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In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So it shows how much of a hypocrite you are with your claims of supporting peace while blindly backing groups that don't promote it.
Ending apartheid is the first step towards peace.
Using BDS to force Israel to give Palestinians basic human rights is the first step towards peace.

Its you that is against peace, you that just wants more settler colonialism, more land theft and more brutal, apartheid occupation.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I know you don't read but you obviously missed the post a couple back where I already condemned them and will so again. That fringe Israeli party is racist and deserves condemnation.

And of course you happily ignore that Hamas and many Palestinian parties openly promote the removal of Jews from the region. You know, ethnic cleansing. Of course instead of acknowledging that you are backing racist groups like Gaza's government, you try to pretend it's racist to call Hamas a terrorist group.
That fringe party is part of the Israeli government.
I see no difference in their views and the views you push here.

You push hatred of Palestinians and openly support taking their land and forcing them to live in the world's largest open air prison.
You have supported shooting them for peacefully protesting for basic human rights at the March of Return.
You support the ethnic cleansing that is actually ongoing, including the Sheikh Jarrah last year.
You support shooting American journalists who report on Israeli violence.

You are no different than Hamas.

End apartheid.
Bring on equal rights.
End the occupation.
The NPD and Greens are against Israeli apartheid, it won't be long before the liberals join them.

Stop pushing supremacist views and racist attacks on Palestinians.

You blame Hamas while crap like this happens almost every day.
Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian man, breaking both his arms. Then the army arrested him.
While he was working on his land, a group of Israeli settlers armed with sticks, metal pipes, and M16s attacked Hafez Huraini and his son Muhammad. Hafez was badly injured, and both of his arms were broken. When a Palestinian ambulance arrived to evacuate him, the settlers slashed the tires, but the Israeli soldiers arrested Huraini, claiming he had hurt one of the settlers.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
next on Anti-Jewish Terrorist Files

Fatah Announces Return to Terrorism

Earlier this week, Palestinian terrorists — one a member of the Western-funded Palestinian Security Services — shot and killed an Israeli officer, before they were killed themselves.

Palestinian Authority (PA) official media outlets and the Fatah party — both headed by Mahmoud Abbas — have responded with support for the attack that killed the Israeli officer.

Most significantly, following the attack, Fatah officially announced that it is returning to terror.

Right after the attack, Fatah released a video on its official Facebook page celebrating the terror attack. During the video, a text appeared on the screen with three important messages:

1. “The Al-Aqsa-Palestine [Martyrs’] Brigades is officially announcing its operations”
2. “The Fatah movement takes responsibility for the operations of its military arm [the Al-Aqsa-Martyrs’ Brigades]”
3. The Fatah leadership announces that it has returned to the phase of the armed struggle [ i.e., Fatah’s euphemism for terror]”
The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades is an internationally-designated terror organization. For years, the United States, Europe, and other funders of the PA have tried to differentiate between Fatah — which is headed by PA leader Mahmoud Abbas — and its terror branch, the Brigades.

Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) has argued all along that this differentiation is false and artificial. Now Fatah has officially confirmed that they are one organization, and that Fatah is taking credit and responsibility for its murderous terror attacks.

The third part of Fatah’s announcement is also significant. For years, PMW has been reporting that Fatah regularly declares that the pause in “armed struggle” is temporary, and that the phase of the “armed struggle” will return. Now Fatah has officially announced that it has returned to terror.

The implications of this announcement on international funding and support for the PA/Fatah should be significant. This may explain why shortly after posting the video, Fatah removed it from its Facebook page. However, PMW had already copied the post and downloaded the video, and will be releasing it.

While Fatah removed the video, they also posted many items on Facebook celebrating the terrorists and displaying their pictures. In the following post, it can be seen that one of the terrorists is wearing the uniform of the PA Security Services:

The United States and many Western countries fund the PA Security Services to fight terror against Israel. PMW has reported numerous examples of members of the PA security services’ involved in terror. This time, official PA TV and other sources are acknowledging and even praising the involvement of the Palestinian police in terror.

tamar Marcus, Founder and Director of Palestinian Media Watch, is one of the foremost authorities on Palestinian ideology and policy. A version of this article first appeared at PMW.

Fatah Announces Return to Terrorism | Jewish & Israel News


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Ending apartheid is the first step towards peace.
Using BDS to force Israel to give Palestinians basic human rights is the first step towards peace.

Its you that is against peace, you that just wants more settler colonialism, more land theft and more brutal, apartheid occupation.
More of your bullshit. BDS doesn't support any peace plan, just like Hamas is openly a terrorist group promoting ethnic cleansing.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
That fringe party is part of the Israeli government.
What absolute crap. The racists and their coalition partners currently have 6 seats out of 120 and are in the opposition block.

Hamas on the other hand IS the absolute government of Gaza and factions of Fatah who rule the PA equally endorse ethnic cleansing of Jews (though thankfully they no longer openly endorse attacks on civilians).

It is pathetically transparent that you have zero interest in promoting peace or human rights in this case and simply are here trying to change the topic by trying to promote hatred and demonize Israel. The most transparent aspect is the way you scream that everyone else is racist as you're excusing a designated terrorist entity who pushes an extremist religious view and hates democracy and rights.


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2020
next on Anti-Jewish Terrorist Files

Fatah Announces Return to Terrorism

Earlier this week, Palestinian terrorists — one a member of the Western-funded Palestinian Security Services — shot and killed an Israeli officer, before they were killed themselves.

Palestinian Authority (PA) official media outlets and the Fatah party — both headed by Mahmoud Abbas — have responded with support for the attack that killed the Israeli officer.

Most significantly, following the attack, Fatah officially announced that it is returning to terror.

Right after the attack, Fatah released a video on its official Facebook page celebrating the terror attack. During the video, a text appeared on the screen with three important messages:

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades is an internationally-designated terror organization. For years, the United States, Europe, and other funders of the PA have tried to differentiate between Fatah — which is headed by PA leader Mahmoud Abbas — and its terror branch, the Brigades.

Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) has argued all along that this differentiation is false and artificial. Now Fatah has officially confirmed that they are one organization, and that Fatah is taking credit and responsibility for its murderous terror attacks.

The third part of Fatah’s announcement is also significant. For years, PMW has been reporting that Fatah regularly declares that the pause in “armed struggle” is temporary, and that the phase of the “armed struggle” will return. Now Fatah has officially announced that it has returned to terror.

The implications of this announcement on international funding and support for the PA/Fatah should be significant. This may explain why shortly after posting the video, Fatah removed it from its Facebook page. However, PMW had already copied the post and downloaded the video, and will be releasing it.

While Fatah removed the video, they also posted many items on Facebook celebrating the terrorists and displaying their pictures. In the following post, it can be seen that one of the terrorists is wearing the uniform of the PA Security Services:

The United States and many Western countries fund the PA Security Services to fight terror against Israel. PMW has reported numerous examples of members of the PA security services’ involved in terror. This time, official PA TV and other sources are acknowledging and even praising the involvement of the Palestinian police in terror.

tamar Marcus, Founder and Director of Palestinian Media Watch, is one of the foremost authorities on Palestinian ideology and policy. A version of this article first appeared at PMW.

Fatah Announces Return to Terrorism | Jewish & Israel News
They never left, leopards never changes their spots.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
next on Anti-Jewish Terrorist Files

Fatah Announces Return to Terrorism

Earlier this week, Palestinian terrorists — one a member of the Western-funded Palestinian Security Services — shot and killed an Israeli officer, before they were killed themselves.
Your article is nonsense.
Its not terrorism to target the military, its just resistance to an illegal occupation and apartheid regime, that is well within their rights.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
More of your bullshit. BDS doesn't support any peace plan, just like Hamas is openly a terrorist group promoting ethnic cleansing.
BDS will end apartheid.

You call Defense for Children International 'terrorists'.
You call anyone who supports Palestinian human rights 'terrorists'.
Even here, you try to associate BDS with Hamas to try to label BDS as 'terrorism'.

Just end the occupation if you want peace.
End apartheid.

Stop the bullshit.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
BDS will end apartheid.
You claim to support peace yet you endorse a group that doesn't.

And just a reminder that there are absolutely no Palestinian leaders who support an egalitarian society alongside Jews and polling shows the vast majority of Palestinians reject it. BTW. The UN (which you claim to support) rejects a One State peace too.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Stop trying to demonize the victims of...
Still trying to claim it's racist to say that a designated terrorist entity is a designated terrorist entity? I guess someone needs to defend racist religious extremist terrorists.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You claim to support peace yet you endorse a group that doesn't.
BDS supports peace through non-violent ending of apartheid.

Just because you don't support peace doesn't mean others can't figure out how to do it.
You should learn Canadian values, end your love of racist colonial settlers and learn to understand that all peoples deserve equal rights.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
next on anti-jewish terrorism files

Former Social Democratic Party (SPD) member of the state parliament Michael Höntsch was attacked by a pro-Palestinian demonstrator in Hanover. The preliminary proceedings have now been dropped. The 68-year-old notes a “strange timidity” in the fight against Muslim anti-Semitism.

The attack is documented on a video. “Freedom for Palestine” is shouted from a crowd. Then a crowd forms around a man and a woman holding an Israel flag. The man is the former Social Democratic Party (SPD) member of the state parliament Michael Höntsch; he has a cane and an oxygen device with him.

A man wearing sunglasses and a Palestinian scarf approaches him aggressively. Then a fist hits Höntsch’s face, he goes down and briefly faints.

The incident happened on April 23 this year in the city centre of Hanover. The group “Palestine Speaks” had called their “comrades, brothers, sisters and freedom fighters” to a rally for “Solidarity with Palestine”. Now it is clear: the attack by the pro-Palestinian demonstrators on the politician, who calls himself a friend of Israel, will go unpunished.

The police had taken the personal details of a Palestinian on the spot and initiated a preliminary investigation on suspicion of bodily harm. However, a spokesperson for the public prosecutor’s office in Hanover told the newspaper WELT: “The proceedings against the stateless 55-year-old man were discontinued due to a lack of sufficient suspicion of a crime, because it was not possible to prove intentional bodily harm.</div>

Höntsch’s daughter-in-law Rebecca Seidler was present at the incident and was fined 128.50 euros at the beginning of September. She is accused of holding an open-air assembly that had not been reported and thus of committing an administrative offence.

Seidler is the executive director of the Liberal Jewish Community of Hanover. According to her, she had come to the rally with Höntsch in order to observe and document possible anti-Semitic incidents and violations of regulations.

Höntsch had not brought the Israel flag himself, but held it spontaneously in silent protest together with a woman who had it with her.

“It is hard to understand that the physical attack against me remains without consequences, while my daughter-in-law is punished for observing a demonstration,” says Höntsch. The former interior politician had decided against pressing charges himself at the time – out of concern that he would become even more the focus of those who behaved so aggressively at the rally.

“With consideration for my family, I had thoughtfully refrained from pressing charges. I was directly exposed to the demonstrators’ propensity for violence and was worried that I could be threatened again,” said the 68-year-old. Concern for personal data also played a role. “I don’t want to meet the men who attacked me again alone”.

Germany: Attack on man with Israel flag at pro-Palestinian demonstration goes unpunished – His daughter-in-law present is punished because she reported the crime – Allah's Willing Executioners (


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
BDS supports peace through non-violent ending of apartheid.
BDS DOES NOT support any peace deal but as usual, you actually ignore what Palestinians say when it interferes with your agenda.

Everyone knows that yours and many people's support for BDS is simply as a tool to eliminate Israel.

You should go back to claiming that it's racist to call Hamas a designated terrorist entity but okay to protest random Jews because of Israel.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
BDS DOES NOT support any peace deal but as usual, you actually ignore what Palestinians say when it interferes with your agenda.

Everyone knows that yours and many people's support for BDS is simply as a tool to eliminate Israel.

You should go back to claiming that it's racist to call Hamas a designated terrorist entity but okay to protest random Jews because of Israel.
A tweet from 7 years ago.
Since then Amnesty, HRW, B'tselem, Yesh Din and the UN have all found Israel apartheid.
The NDP and Greens are calling for action.

When Trudeau listens to his base and party he will support BDS over apartheid.
Its only a matter of time and you know it.
Its a moral duty to end apartheid.

Meanwhile, what are you doing?



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
next on anti-jewish terrorist files...

(September 20, 2022 / JNS) Two board members of the Palm Beach County School District in Florida were asked by activists and local residents to return awards they recently received from the South Florida Muslim Federation (SFMF), a group with ties to anti-Semitic individuals and Islamic institutions, according to the Middle East Forum.

“School board members, you like to talk about diversity, but by standing with the South Florida Muslim Federation, you are standing with the worst of violence and bigotry,” Joe Kaufman, an associate with the Counter-Islamist Grid and founder of the Joe Kaufman Security Initiative, told board members Erica Whitfield and Alexandria Ayala at the hearing on Aug. 17.

“Shame on you. Return the awards now,” he said.

The hearing took place after a third board member of the Palm Beach County School District, vice chair Karen Brill, renounced the award she received from SFMF and vowed to “never” work with the federation again.

In June, SFMF hosted a lunch at which it gave plaques to the three board members in recognition of their “efforts and support towards equity and inclusion” for giving Muslim students a day off from school on Eid Al-Fitr, the final day of Ramadan.

At the hearing, a group of citizens repeatedly expressed concerns about SFMF leaders and member organizations, which include individuals who have ties to the terrorist organizations Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Al-Qaeda.
Kaufman called SFMF “an umbrella organization for groups associated with terrorism and bigotry aimed at Jews, Christians, Hindus, gays, women and even fellow Muslims who do not subscribe to their brand of extremism.”
He pointed out that SFMF President Samir Kakli posted on Facebook in May that Israel is the “world’s leading terrorist organization” and participated in a rally that advocated for Israel’s destruction.
SFMF’s Palm Beach representative Abdul Rauf Khan has reportedly posted videos on social media of notorious anti-Semite and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, as well as clips that vilify gays and Jews, Kaufman said. He additionally noted that SFMF’s former Facebook manager, Abdul Rahman Al-Ghani, called Jews “demonic” and the SFMF member organization Masjid Jamaat-ul-Mumineen refers to Jews and Christians as “enemies” on its website.
Another local resident who spoke at the hearing drew attention to the fact that the Darul Uloom Islamic Institute, an SFMF-affiliated mosque, reportedly had congregants who plotted terrorist attacks, and Al-Qaeda member Adnan Shukrijumah once led prayers there.
Among the several members who spoke in defense of SFMF during the hearing was Gibson Lopez, SFMF’s operations manager, who claimed “a lot of things were said today that misrepresented our community,” according to the Middle East Forum.
Corey Shearer, outreach lead for Engage-Florida, which is under the federation’s umbrella, also defended SFMF, saying, “I don’t think you should be able to talk about people’s speech and vilify that and condemn them for that speech.”

Palm Beach school board members under fire for accepting awards from Islamist federation with anti-Semitic ties -


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Here's what BDS is talking about, ending apartheid.
Thanks for admitting that BDS does not support peace, either a Two State peace as endorsed by the UN or the One State peace you want to force Palestinians into. That's why Canada considers BDS to be counterproductive and a home for racists.

But sure, keep pretending you support peace while backing a group against the idea.

If you want to play random stories....

The PA tries to arrest suspected terrorists, gunmen shoot at them, and the PA decides to let the gunmen win. Though I guess it's better than Hamas who would be celebrating accused terrorists.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts