Poland Says Putin is Trying to Destabilise NATO


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Does lasting peace involve endless wars? This will not end well. Get to the negotiating table.

Make peace you fools!
Why hasn't Russia accepted the 10-point peace plan Ukraine has proposed?
Or even come to the negotiating table over it?


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
If Tom Ford was in prison and the booty warrior told him "I likes you and I wants you, we can do it the easy way or the hard way" he would pick the easy way. Never mind that doing so sets you up to not only be the booty warriors bitch, but the bottom bitch of every other rapist in prison. If however you are known to be the sort who would react by throwing hands instead of giving in to avoid violence, you will generally be left alone, even if you lose the fight.

Speaking of which, what would happen to Russia if it tried anything vs any NATO member.
In this video, even the small Potato Union baltic members are played by the skinny white guy in glasses, The US by Jack Reacher and Russia by the fat black dude.

Much like in the world of global politics, just giving in to demands leads to more demands, standing up brings peace.

If you want peace prepare to fuck some shit up or as they say in Latin, Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

How he can talk so tough and not know the first things about anything is amazing.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
No, it doesn't. And that's the point.

Why don't countries negotiate with terrorists? Because it encourages more of them to try. Why is every child taught to stand up to bullies? Because if you give them your lunch today they'll come back to get your lunch tomorrow.

Grab a history text book. Find where appeasement has lead to less war and less death. Just one case. Can you find just one example where giving in to a bully worked? No. It leads to endless wars. The thing you claim to want to avoid is the path you're advocating we go down.

In 1931 Japan invaded Manchuria. They were kindly asked to give it back to China but refused. So the world let them have it. Better to have peace, right?

Except we know that encouraged Italy to take Abyssinia. They were asked to give it back but refused. Better to have peace, right?

Except we know that encouraged Germany to take Austria. They were asked to give it back but refused, but they did promise they wouldn't attack anyone else. Better to have peace, right?

Except we know that encouraged Germany to take Czechoslovakia. They were asked to give it back but refused, but this time they meant it: no more. Better to have peace, right?

Except we know that encouraged Germany to take Klaipeda. But seriously, that was it and no more. They pinky swore this time. Better to have peace, right?

Not to mention all the other pieces of appeasement I'm not mentioning. Do you know what all that appeasement lead to?

The rape of Nanking. The Holocaust. The Holodomor. The deadliest war in human history. More than 80 million dead. A number that would have been astonishingly smaller if we had put our foot down right at the start. Appeasement, the same course you're advocating now, led to constant war and millions upon millions dead. Or are you suggesting we should've let Hitler and Stalin have Poland, and that would've been it? No more war, no more dead? We just didn't take appeasement far enough? Is that it?

In a way, you're the one advocating for war. You're the one wanting to say the west will let other countries engage in all the genocide they want, build up as strong as they want, take any land they want. And you think, for the first time in human history, that this is going to lead to lasting peace. It's never worked before... Oh but this time it will? Why? Why do you have any reason to think giving Russia lands that it had already committed genocide in will lead to more peace and less death? Why?

I don't buy it. I don't accept the word of the Butcher of Grozny that he's done if we just let him have this. He promised he wasn't going to attack Georgia. But he did. He promised he wasn't going to attack Ukraine - repeatedly - most recently within a week of attacking Ukraine. His promises are empty and he's already committed genocide before.

You can say I support war all you want. That doesn't make it true. I support peace, and I support standing against war criminals who commit genocide. You support giving war criminals who commit genocide more land filled with the people he's committed genocide against, rich with resources that are used to fuel military manufacturing. And your only justification is you claim this will bring peace. Why? What reason do you have that this time Putin is telling the truth, that this won't lead to more war? And are you prepared to tell the ethnic groups living there, whom Putin and the Russians have already said aren't human and whose culture doesn't actually exist, why you think they're going to be safe, or why you want to sacrifice their lives?

You're not advocating for peace. You're advocating for death.
I must admit you have a way at spinning words to fit a narrative. You should work for the CBC if you don't already.

I do not advocate for war. We need strong leaders to end this conflict immediately and unfortunately Biden and Trudeau are the laughing stock of the world. Would you agree with that at least?
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
Why hasn't Russia accepted the 10-point peace plan Ukraine has proposed?
Or even come to the negotiating table over it?
One of the points of this "peace plan" is Russia surrendering and their leaders being subject to tribunal for war crimes.

It was dead on arrival. It was basically fantasy drawn up by the ex Dancing With the Stars contestant and former comedian.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
I must admit you have a way at spinning words to fit a narrative. You should work for the CBC if you don't already.

I do not advocate for war. We need strong leaders to end this conflict immediately and unfortunately Biden and Trudeau are the laughing stock of the world. Would you agree with that at least?
Isn't that the pot calling the kettle african american, or cookware of colour, or coloured cookware, or black.

Also he didn't say you advocate for war, he is saying that the path you advocate will lead to more war not less because of your ignorance.
If Biden made any mistake on the Ukraine front it is in not warning Russia off before he invaded and not letting loose with more support earlier. We should have sent in troops on a good will mission when things started looking bad, like the UK did sending an airborne battalion to St Georges Island, it was a lot of good will. It scared off East Yemen. So yeah we do need stronger leaders who are willing to stand up to Poutine more fully, we do agree. As for TrueDooh, he is a leader of a small tin pot nation and is utterly irrelevant no matter who is prime minister.
Under your leadership, Russia would have finished off Ukraine and be looking at the baltic states knowing you wouldn't do shit about it because you love the smooth taste of Poutine cock.

Also speaking of avoiding war, with you in power, West Taiwan would make a play for Taiwan because they know you wouldn't do shit about it.

Really, are you that totally blind to the value of deterrence or more likely is all this I love peace bullshit just a cover for you hating the west so much, or more likely still, you believing anything the grifter in chief tells you because you have totally givin up the ability to think for yourself in favour of a known pathological liar.

Also speaking as a Canadian and thus part of the non American world and having a grasp on reality, speaking of laughing stocks... Trump? FFS. Comparing Biden to Trump in terms of laughing stocks is like comparing A Biden Trump romance to Twilight or Hitler and Anne Frank. It might not be the greatest but it is much much better than the other two.




Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
One of the points of this "peace plan" is Russia surrendering and their leaders being subject to tribunal for war crimes.

It was dead on arrival. It was basically fantasy drawn up by the ex Dancing With the Stars contestant and former comedian.
I am pretty sure I have asked you but whether or not I have asked multiple time to the peole decrying the Ukarainians what does peace look like to you. And please dont come back with cliches. Is it land for peace/ or what?
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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2022
I must admit you have a way at spinning words to fit a narrative. You should work for the CBC if you don't already.
Do I? Are you saying appeasement didn't start in 1931 and continue until 1939? Or you saying appeasement did avoid war? Or something else entirely? What about what I said was untrue or spun?

I do not advocate for war.
But you are. Indirectly. Advocating for appeasement IS advocating for war. Not just war, but genocide. Putin has said "This group of people are not human." His army has already engaged in genocide of those people on his orders. And you want to hand them over to him. So you are advocating for war and genocide. And not just this one. It's advocating for every nuclear power to engage in armed conflict to achieve its aims.

We need strong leaders to end this conflict immediately and unfortunately Biden and Trudeau are the laughing stock of the world. Would you agree with that at least?
I don't know if you want me to give a yes or no answer to a question with multiple components. But I'm not going to do that because that's disingenuous. I'm answer the parts as best I can. But I do so in good faith asking you to answer mine, even though you haven't yet.

Are you asking if I agree we need strong leaders? I mean, that would be nice but when's the last time any nation has had one of those. The early 80s maybe? We've done fine without strong leaders for a long time now, we've managed ok. So while I'd like to see strong leaders at helm, I'm not sure it's a necessity.

Are you asking if I agree we need to end this conflict immediately? I agree it's best if this conflict ends sooner rather than later but I don't think the goal should be peace at all costs. Based on your comments, I'd suggest you might look at Reagan as a strong leader. Go take a listen to or read over the last few paragraphs of his speech "A time for choosing" when he was endorsing Barry Goldwater and talks about appeasement and "peace at any price". I would be ecstatic for Putin to pull out of all de jure regions of Ukraine right now (which includes Crimea), and enter formal surrender negotiations where reparations to the Ukrainian people are settled. Because that would send the message that will prevent more wars in future: it will make things clear to every nation with ongoing border disputes that armed conflict will not get them what they want.

Or are you asking if "strong leaders" would end things sooner? Maybe. But again, that depends on what you define as strong. A "strong leader" might tell Ukraine they're on their own for defense and if they can't protect their own people from genocide maybe they should've planned better. Or a strong leader might tell Putin he has 1 week to leave Ukraine or NATO will declare war. Or a strong leader might hold firm on supporting Ukraine in every way possible because while appeasement is bad, a hot war with Russia isn't great either. So if this is your question, it depends entirely on what you consider a "strong leader" and what you think the desired outcome should be, making this the most complicated part of your question.

Or, is it your last part, which I suspect it is, and you're asking if I agree that Biden and Trudeau are the "laughing stock of the world"? No, I do not and I think no one who travels or knows a significant number of people from around the world thinks so.

First off, there are large chunks of this planet where you can do and ask what they think about Justin Trudeau and they'll have no idea who you're talking about. And I'm not taking about small rural farm hamlets either. Canada is not on many people's radars. And even in some of those places where they do know him, they don't really get much news about him so they think he's fine. I was in Eastern Europe not that long ago and I was complaining about Trudeau (my dislike for the guy has been well established but people keep forgetting and somehow think I'm his biggest fan), and every single person who knew who he was (which was about 50-60% at most) was under the impression Canada was very happy with him and he was doing a good job. Because they just don't care about Canada, except that it's better than Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, etc and they'd live to move their whole family here. Turns out, if you leave Canada's little bubble, things are actually shittier most everywhere else, and despite the moaning that Trudeau is a tyrant (he's not) and that he's taken away all our rights (he hasn't), we've actually got it pretty good over here.

As for Biden, bear in mind Trump pissed off most of America's traditional allies and for many of his supporters, they loved it. But if you live in those countries, Trump was an asshole for eschewing the years of trust and good will that had been built up. Among the Brexiteers he was viewed favourably, an Orban the Dictator's supporters in Hungary liked him, but to the rest of the UK and Europe Trump was resounding disgrace and Americans were laughed at for voting for him. Now that he's been charged with a plethora of crimes, both federally and in multiple states, for crying about election corruption (which, for the record, is a tiny problem here in the west and is unlikely to affect any outcome significantly, in stark contrast to rampant electoral fraud common in most of Eastern Europe), the fact that almost half of Americans still support him makes them laugh harder. As I traveled Europe, Biden was rarely the topic when American politics came up, it was still Trump and, again excluding Brexiteers and Orban the Dictator's crowd, Americans were a laughing stock all on their own for supporting him.

By and large most people outside North America don't particularly give a shit about Biden either way. He's not a "laughing stock" because they don't think about him at all generally. He's certainly no worse a speaker and seems no more senile than Trump with his run-on sentences that meander off topic incessantly was to them.

So while I think Trudeau is literally a clown, complete with big red clown shoes, a big nose, a floppy curly mop of hair, and face paint (though black instead of white with red cheeks), he's certainly not the "laughing stock of the world" based on my interactions in the rest of world. And Biden, despite falling down stairs and forgetting where he is occasionally, is still less of a joke to them than Americans supporting a literal criminal who doesn't live in reality and appears to have the same attention span as Dory from Finding Nemo.

So that's my answer to your overly complex, multi-point question. In good faith. So will you answer mine? Given appeasement has never worked in history, why do you think it will work now? And why are you prepared to hand over so many Ukrainian civilians to genocide?
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2022
One of the points of this "peace plan" is Russia surrendering and their leaders being subject to tribunal for war crimes.

It was dead on arrival. It was basically fantasy drawn up by the ex Dancing With the Stars contestant and former comedian.
Surely that's what negotiation is for, no? Isn't that what you're advocating for? And if Russia can refuse to negotiate if a single item in a proposal is unacceptable, why can't Ukraine?

If Russia says it won't negotiate on a plan where their leaders, who are literally already indicted from war crimes, have to face trial and you support them for that, why can't Ukraine refuse to negotiate on any deal where Russia gets to keep part of Ukrainian territory filled with Ukrainians that Putin is already indicted for committed war crimes against?

You seem to hold Russia to a different standard than Ukraine. Why?

For the record, it's the International Criminal Court that indicted Putin. They indicted him for actions in Ukraine before he withdraw Russia from their jurisdiction. Ukraine is also under their jurisdiction and despite conducting an investigation into Ukraine's actions in the civil war before the invasion, no indictment has been issued against Zelensky. Ukraine actually remains a signatory under the ICC and subject to their authority.

And just in case you want to say the ICC is a western puppet, bear in mind that the US withdraw when they were proposing to issue an indictment against Bush for war crimes. They likely went after the US President, so one can hardly call them a western puppet agency and be taken seriously.

There are 123 countries where Putin cannot go without facing immediate arrest to stand trial for war crimes at the ICC, because the arrest warrant was issued before Russia withdrew making it still in force. And you want to give him territory and absolve him of these crimes. Why? Why can't Ukraine have an issue it refused to budge on if Russia can?


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
Isn't that the pot calling the kettle african american, or cookware of colour, or coloured cookware, or black.

Also he didn't say you advocate for war, he is saying that the path you advocate will lead to more war not less because of your ignorance.
If Biden made any mistake on the Ukraine front it is in not warning Russia off before he invaded and not letting loose with more support earlier. We should have sent in troops on a good will mission when things started looking bad, like the UK did sending an airborne battalion to St Georges Island, it was a lot of good will. It scared off East Yemen. So yeah we do need stronger leaders who are willing to stand up to Poutine more fully, we do agree. As for TrueDooh, he is a leader of a small tin pot nation and is utterly irrelevant no matter who is prime minister.
Under your leadership, Russia would have finished off Ukraine and be looking at the baltic states knowing you wouldn't do shit about it because you love the smooth taste of Poutine cock.

Also speaking of avoiding war, with you in power, West Taiwan would make a play for Taiwan because they know you wouldn't do shit about it.

Really, are you that totally blind to the value of deterrence or more likely is all this I love peace bullshit just a cover for you hating the west so much, or more likely still, you believing anything the grifter in chief tells you because you have totally givin up the ability to think for yourself in favour of a known pathological liar.

Also speaking as a Canadian and thus part of the non American world and having a grasp on reality, speaking of laughing stocks... Trump? FFS. Comparing Biden to Trump in terms of laughing stocks is like comparing A Biden Trump romance to Twilight or Hitler and Anne Frank. It might not be the greatest but it is much much better than the other two.


So much verbal diahhrea here its stinking up your whole house.

Question: do you think weak and decrepit Joseph Biden can prevent world war 3, which we are due for and on the pathway to? How about Soy Boy Justin Turdeau?


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
I am pretty sure I have asked you but whether or not I have asked multiple time to the peole decrying the Ukarainians what does peace look like to you. And please dont come back with cliches. Is it land for peace/ or what?
Its too late now. We are at the point of no return. Putin wanted guarantees that Ukraine would not become a USA satellite state. That changed in 2014 and the kettle has been brewing ever since. The USA wanted war. War is money.
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
Do I? Are you saying appeasement didn't start in 1931 and continue until 1939? Or you saying appeasement did avoid war? Or something else entirely? What about what I said was untrue or spun?

But you are. Indirectly. Advocating for appeasement IS advocating for war. Not just war, but genocide. Putin has said "This group of people are not human." His army has already engaged in genocide of those people on his orders. And you want to hand them over to him. So you are advocating for war and genocide. And not just this one. It's advocating for every nuclear power to engage in armed conflict to achieve its aims.

I don't know if you want me to give a yes or no answer to a question with multiple components. But I'm not going to do that because that's disingenuous. I'm answer the parts as best I can. But I do so in good faith asking you to answer mine, even though you haven't yet.

Are you asking if I agree we need strong leaders? I mean, that would be nice but when's the last time any nation has had one of those. The early 80s maybe? We've done fine without strong leaders for a long time now, we've managed ok. So while I'd like to see strong leaders at helm, I'm not sure it's a necessity.

Are you asking if I agree we need to end this conflict immediately? I agree it's best if this conflict ends sooner rather than later but I don't think the goal should be peace at all costs. Based on your comments, I'd suggest you might look at Reagan as a strong leader. Go take a listen to or read over the last few paragraphs of his speech "A time for choosing" when he was endorsing Barry Goldwater and talks about appeasement and "peace at any price". I would be ecstatic for Putin to pull out of all de jure regions of Ukraine right now (which includes Crimea), and enter formal surrender negotiations where reparations to the Ukrainian people are settled. Because that would send the message that will prevent more wars in future: it will make things clear to every nation with ongoing border disputes that armed conflict will not get them what they want.

Or are you asking if "strong leaders" would end things sooner? Maybe. But again, that depends on what you define as strong. A "strong leader" might tell Ukraine they're on their own for defense and if they can't protect their own people from genocide maybe they should've planned better. Or a strong leader might tell Putin he has 1 week to leave Ukraine or NATO will declare war. Or a strong leader might hold firm on supporting Ukraine in every way possible because while appeasement is bad, a hot war with Russia isn't great either. So if this is your question, it depends entirely on what you consider a "strong leader" and what you think the desired outcome should be, making this the most complicated part of your question.

Or, is it your last part, which I suspect it is, and you're asking if I agree that Biden and Trudeau are the "laughing stock of the world"? No, I do not and I think no one who travels or knows a significant number of people from around the world thinks so.

First off, there are large chunks of this planet where you can do and ask what they think about Justin Trudeau and they'll have no idea who you're talking about. And I'm not taking about small rural farm hamlets either. Canada is not on many people's radars. And even in some of those places where they do know him, they don't really get much news about him so they think he's fine. I was in Eastern Europe not that long ago and I was complaining about Trudeau (my dislike for the guy has been well established but people keep forgetting and somehow think I'm his biggest fan), and every single person who knew who he was (which was about 50-60% at most) was under the impression Canada was very happy with him and he was doing a good job. Because they just don't care about Canada, except that it's better than Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, etc and they'd live to move their whole family here. Turns out, if you leave Canada's little bubble, things are actually shittier most everywhere else, and despite the moaning that Trudeau is a tyrant (he's not) and that he's taken away all our rights (he hasn't), we've actually got it pretty good over here.

As for Biden, bear in mind Trump pissed off most of America's traditional allies and for many of his supporters, they loved it. But if you live in those countries, Trump was an asshole for eschewing the years of trust and good will that had been built up. Among the Brexiteers he was viewed favourably, an Orban the Dictator's supporters in Hungary liked him, but to the rest of the UK and Europe Trump was resounding disgrace and Americans were laughed at for voting for him. Now that he's been charged with a plethora of crimes, both federally and in multiple states, for crying about election corruption (which, for the record, is a tiny problem here in the west and is unlikely to affect any outcome significantly, in stark contrast to rampant electoral fraud common in most of Eastern Europe), the fact that almost half of Americans still support him makes them laugh harder. As I traveled Europe, Biden was rarely the topic when American politics came up, it was still Trump and, again excluding Brexiteers and Orban the Dictator's crowd, Americans were a laughing stock all on their own for supporting him.

By and large most people outside North America don't particularly give a shit about Biden either way. He's not a "laughing stock" because they don't think about him at all generally. He's certainly no worse a speaker and seems no more senile than Trump with his run-on sentences that meander off topic incessantly was to them.

So while I think Trudeau is literally a clown, complete with big red clown shoes, a big nose, a floppy curly mop of hair, and face paint (though black instead of white with red cheeks), he's certainly not the "laughing stock of the world" based on my interactions in the rest of world. And Biden, despite falling down stairs and forgetting where he is occasionally, is still less of a joke to them than Americans supporting a literal criminal who doesn't live in reality and appears to have the same attention span as Dory from Finding Nemo.

So that's my answer to your overly complex, multi-point question. In good faith. So will you answer mine? Given appeasement has never worked in history, why do you think it will work now? And why are you prepared to hand over so many Ukrainian civilians to genocide?
To answer your question, the Ukrainians are already being slaughtered in part by the USA sending them billions in weapons. This only provides them with a false hope that they can beat the 5th largest military in the world who are basically toying with Ukraine at this point. Anyone with an unbiased view can see it.

When the USA runs out of money to send, poop will hit the fan.

World war 3 is on deck. Buckle up!


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Its too late now. We are at the point of no return. Putin wanted guarantees that Ukraine would not become a USA satellite state. That changed in 2014 and the kettle has been brewing ever since. The USA wanted war. War is money.
So then I have no idea what you are saying and you really didn't answer the question.

What does peace look like to you.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Its too late now. We are at the point of no return. Putin wanted guarantees that Ukraine would not become a USA satellite state. That changed in 2014 and the kettle has been brewing ever since. The USA wanted war. War is money.
How's your bomb shelter coming?


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Are you asking if I agree we need strong leaders? I mean, that would be nice but when's the last time any nation has had one of those. The early 80s maybe?



His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
So much verbal diahhrea here its stinking up your whole house.

Question: do you think weak and decrepit Joseph Biden can prevent world war 3, which we are due for and on the pathway to? How about Soy Boy Justin Turdeau?
You accusing someone of verbal diahera is like Paul Bernardo accusing someone of being rough on the woman and not being a feminist ally, like Trump accusing someone of lying too much, Peter Dinlledge making someone for being too short etc. Your lack of self awareness...

As for your second point, you seem unhappy that Biden is standing up to Poutine yet you call him weak... or do you mean his bench, squat and deadlift... again FDR, crippled from Polio, told Germany and Japan to eat a fat dick. Also a bit ironic that you keep calling Biden weak when you are the one who wants him to roll over like a bitch.

Also again, we could have one of those Icelandic strongmen with Churchillian guts in charge in Canada, it's still Canada.

Also we are nowhere near WW3, that would be like asking you, yes or no, do you still beat your wife. Well, do you, punk.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
To answer your question, the Ukrainians are already being slaughtered in part by the USA sending them billions in weapons. This only provides them with a false hope that they can beat the 5th largest military in the world who are basically toying with Ukraine at this point. Anyone with an unbiased view can see it.

When the USA runs out of money to send, poop will hit the fan.

World war 3 is on deck. Buckle up!
They would be fighting either way, at least with aid they wouldn't be crushed, leading to less slaughter.
Also false hope, they have already taken back about half their 2022 loses, it that is losing I don't know what you think winning looks like. Also toying, I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Unbiased? You mean totally delusional. Even the Russian millbloggers agree with the basic facts. Also if Russia is toying with Ukraine, why have they built multiple lines of defense, why are they building defenses in Crimea.

Stop it, get help.
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
So then I have no idea what you are saying and you really didn't answer the question.

What does peace look like to you.
You accusing someone of verbal diahera is like Paul Bernardo accusing someone of being rough on the woman and not being a feminist ally, like Trump accusing someone of lying too much, Peter Dinlledge making someone for being too short etc. Your lack of self awareness...

As for your second point, you seem unhappy that Biden is standing up to Poutine yet you call him weak... or do you mean his bench, squat and deadlift... again FDR, crippled from Polio, told Germany and Japan to eat a fat dick. Also a bit ironic that you keep calling Biden weak when you are the one who wants him to roll over like a bitch.

Also again, we could have one of those Icelandic strongmen with Churchillian guts in charge in Canada, it's still Canada.

Also we are nowhere near WW3, that would be like asking you, yes or no, do you still beat your wife. Well, do you, punk.
Ask yourself, why werent there any wars when the Orange man was running things? Peace through strength my freedom loving man.
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