BDS does not endorse any peace plan. You claim to support peace and equal rights but you happily endorse a group that doesn't support any peace concept, even the one you want Palestinians forced into. Another case of your fraud.
BDS's goal is the end of apartheid.
That will lead to peace.
Give Palestinians full rights and the right to vote.
While all you want is more colonization, more occupation, more killing and more apartheid.
According to the rights groups you selectively quote, Hamas and other terror factions in Gaza launching indiscriminate rockets are war crimes and have no justification. You keep referring to them as self defence.
According to the rights groups you selectively quote, attacks on random Jews, whether in Israel or the West Bank, are not self defence. You keep trying to make the topic where the attack occurs and try to claim settlers are legitimate military targets.
According to the UN, a Two State peace is the only reasonable path forward. You pretend to support a One State peace that Palestinians hate and you refuse to criticize the Palestinian leadership that outright rejects the concept.
Yes, Hamas rockets are war crimes like Israeli artillery and tank fire are war crimes. Which is different a lesser war crime than apartheid and intentionally targeting civilians as Israel continues to do.
What is this 'random Jew' nonsense? I never use those terms and never talk about attacks on 'random' people.
The two state solution is dead, there have been no talks for almost a decade while Israel has taken too much of what should have been Palestine to make it possible. Nobody thinks its going to happen any more.
So end apartheid instead, the two state solution is gone.
And you keep pushing the Apartheid demonization despite 20% of Israelis being the exact same race as Palestinians but have full legal rights (regardless of what a guy hired by the Rights-abusers Council says).
No, there are 4 levels of apartheid under Israeli rule, Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem and inside the Green Line. The UN and all other reports have clearly stated that each of those has their own form of apartheid but its all apartheid. Stop pushing nonsense.