An yes, the Trump mind readers. It's not what he said, but what he meant. There's literally no way anyone, including you or Russia, could know what Trump might do in the future and what he meant. If there was a possibility NATO might dissolve, there was still no need for war. You can't circularly talk your way out of that by claiming Trump didn't mean the words he said and Russia knew it.
Is Russia? My point wasn't that money is infinite. My point was that NATO has more money and equipment than Russia and its allies. So Russia and its allies will run out first. So you tell me what happens when the money dries up. How exactly do you think $370 billion is going to outlast more than $1 trillion?
Trump didn't have this dilemma because he was unhinged, unstable, and kept saying he was going to dissolve NATO.
Russia sent 50,000 troops into Ukraine on his watch all the same. The Russian invasion didn't start in February of last year, it was ongoing through Trump's entire presidency. It was just cold back then and went hot last February. When you ask why they didn't invade under Trump, you just expose your ignorance on the topic. They did. And if you think it wasn't hot because they were scared of Trump, you should learn some basic Russian and watch interviews in Russian with Putin and spend time in Russian telegram channels to see what they think of your cult leader and then get back to me.
And yet oddly you parrot Fox talking points, mixed with a little RT. You say it's trash, but clearly you still get info from it, even if it's just retweets or whatever "source" you're using.