesn`t have the courage or moral turpitude to resign for Canada`s good. Total egomaniac, no remorse or guilt or care about any Canadian, likely a full bore narcissistic personality disorder award winner. He is a shoe - in to play Christian Bale`s role in American Psycho.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Trudeau is the most incompetent and useless PM we have ever endured. The division, destruction and financial ruin he has inflicted is unforgivable, and now.....within one week or so he has alienated the world`s largest democracy and economic powerhouse, India, enraged Jews around the world, fueled Putin`s narrative and further elevated our country`s position of #1 global laughing stock. Brace for two more years of this relentless embarrassment, he doesn`t have the courage or moral turpitude to resign for Canada`s good. Total egomaniac, no remorse or guilt or care about any Canadian, likely a full bore narcissistic personality disorder award winner. He is a shoe - in to play Christian Bale`s role in American Psycho.

Mr.Trudeau seems to have enabled his cloaking device now....


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
The blame squarely falls on Trudeau whether or not he had anything to do with it. The buck stops with him. That is how leadership works.

Didn't Jewish organizations already track him down and his unit? So what are you talking about? I agree that the present day Trump gang, AfD etc are more real issues today. But that is immaterial because you are representing Canada to a world leader, who is presently at war with a rogue state that is using the "denazify Ukraine" propaganda to literally invade and brutalize them. And then you have a former Nazi guy and the entirety of the parliament and Zelensky clapping and giving the guy a standing ovation. It was a disaster, is what it was.
That is the bottom line. If you were a member/affiliate of the 14th Waffen SS you were, still are, a murderous, ruthless evil motherfucker, 98 years old or not. You know....that was kinda` your initiation to belong to the gang.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009

The speaker invited a WWII Ukrainian war vet to honour Zelensky and the speaker is the one that is supposed to take responsibility for people he invites.
Trudeau had absolutely nothing to do with the decision and is not responsible for the speaker's decision.

Same as this post.

Its not even confirmed that the vet was a Nazi, nobody has confirmed that yet. But we do know that there are still active neo Nazis in the US, Canada, Germany and other places. PeePee's conservatives met with the AfD, Trump had neo Nazis join him in his J6 coup and Canada has routed out neo Nazis here as well. Those are real and present issues that are far more worrying than the speaker inviting a 98 year old vet with accusations on his war record.

Until right wingers take a stand against this kind of crap, this just sounds like trolling.
Coming from a guy who not so long ago said...
"there is no proof he's a terrorist and even if there is...bla bla bla"....I commend you for at least being consistent....Nazi associated with Zelensky and JT - Good...other Nazis bad... :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Whatever Justin said to the grocers, it worked. I used buy 7 items for $60, now I can get 10 for the same price.

Maybe he isn't Adolph Menjou reincarnate.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Yes Frank is consistent in that way. He always supports the liberal position so you know what you are getting when you engage Frank. :LOL:
Like I said, this is a total includes everybody including the conservatives...
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Coming from a guy who not so long ago said...
"there is no proof he's a terrorist and even if there is...bla bla bla"....I commend you for at least being consistent....Nazi associated with Zelensky and JT - Good...other Nazis bad... :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
That is the bottom line. If you were a member/affiliate of the 14th Waffen SS you were, still are, a murderous, ruthless evil motherfucker, 98 years old or not. You know....that was kinda` your initiation to belong to the gang.

By the same logic PP should resign because he chose to march in solidarity on a Canada Day weekend with James Topp knowing full well about Topp’s involvement with an insane far-Right, pro Nazi, anti-Semitic lunatics.
You know some crimes don't have a statute of limitations right?

Pretty sure if they could pin something in particular on him, he would still be charged, there are plenty of people who will never forgive or forget. Also beyond the Fuck Trudeau bros

In addition, we all bloody well know if Pierre Poulet fucked up like that, the same people who are chill with the mistake [and it was a mistake] would cry bloody murder until the news cycle finds it's new flashy toy to focus on.
Bang on. PP also should resign because he chose to march in solidarity on a Canada Day weekend with James Topp despite Topp’s involvement with an insane far-Right, pro Nazi, anti-Semitic lunatics.
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Coming from a guy who not so long ago said...
"there is no proof he's a terrorist and even if there is...bla bla bla"....I commend you for at least being consistent....Nazi associated with Zelensky and JT - Good...other Nazis bad... :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Evidence is important. When a naked man is chasing a woman through a dark alley with a butcher knife and a hard on, maybe he is out collecting for the Red Cross, or maybe he identifies as a Red Cross canvasser. You can't go around making assumptions. ;)

Also when it comes to Hitler I listen to the vandals


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Bang on. PP also should resign because he chose to march in solidarity on a Canada Day weekend with James Topp despite Topp’s involvement with an insane far-Right, pro Nazi, anti-Semitic lunatics.
I don't know the Topp story but it's very hard for me to overlook how he went all Typhoid Mary and backed up Schmucks with Trucks. It's bad enough he doesn't accept freedom from speech, but for that cause.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Evidence is important. When a naked man is chasing a woman through a dark alley with a butcher knife and a hard on, maybe he is out collecting for the Red Cross, or maybe he identifies as a Red Cross canvasser. You can't go around making assumptions. ;)

Also when it comes to Hitler I listen to the vandals
well according to franky even if there is proof of terrorism, they shouldn't expect retribution and should feel safe in Canada....
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The blame squarely falls on Trudeau whether or not he had anything to do with it.
That's just stupid partisanship.

well according to franky even if there is proof of terrorism, they shouldn't expect retribution and should feel safe in Canada....
According to rich, 98 year old Nazi vets are more of a threat to Canada than active neo Nazis and Nazis.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017

On March 7, 2017, the Globe and Mail reported on a 1996 article in the Journal of Ukrainian Studies confirming that Freeland’s grandfather had indeed been a Nazi propagandist, and that his writing helped fuel the Jewish genocide. The article was authored by Freeland’s uncle, John-Paul Himka, who thanked his niece in its preface for helping him with “problems and clarifications.”

“Freeland knew for more than two decades that her maternal Ukrainian grandfather was the chief editor of a Nazi newspaper in occupied Poland that vilified Jews during the Second World War,” the Globe and Mail noted. After being caught on camera this September clapping with unrestrained zeal alongside hundreds of peers for a Ukrainian veteran of Hitler’s SS death squads, Freeland once again invoked her authority to scrub the incident from the record.

Three days after the embarrassing scene, Freeland was back on the floor of parliament, nodding in approval as Liberal House leader Karina Gould introduced a resolution to strike “from the appendix of the House of Commons debates” and from “any House multimedia recording” the recognition made by Speaker Anthony Rota of Yaroslav Hunka.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Partisanship would be to absolve Trudeau for this blatant embarrassment, because "the speaker did it". Trudeau making that argument sounded so childish and weak. A good leader gives credit to his subordinates when things go well, and takes the blame when things go south.

Trudeau is the kind of boss you don't wanna work for lol. The kind that takes credit for your ideas and throws you under the bus when something goes wrong lmao.
The speaker doesn't work for the PM.
JT is not his boss.

To argues so is factually wrong.
If you're doing that as an immigrant who is unfamiliar with Canada that's ok, if you're doing that knowing you are wrong its a stupid partisan attack.
If you don't know the Canadian system, stay out of the debate or keep your opinion to yourself until you understand it.

Pushing disinformation is how the conservative party gets its voters behind them.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Some people understand leadership, and some don’t. Kind of telling both in the house, here, and the electorate.

Nor do some understand how embarrassing this is, for Canada on the world stage.
Some people don't understand how government works and that all parties vote on the speaker, who does not act on behalf of a party or the PM.
Then they repeat direct lies from the party that pushes disinformation and are stunned when they find out how things really work.
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