I'm not going to whine about your property tax about to be jacked up.
I wonder if she will pull the scam she did with Jack Layton and move back into Toronto Community Housing to save rent. Meanwhile some family in desperate need of housing will be left out on the street. All you people so happy tonight are going to be calling for her head within a year.
I wouldnt put it past her as her and Layton were pulling in 6 figures then yet thought they were entitled to live in subsidized housing.
She has no concept of of running anything and we just have to look south of the border to see how disastrous their large cities have become when run by Democratic Mayors who spend money that isnt there yet crime runs rapport and their cities crumble. She will act like taxpayers money is her slush fund and as she doesn't have a car yet along even a drivers license look out .
I do agree with her that Toronto residents are not paying near enough property taxes relative to other municipalities and for the services they want. No one wants to pay more in taxes but that will have to happen.
Federal /Provincial money will be needed but hopefully there will be strings attached so the rest of the city isnt turned into bike lanes that arent used or the rest of the city parks turned into encampments.
Toronto disproportionately pays more than they receive both Federally and Provincially but she is the wrong Mayor to rectify the situation.
As Winston Churchill said " democracy is the worst form of government -except for all of the other ones that have been tried"
Unfortunately it was ludicrous to have 102 candidates that just split the vote. The answer would be to have the top 2 vote getters Chow and Ana have a run off that would more accurately determine who is the peoples choice as cooler heads would have prevailed as they do it in some European cities bur alas we don't have that in place.